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IM70.3 SA 2014


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DNFs do happen, but they're the exception. Most that I know about are due to a serious mechanical issue on the bike or something else catastrophically going wrong. You'll be surprised at how much time you actually have to finish the race. If you're a half decent swimmer you make up a lot of time on the swim alone.


Edit: According to the stats, between 3-8% of entrants will DNF on any given day.


If I remember correctly, the different waves have different coloured thingamajigs on the numbers to indicate which wave you started in (which is how they know when the cut-off is for each individual).


I must say, though, that it is a very tough race. The bike course is rated the second toughest of all 70.3 races (http://www.runtri.co...stest-half.html), which should give you an indication that it's not for sissies.


The heat, humidity, wind and elevation changes are very real obstacles to overcome. Make sure you take in enough fluids on the day, as most people don't train in the conditions you'll encounter in EL.

Interesting article


I wonder how Miami has a 41 min avg swim and a 2h20 run when it is flat? maybe the humidity?

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I think most people that DNF do so in the swim or as Sluiper said have huge mechanicals. If you managed to get on to the run you can basically walk it and still make cut off.


Thanks JGR. Fortunately my swim is relatively strong. Probably the strongest of all three disciplines (although, that's not actually saying much.)

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Not to highjack this thread, but thought I'd ask this here instead of making another 70.3 entry.


I'm doing my first 70.3 in Jan, and plan to use every second available to me to complete it. :)


I have been training; admittedly, probably not enough, but personal matters have unfortunately intruded.


My questions are these (they're probably silly Q's, but it's my first so I can plead ignorance):


1. How common are DNF's in our EL 70.3? There is always the possibility I may not be able to finish, and was just wondering if there's a nice large group I could commiserate with afterwards. :)


2. With the cut off times - how would they know I've exceeded the time available for the bike leg, for example. There are so many athletes, in various positions along the course, how would they know that I, who started at 07h40, have gone over the 5.5 hours allowed? Does a big red light come on as I cross into transition, causing a large dude to tackle me and see me out of the race? :D


Thanks lads,



Hi Bodhi


DNFs do happen through lack of preparation. Physical preparation to finish is less than what you may expect. Mental preparation is also important so you don't doubt yourself. Knowing that you WILL finish is a major advantage. Banish questions like these from your mind. It is what other people do.


You will finish. It will be tough at times but you will finish. When you are feeling tired and sore, know that you ARE DOING THIS. Many others wish they could but have not had the courage to face it. The pain will pass, you will feel better.


Back to the preparation. Know every detail about the race. Control everything that could possibly happen. What would you do if...? Goggle strap snaps five minutes before the start? Wetsuit tears? Puncture? Seat post clamp slips? Your food falls off your bike? Chain breaks? CRAMPS?


Every one of the items has a simple solution. Know what it is. Take responsibility for every moment of your race.


And SMILE, it makes you faster.

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Hi Bodhi


DNFs do happen through lack of preparation. Physical preparation to finish is less than what you may expect. Mental preparation is also important so you don't doubt yourself. Knowing that you WILL finish is a major advantage. Banish questions like these from your mind. It is what other people do.


You will finish. It will be tough at times but you will finish. When you are feeling tired and sore, know that you ARE DOING THIS. Many others wish they could but have not had the courage to face it. The pain will pass, you will feel better.


Back to the preparation. Know every detail about the race. Control everything that could possibly happen. What would you do if...? Goggle strap snaps five minutes before the start? Wetsuit tears? Puncture? Seat post clamp slips? Your food falls off your bike? Chain breaks? CRAMPS?


Every one of the items has a simple solution. Know what it is. Take responsibility for every moment of your race.


And SMILE, it makes you faster.


Wow, thanks Dave. That's probably the most motivating post I've ever read! :)


You are, of course, absolutely correct. Mindset is a huge portion of this amazing sport.


I do need to work on having confidence in my abilities - I guess lack thereof comes from where I started (very unfit, overweight, smoker etc etc), and, as I mentioned, personal issues stopped my training for a while.


Still have 5 weeks (incl. tapering) to lose a couple more kg's, and work on the fitness, so we'll see.


And my smile will more than likely be a permanent grimace! :D

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Wow, thanks Dave. That's probably the most motivating post I've ever read! :)


You are, of course, absolutely correct. Mindset is a huge portion of this amazing sport.


I do need to work on having confidence in my abilities - I guess lack thereof comes from where I started (very unfit, overweight, smoker etc etc), and, as I mentioned, personal issues stopped my training for a while.


Still have 5 weeks (incl. tapering) to lose a couple more kg's, and work on the fitness, so we'll see.


And my smile will more than likely be a permanent grimace! :D


Don't worry about the weight. That will take care of itself. You will be amazed at some of the body shapes who will finish, some even way ahead of you.


One of my personal biggest strengths is getting my head out of my body. By that I mean not thinking about how my body feels but about enjoying the moment. Interact with the crowd. I become a different personality on the race course. Feed off the crowds energy.


As an example, at IMSA I end up walking at times (actually a lot). When I want to run, I spot a cluster of people at the point where I want to start running again. I shout to them "Cheer and I will run!" The energy that comes back will get you going again and keep you going to the next water point.

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Bodhi, the relatively few that miss the cutoff do so on the cycling leg, and I believe in most cases its because they have gone out too hard. Its counter-intuitive, but if you think you might cut it close on the cycle, my tip would be to be sure you are riding within yourself on the way out - don't worry if you are tracking behind cut-off for half way - as long as you have some energy left you will come back 30 minutes or more quicker than you went out.

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I'm in Slummies for a few days and got to do a swim this morning with the locals... Only a really gentle easterly was "blowing" but it had a really unpleasant chop going and I reckon I swallowed half the Orient as a result! Moral of the story, hope for a westerly on race day....

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Bodhi, the relatively few that miss the cutoff do so on the cycling leg, and I believe in most cases its because they have gone out too hard. Its counter-intuitive, but if you think you might cut it close on the cycle, my tip would be to be sure you are riding within yourself on the way out - don't worry if you are tracking behind cut-off for half way - as long as you have some energy left you will come back 30 minutes or more quicker than you went out.


Thanks dracs. I think I need to try and work out a goal pace for my bike leg, so I'll know whether I'm too fast/slow etc. I'll definitely keep what you said in mind when I do so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an extra plane ticket for sale from OR Tambo to the half leaving Friday and returning the Monday. Inbox me for details

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3 weeks to go. How did everyone's training go over the holidays?


I did not get much chance to swim or to put in long rides, but I did a lot of hill and interval training. I did my first long ride yesterday in 2 weeks and I felt strong. I guess the interval training on the indoor trainer does help.


One week of full training and then I start the frustrating tapering period.


How long and how do you guys taper, if at all?

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Nerves are setting in, super excited for my first 70.3... Going for a 5:30, lets see how it goes, as long as I save for the run, it should be manageable... then for the full IM training, a very different story all together....

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3 weeks to go. How did everyone's training go over the holidays?


I did not get much chance to swim or to put in long rides, but I did a lot of hill and interval training. I did my first long ride yesterday in 2 weeks and I felt strong. I guess the interval training on the indoor trainer does help.


One week of full training and then I start the frustrating tapering period.


How long and how do you guys taper, if at all?


training with MyTrainingDay, they have got me tapering from the previous Monday..


Normal training is 2 activities a day, eg Swim morning, run evening or bike morning, core evening etc.


2 weeks before, only one activity a day, race intensity, but 75% of normal training distance


final week of race, very short distances at medium\high intensity Mon - 9km run easy race pace with intervals. Tues - 30km bike (3min intervals). wed - 1600m swim short intervals. Thu - Rest, Friday - 1000m swim in ocean, find landmarks etc for race, Sat - 30min bike and 15min run

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Ja, getting nervous myself :) This is my second one, so hoping for an improvement over last year. Aiming for a sub 6:00, but realistically probably a 6:15.


In contrast to last year, my swim and run are both looking good and my bike is looking a bit worrying. Also need to try and lose 2-3kg in the next 2 weeks.


Will be doing 2 hard weeks and an easy taper for the last week.


Race targets for me:


Swim: 0:35

Bike: 3:00

Run: 2:10


T1 + T2: 0:10

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Ja, getting nervous myself :) This is my second one, so hoping for an improvement over last year. Aiming for a sub 6:00, but realistically probably a 6:15.


In contrast to last year, my swim and run are both looking good and my bike is looking a bit worrying. Also need to try and lose 2-3kg in the next 2 weeks.


Will be doing 2 hard weeks and an easy taper for the last week.


Race targets for me:


Swim: 0:35

Bike: 3:00

Run: 2:10


T1 + T2: 0:10


Good grief, if you guys are 'nervous' with those time targets, then I am officially fcking terrified. :-0

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