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IM70.3 SA 2014


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I'm in wave 6 so that means after I get chucked out of transition I get to go to the wimpy for breakfast and watch the others start. Only going at 7h40. Lonnnnng wait.

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I'm in wave 6 so that means after I get chucked out of transition I get to go to the wimpy for breakfast and watch the others start. Only going at 7h40. Lonnnnng wait.

also in wave 6
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Guys, some advice for 70.3 novice please.

What distance do you do on your long run/bike sessions?

I'm doing weekly 18k runs and 95k bikes at moment, should I increase it or rather work on speed? (I'm very slow)

Will start with brick sessions next week, what is the advice there, 90k bike and 10k run or like 70k bike and 5k run??

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I've never done this before so I'm not speaking from experience but I'd say that if you're doing an 18km run and a 95km bike ride each week already then I'd focus on speed and starting doing more brick sessions. I'd keep the distance as is. But that's my unexperienced answer

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Guys, some advice for 70.3 novice please.

What distance do you do on your long run/bike sessions?

I'm doing weekly 18k runs and 95k bikes at moment, should I increase it or rather work on speed? (I'm very slow)

Will start with brick sessions next week, what is the advice there, 90k bike and 10k run or like 70k bike and 5k run??


In my opinion those distances are plenty far enough. You should obviously be doing other shorter sessions in between, but if you're comfortable at those distances you shouldn't have any problem with the 70.3.


What type of brick session you do depends on your fitness and what you're comfortable with. Bricks are mostly there to get your body used to the transition between bike & run, so you don't have to do massively long runs after your bike to get benefits. My preference is for 50km cycle, 5km run sessions.

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Brick runs are to train your muscles to loosen after the ride. If you do 20min then you will be running freely.

Beyond that, you are training your running.

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Leading up to Jailbreak this year, I got my long bike up to 110k and did a couple of 20k runs 6 and 4 weeks out. Worked well for me.


I like to do bricks for two reasons: firstly, like all said above just to get used to the run of the bike. Short runs (3-5km) and at slightly higher speed than race pace. But, I also like to do at least one long brick for endurance, feel and to test nutrition. Thus far (olympic distance and 70.3) I've always done the bike length with a 75% run. I'll be doing one like that in the fist week of Jan for EL.


I only concentrate on speed once I'm 100% sure of my endurance. As I just did Jailbreak I know I'm there so I'll be focussing on speedwork for the next four weeks (with one long session of each discipline during every 9 day cycle).

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Not to highjack this thread, but thought I'd ask this here instead of making another 70.3 entry.


I'm doing my first 70.3 in Jan, and plan to use every second available to me to complete it. :)


I have been training; admittedly, probably not enough, but personal matters have unfortunately intruded.


My questions are these (they're probably silly Q's, but it's my first so I can plead ignorance):


1. How common are DNF's in our EL 70.3? There is always the possibility I may not be able to finish, and was just wondering if there's a nice large group I could commiserate with afterwards. :)


2. With the cut off times - how would they know I've exceeded the time available for the bike leg, for example. There are so many athletes, in various positions along the course, how would they know that I, who started at 07h40, have gone over the 5.5 hours allowed? Does a big red light come on as I cross into transition, causing a large dude to tackle me and see me out of the race? :D


Thanks lads,


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1. How common are DNF's in our EL 70.3? There is always the possibility I may not be able to finish, and was just wondering if there's a nice large group I could commiserate with afterwards. :)


2. With the cut off times - how would they know I've exceeded the time available for the bike leg, for example. There are so many athletes, in various positions along the course, how would they know that I, who started at 07h40, have gone over the 5.5 hours allowed? Does a big red light come on as I cross into transition, causing a large dude to tackle me and see me out of the race? :D


DNFs do happen, but they're the exception. Most that I know about are due to a serious mechanical issue on the bike or something else catastrophically going wrong. You'll be surprised at how much time you actually have to finish the race. If you're a half decent swimmer you make up a lot of time on the swim alone.


Edit: According to the stats, between 3-8% of entrants will DNF on any given day.


If I remember correctly, the different waves have different coloured thingamajigs on the numbers to indicate which wave you started in (which is how they know when the cut-off is for each individual).


I must say, though, that it is a very tough race. The bike course is rated the second toughest of all 70.3 races (http://www.runtri.co...stest-half.html), which should give you an indication that it's not for sissies.


The heat, humidity, wind and elevation changes are very real obstacles to overcome. Make sure you take in enough fluids on the day, as most people don't train in the conditions you'll encounter in EL.

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Thank you, Sluiper. Think it's going to be a sufferfest for me, but imma give it my all. IF I somehow DNF, I will make it next year. ;)

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Thank you, Sluiper. Think it's going to be a sufferfest for me, but imma give it my all. IF I somehow DNF, I will make it next year. ;)

I think most people that DNF do so in the swim or as Sluiper said have huge mechanicals. If you managed to get on to the run you can basically walk it and still make cut off.

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