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I believe this is the effective route that is taken in IMSA and IMSA70.3. You do have the ability to declare medications on your registration form.



Okay maybe I should take the time to read the entire form next year before just signing it.blush.png

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According to the 2010-2011 South African Institute for Drug-free Sport annual report, triathletes were tested 141 times during that period and there was one positive. Compare that to cycling where, for the same period, there were 248 tests and one positive.

9 applications for TUEs for triathletes were received and only 5 were approved. In cycling 46 applications were received and 33 were approved.


I remember an article about a triathlete, I think in Go Multi, who got bust over inadvertent use of a banned substance. Was an age grouper who got a podium in a small race. Must be the one positive test.

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I remember an article about a triathlete, I think in Go Multi, who got bust over inadvertent use of a banned substance. Was an age grouper who got a podium in a small race. Must be the one positive test.


The only thing I will test positivie to is kicking Daves arse at Bela Bela!

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The only thing I will test positivie to is kicking Daves arse at Bela Bela!


Being a Garfield you must be on PEP. Performance Enhancing Pasta.

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Being a Garfield you must be on PEP. Performance Enhancing Pasta.




Dave if you enter Abu Dhabi I will donate 2 pints of blood the day before the race to ensure you have a fair chance! eek.gif

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Lots of triathletes have been caught and banned. I think most, if not all, of the pros are doping.


I just assume everyone is doping: it's easier than having to deal with the disappointment when they eventually get caught.


jeeez thats a big statement to make! care not name some of the big names that have been banned?

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I could go on, but I think the above names kind of make my point.

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In any cased EPO only increases performance by 3% (according to Tyler),




Well, he must be a liar ;-)


The guys at Sportsscientist.com published an extract from a Lab study into the effects of EPO use that found :


"EPO use improved time to exhaustion by an enormous 54% within 4 weeks!


Peak Power Output improved by 13% in the first four weeks of the trial"


It is clear why it is seen as the game changer in endurance sports. I am sure many tri-athletes, like athletes in other sports where you can improve your time to exhaustion at 80% of max power by these margins are "benefiting"



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Well, he must be a liar ;-)


The guys at Sportscientist.com published an extract from a Lab study into the effects of EPO use that found :


"EPO use improved time to exhaustion by an enormous 54% within 4 weeks!


Peak Power Output improved by 13% in the first four weeks of the trial"


It is clear why it is seen as thegame changer in endurance sports. I am sure many tri-athletes, like athletes in other sports where you can improve your time to exhaustion at 80% of max power by these margins are "benefiting"




not neccessarily. Tyler and co were already at their ultimate physical limit. 103% is a lot when everyone is at 100%

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I could go on, but I think the above names kind of make my point.


Lance was National champ in two successive years...

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I could go on, but I think the above names kind of make my point.

eek.gif or i have been living under a rock or these cases where kept very hush hush!


Point made!! indeed

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A cycling grand tour is the ultimate endurance use-case for EPO and / or blood doping of one type or another. Cycling could be setting an example for the rest of the sporting world by imposing zero tolerance.


The simple truth is most people - the people who really finance the sport and keep the sponsors in money are the fans - don't give enough of a **** or understand the underside of the sport well enough to demand it, and the industry people that are involved enough to push it through are making too much cash from the status quo.

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So then I think it is safe not to make any Cyclist or Triathlete your hero or inspiration for now.............. Although I really really do believe that Raynard was clean.

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The difference between Hansie and Lance (et al) is that Hansie cheated to lose. Lance and friends cheated to win.


Last night doing some research on the Alpe d'Huez triathlon, I watched the Lance vs Jan stare scene from 2001. Holy crap it was exciting to watch again. Now with knowledge that they were both on the same juice, it was goose bump stuff to watch two gladiators go toe to toe.


I think we can still have heroes. Just know that the rules are there to stop athletes dying from the PEDs because they can't stop they using them completely.

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Dave, I can be your hero. I am clean and a hardcore endurance gladiator.


And I can do the "stare" thingy in PE to every cyclist I pass.

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The difference between Hansie and Lance (et al) is that Hansie cheated to lose. Lance and friends cheated to win.



There is that, but the similarity is that they both used their leadership positions to convince less sophisticated, more vulnerable members of their teams to cheat. For me, that is the most egregious of their actions.





......it was goose bump stuff to watch two gladiators medical teams go toe to toe.




Fixed whistling.gif

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