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Easton wheels


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A real pity what CWC said on this thread. Makes me never want to support them.


Arrogance does not attract customers.


But I will soon forget this and will probably buy from CWC again.

I don't know it's left a seriaaas *** taste in my mouth

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I understand fully when, whether because of a poor experience or perhaps not liking the shops colour scheme, (or the brand for that matter) on chooses not to buy from them. But when we start 'soap boxing' about that, as happens far too often, here on the Hub. Perhaps the Dept of Health needs to recommend that testosterone be added to our drinking water.

Not sure whether it will leave a bad taste in one's mouth.........


I do believe that CWC offers an valuable service to the local cycling community, like all other bike shops

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Mine are crap I'm looking at Hope hubs and ZTR rims will sell my Easton shortly they XC 90's

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Wow!! I, like the originator of this post, am still riding two 26rs and need some wheels for the old ht. Thus, these wheel specials caught my eye too. The first thing I do when trying to decide what to buy is do a google. From this search, generally speaking, the Easton EA90's are rated very good internationally. However, it is also very lekker to have local opinion to help make a decision, which, if available and constructive, I factor in too. But ultimately, it is my money that I am spending and I need to consider all the facts and make my decision.


However, it seems that too often on the hub the facts get clouded by personal opinion, name calling, etc. For example, CWC says they are registered dealers for TAXC trainers. However, the TACX website doesn't list them as official dealers. Has the TAXC website been updated to include them? I don't know because I don't have all the facts. However, until I do have all the facts I am compelled to believe CWC because I don't see why they would need to lie about that. Am I wrong - maybe. Can I condemn someone without all the facts - NO, how can I?!


Thus, if we synthesise the facts from these posts we see that some folk have had problems with Eastons and some haven't at all. That is exactly the same as for most other products I research. We also see, for example, that Easton EA90 hubs are not sealed which can cause problems when dirt, etc gets into them. Thus, it appears to me that, like with everything else I will ever buy, I will need to do my research and decide if, for the purpose I will be using the product for, the wheels, etc will suit my requirements. And generally it works too - I have a set of AM classics that are awesome! However, will everything always be 100% - No, because that is life and I can't get it right 100% of the time.


Which brings me on to CWC - am I wrong in assuming that many of us are very happy with CWC's items, prices and services??? If I am wrong, then I am sorry and sincerely apologise. However, from my readings of past specials, prices and services, the general facts seem to be that CWC is a reputable dealer bringing us good products at excellent prices. Therefore, how can I complain of a bad taste in my mouth? Can I go around randomly dishing them.Would that behaviour be reasonable and ethical?


Thus, like others here I think that CWC offers a valuable service to me and I will continue to support them just like I do my LBS's in the future unless some facts make me change my mind.

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The reason for the bad taste is actually simple AS SAID BEFORE arrogance, IT'S SIMPE business 101 customer asks a question, no need to be arrogant just because you " know" better, the reason CWC makes money it's simple they offer a service to a customer who can't import himself,does not know better,can't afford to.so when asked a question don't assume it's an attack, proceed to do your dam job and answer properly,unless. You tired of being asked the same questions for a reason!!!on the chirp of me needing testosterone thanks for the concern it warms my sack that you care

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Guest Kalahari ou
The reason for the bad taste is actually simple AS SAID BEFORE arrogance, IT'S SIMPE business 101 customer asks a question, no need to be arrogant just because you " know" better, the reason CWC makes money it's simple they offer a service to a customer who can't import himself,does not know better,can't afford to.so when asked a question don't assume it's an attack, proceed to do your dam job and answer properly,unless. You tired of being asked the same questions for a reason!!!on the chirp of me needing testosterone thanks for the concern it warms my sack that you care


The customer is always right. ... even if he is being a box!


But I think cwc may have come across more aggressive than intended?



Edit. .. im not saying your a box. .. im just saying that the customer must always be treated as an asset...


Edited by Kalahari ou
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The customer is always right. ... even if he is being a box!


But I think cwc may have come across more aggressive than intended?

The customer always being right has a place , but the way he answered Leeds me to think that he has been asked the question one time to many, therefore is aggressive

Then in that case why are these issued raised ??? I don't go with its LBS feeling sorry for themselves cause the mighty CWC is taking so much revenue from them, I SMELL A RAT

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Wow!! I, like the originator of this post, am still riding two 26rs and need some wheels for the old ht. Thus, these wheel specials caught my eye too. The first thing I do when trying to decide what to buy is do a google. From this search, generally speaking, the Easton EA90's are rated very good internationally. However, it is also very lekker to have local opinion to help make a decision, which, if available and constructive, I factor in too. But ultimately, it is my money that I am spending and I need to consider all the facts and make my decision.


However, it seems that too often on the hub the facts get clouded by personal opinion, name calling, etc. For example, CWC says they are registered dealers for TAXC trainers. However, the TACX website doesn't list them as official dealers. Has the TAXC website been updated to include them? I don't know because I don't have all the facts. However, until I do have all the facts I am compelled to believe CWC because I don't see why they would need to lie about that. Am I wrong - maybe. Can I condemn someone without all the facts - NO, how can I?!


Thus, if we synthesise the facts from these posts we see that some folk have had problems with Eastons and some haven't at all. That is exactly the same as for most other products I research. We also see, for example, that Easton EA90 hubs are not sealed which can cause problems when dirt, etc gets into them. Thus, it appears to me that, like with everything else I will ever buy, I will need to do my research and decide if, for the purpose I will be using the product for, the wheels, etc will suit my requirements. And generally it works too - I have a set of AM classics that are awesome! However, will everything always be 100% - No, because that is life and I can't get it right 100% of the time.


Which brings me on to CWC - am I wrong in assuming that many of us are very happy with CWC's items, prices and services??? If I am wrong, then I am sorry and sincerely apologise. However, from my readings of past specials, prices and services, the general facts seem to be that CWC is a reputable dealer bringing us good products at excellent prices. Therefore, how can I complain of a bad taste in my mouth? Can I go around randomly dishing them.Would that behaviour be reasonable and ethical?


Thus, like others here I think that CWC offers a valuable service to me and I will continue to support them just like I do my LBS's in the future unless some facts make me change my mind.


Ok...lets explain further.


I agree with you completely.


You should do your research and make the best decision for yourself.


I assume your research is mostly made up of sites such as this and pother peoples opinions. These opinions do not lay down the law, merely offer there side of the story to help you make up your own mind? am I correct?


Much the same is my thinking.


So when doing my own research I uncover a few questionable facts, I feel compelled to share them to a community of people that might be able to use that knowledge.


Whether you choose to follow the same road as me is of no concern to me.


If we never shared our opinion, the hub would be very linear and not community based at all wouldn't it?


I only made mention of the TACX issue due to CWC post.


In one of my posts I clearly mention that you are free to make your own choices, but if I (as in me) am spending that amount of money on a trainer I would rather pay 10% more for better local backup service. That is my choice.


I have bought from CWC in the past, and will continue to do so, but only on the smaller items that I do not care if there is no backup service...again my cholice.

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I guess most wheels will taco when bombing down a trail with the handlebars turned like that.


Hahaha, I agree, I was just stirring the hub cauldron a bit.

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Thanks for the further explanation Wayne, understand your point better. Also would most likely pay 10% more at my LBS for peace of mind too.

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I like CWC. I think they cut out the middleman who takes some of the LBS revenue, I think they get us much better prices than we would otherwise, they bring competition and competitive prices throughout the bike industry.


As for what oom Chris said, think the pot boiled over somewhat. But I do agree with him to an extent.


Was in a shop the other day and just mentioned that CWC is selling item x at much less, and the owner got all cheeky and told me ja but if I factor in petrol to cwc I might as well pay that 30% or whatever more.


The bike shops don't like cwc, Yes they don't work through the normal channels but that is no reason why they should paint cwc black. Rather base your business on good advice and servicing of bikes. But most of them can't even do that and then they expect loyalty. As the saying goes, if you want loyalty get a dog.


PS: If you went into that same bike shop and took of a set of eastons from his shelf, and asked him what he thought he would have said they are the best wheels out there...

Edited by wheelerdealer
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I like CWC. They bring us more deals than any other lbs on the hub.


Some of the other online shops in SA are pathetic.


The whole tacx thing i dont want to get into too much as i dont know enough about it..

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Excuse my ignorance...I bought a 2nd hand easton rim and had a Powertap built into it with some generic spokes ....750 rand including the spokes (24) ..


So my question is ....why can't you use any spokes to fix the wheels if it breaks ?...this was a road wheel tho .

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