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TBMTBC what you are not allowed to talk about on FB group

Guest Smimby

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Guest Smimby

I am a member but seldom ride the trails (work doesn't allow me to) but filling in a rut in the ground I personally think is going over the top, it's a mountain bike trail isn't it

You are right, but I think we are referring to maintenance and ONE section that needs a better solution.

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Probably is not good enough Da Vinci, compared to 2 years ago the club is in a MUCH better condition and moving forward in leaps and bounds. Given the communication could be fine tuned but by your own admission they are appointing a admin person in the near future who I assume will assist with communication and membership queries so that tells me they are trying to fix their shortfalls?


As for the condition of the trails for newbies well I can honestly say I have never let a person fall, my wife,my 2 daughters, friends and friends children can testify to that. Slow and steady, if you are not sure walk it till you build confidence, that is what we need to get into newbies heads. We need to educate people not just ride along with them. What is going to happen to that newbie that has only ridden a perfectly manicured trail when they get to a fun ride with ruts ,loose gravel and drainage ditches?


Anyway I am tired of this argument because we will never come to agreement so I am off to join the vast majority(too scared to speak up) of the club members on our stunning trails.


P.S. Without faith we are nothing, have some faith in the committee you helped choose.


Noel I don't LET them fall but It happens. You can talk and coach til u blue in the face but if someone panics they panic. I take that insinuation quite personally.

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We have all seen the posts that you refer to (those who get deleted) - they get deleted not so much for the original question that was posed, but rather for the crap that follows after that. As with this thread here on The Hub, you NEVER let something go until you are satisfied with it. If questions are answered in a way that you do not like or you feel is not sufficient, you will just go on and on and on, in the process irritating most members and causing them to perhaps say nasty things and the boxing match starts.....then the admin has no other option to remove the thread, as obviously a thread with constant "fighting" should not be for a public forum.


I state again, that we have 2 000 folk and imagine if each one of them wanted their own request to be met, failing which they will keep on with it like you are.....thank goodness that is not the case. I personally feel that some limited queries of yours in the past, had merit, but if the club (for whatever reason) feels differently, so be it - surely you must be mature enough to accept it and not keep on flogging a dead horse.


From previous replies to your Fbook comments, many (in my opinion, most) people have no issues with the Burry Stander S-track section or the water channels on it - it makes for interesting riding and will only help improve less skilled riders. We will NEVER please all the riders, sometimes the newbies will have to stay away from certain trails if they are new to the sport and needs to get more confidence - other occasions, the more skilled riders must accept that the trails are not technical and does not challenge them. Everyone must accept the trails that the club put in place for us and if there are sections that a few would like to see changed, and it is not, just accept it and move on.


The way I see it, a few people want things changed in the club (trails, communication, etc), but if it does not happen to their satisfaction, they will not rest and keep on "stirring" - it is exactly this "stirring" that annoys so many of the members who do accept the club, trails and importantly the committee, just the way they are (with all shortcomings included). Golfers do not go on Fbook and other media forms to complain about three of the 18 holes that is not located correctly or the green not being flat enough - if the golfers do not like the greens, they get another club. Okay, I know golf is not a sport and actually a disease, but you should get my point.


You have no end....every comment that is made here, you reply to with vigour. Perhaps this is a personality issue or characteristic of yours, which again, each of us are unique and one accepts, BUT still one need to look at the bigger picture and sometimes force yourself to refrain from being yourself. I personally believe you would have been a very good politician, and this is intended as a compliment. However, I speak on behalf of a vast majority of members who find your actions here and previously on Fbook very disturbing and in poor taste.


I have no doubt that you will again reply and repeat yourself as you have continuously done, but I have stated my feeling on the matter.

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Allways wanted to say this.


80:20 principle


Especially with regard to new trails.


80% of the effort goes into trails that only 20% of members are capable to ride.


There should be more yellow/green routes.

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Allways wanted to say this.


80:20 principle


Especially with regard to new trails.


80% of the effort goes into trails that only 20% of members are capable to ride.


There should be more yellow/green routes.


Tubeless, being in the Tokai trail maintenance team it's more like a 95:5 rule. 95% bitch about the trails (or have an "expert" opinion) but only 5% will be prepared to put in come build day, where the real input happens.


EDIT: Not saying that there SHOULDN'T be more yellow / green routes, that's a given. Or, at least the existing "technical" trails should be made more progressive so that people can learn...

Edited by cpt armpies mayhem
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Guest Smimby

In the interest of transparency. let’s discuss the deleted comments. And paint a bit of a background of how we got here.


Firstly let’s look at last night’s statement by Rapunzel


"Re stampers - they don't work as the trail is cambered or on a gradient in most places which makes it virtually impossible to get the stamper to go where it is designed to."

I spoke to Patrick who said to me that he would LOVE to have on off those, and a water bowser. So is it flogging a dead horse to keep mentioning that he asked for it?


We have all seen the posts that you refer to (those who get deleted) - they get deleted not so much for the original question that was posed, but rather for the crap that follows after that.


You are right, and often the fight is started by the FB admin's response and rude remarks


The first time I posted on the FB page I asked this.

"Why do we need rain in order to maintain the trails?" I referred to broken bridges, and some sections that needed some care.


The first person to respond was Noel, saying "clearly you have no need to wear a helmet"

I responded with "be nice"


Then I was told that I will be showed from where I was born and how to get back there......honestly on a club FB page?


Sean then responded that there is not a corner on the trails he will not take at "full tilt" => check strava, he is somewhere in the 190-200 ish.....the people posting that night was Andre (7th) and Walter, Christiaan etc....all in top 50


Walter asked, "so if the trails can only be maintained in winter...what does the guys do the rest of the year....=Deleted


Many other comments were made, mostly personal attacks by Sean, you, Noel, Grant and some name calling (not by all)


Lize offered her professional services and an engineer to look at better / easier way to address drainage, and still she waits.

Sean said that he will set up a meeting with Patrick and I so I can do some trail building, still I wait.


As with this thread here on The Hub, you NEVER let something go until you are satisfied with it. If questions are answered in a way that you do not like or you feel is not sufficient, you will just go on and on and on, in the process irritating most members and causing them to perhaps say nasty things and the boxing match starts.....then the admin has no other option to remove the thread, as obviously a thread with constant "fighting" should not be for a public forum.


Again you are somewhat right, because it is clear that not everything has been discussed and that there are solutions...let’s take the step overs.


Sean's reply to me and Sarah was that EVERYTHING has been done to try and get it improved but the farmer does not want a bridge there.


I chatted to MATT and suggested a triple step and here is his reply

"Good idea, we have never thought of that. We always just wanted to try and get a full bridge. I will ask Patrick to do it this week"


I state again, that we have 2 000 folk and imagine if each one of them wanted their own request to be met, failing which they will keep on with it like you are.....thank goodness that is not the case. I personally feel that some limited queries of yours in the past, had merit, but if the club (for whatever reason) feels differently, so be it - surely you must be mature enough to accept it and not keep on flogging a dead horse.


I agree again, we are not all the same.


When I gave my opinion on the new Bloemendal section which was

"Very Nice section, especially the top section, the bottom a bit of a waste of time"

I was kicked out the the FB group?

a few days later a committee member rides UP the single track without a club board, on MD so how is that setting an example?


When Walter posted a picture of G-Spot (obviously a trail he likes) that was continuously removed without warning or explanation nor reason.


From previous replies to your Fbook comments, many (in my opinion, most) people have no issues with the Burry Stander S-track section or the water channels on it - it makes for interesting riding and will only help improve less skilled riders.


Unfortunately here I disagree, chat to Sarah. I have been on 2 rides with her and the ladies and they ALL said "surely there is another way" about 18 of them agreed.


We will NEVER please all the riders, sometimes the newbies will have to stay away from certain trails if they are new to the sport and needs to get more confidence - other occasions, the more skilled riders must accept that the trails are not technical and does not challenge them. Everyone must accept the trails that the club put in place for us and if there are sections that a few would like to see changed, and it is not, just accept it and move on.


Agree, but we are talking about MD our flagship..and should be smooth and WELL groomed.


The way I see it, a few people want things changed in the club (trails, communication, etc), but if it does not happen to their satisfaction, they will not rest and keep on "stirring" - it is exactly this "stirring" that annoys so many of the members who do accept the club, trails and importantly the committee, just the way they are (with all shortcomings included). Golfers do not go on Fbook and other media forms to complain about three of the 18 holes that is not located correctly or the green not being flat enough - if the golfers do not like the greens, they get another club. Okay, I know golf is not a sport and actually a disease, but you should get my point.


I have to disagree, it is not that it does not happen to our satisfation, it does NOT happen at all.


I am not into golf so cannot comment :-)


You have no end....every comment that is made here, you reply to with vigour. Perhaps this is a personality issue or characteristic of yours, which again, each of us are unique and one accepts, BUT still one need to look at the bigger picture and sometimes force yourself to refrain from being yourself. I personally believe you would have been a very good politician, and this is intended as a compliment. However, I speak on behalf of a vast majority of members who find your actions here and previously on Fbook very disturbing and in poor taste.

I have no doubt that you will again reply and repeat yourself as you have continuously done, but I have stated my feeling on the matter.


Strong statement you made here, but I am gonna give everyone the full picture as to why we / I ended here.


Sunday evening

Someone posted on the FB page saying commenting on the race prices.

Sarah asked if the club gets anything out of the race.


Sean said, NOPE it is a landowner initiative. (which according the Matt, Sean knew that the club will get something)

Grant posted, this is Africa and the land belongs to the people bla bla

I asked, Grant I take it, you making light of the situation.


Sean posted, Guess who own the land.

I posted Guess who maintains the trails.


At this point I was removed from the group by Sean.

Now let’s ask the PUBLIC if I was wrong?


Someone else was removed also.....but not for me to discuss that.


I called Sean, and he put the phone down in my ear.....

Matt said, don’t worry I will approve your request to join again....Sean should not have done that.


Every time I requested to join, Sean denied it....I called him and asked him to stop doing it....."I will do it until Matt tells me otherwise."

Sean, Please call Matt

No I am busy......but he time to go the FB and deny a request.....


So oFastORGoHome, I came here to see if I am the ONLY one.......but so far it seems that many other people share my point of view.

Let’s it ALL get into the open once and for all.

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In the interest of transparency. let’s discuss the deleted comments. And paint a bit of a background of how we got here.


Firstly let’s look at last night’s statement by Rapunzel


"Re stampers - they don't work as the trail is cambered or on a gradient in most places which makes it virtually impossible to get the stamper to go where it is designed to."

I spoke to Patrick who said to me that he would LOVE to have on off those, and a water bowser. So is it flogging a dead horse to keep mentioning that he asked for it?




You are right, and often the fight is started by the FB admin's response and rude remarks


The first time I posted on the FB page I asked this.

"Why do we need rain in order to maintain the trails?" I referred to broken bridges, and some sections that needed some care.


The first person to respond was Noel, saying "clearly you have no need to wear a helmet"

I responded with "be nice"


Then I was told that I will be showed from where I was born and how to get back there......honestly on a club FB page?


Sean then responded that there is not a corner on the trails he will not take at "full tilt" => check strava, he is somewhere in the 190-200 ish.....the people posting that night was Andre (7th) and Walter, Christiaan etc....all in top 50


Walter asked, "so if the trails can only be maintained in winter...what does the guys do the rest of the year....=Deleted


Many other comments were made, mostly personal attacks by Sean, you, Noel, Grant and some name calling (not by all)


Lize offered her professional services and an engineer to look at better / easier way to address drainage, and still she waits.

Sean said that he will set up a meeting with Patrick and I so I can do some trail building, still I wait.




Again you are somewhat right, because it is clear that not everything has been discussed and that there are solutions...let’s take the step overs.


Sean's reply to me and Sarah was that EVERYTHING has been done to try and get it improved but the farmer does not want a bridge there.


I chatted to MATT and suggested a triple step and here is his reply

"Good idea, we have never thought of that. We always just wanted to try and get a full bridge. I will ask Patrick to do it this week"




I agree again, we are not all the same.


When I gave my opinion on the new Bloemendal section which was

"Very Nice section, especially the top section, the bottom a bit of a waste of time"

I was kicked out the the FB group?

a few days later a committee member rides UP the single track without a club board, on MD so how is that setting an example?


When Walter posted a picture of G-Spot (obviously a trail he likes) that was continuously removed without warning or explanation nor reason.




Unfortunately here I disagree, chat to Sarah. I have been on 2 rides with her and the ladies and they ALL said "surely there is another way" about 18 of them agreed.




Agree, but we are talking about MD our flagship..and should be smooth and WELL groomed.




I have to disagree, it is not that it does not happen to our satisfation, it does NOT happen at all.


I am not into golf so cannot comment :-)




Strong statement you made here, but I am gonna give everyone the full picture as to why we / I ended here.


Sunday evening

Someone posted on the FB page saying commenting on the race prices.

Sarah asked if the club gets anything out of the race.


Sean said, NOPE it is a landowner initiative. (which according the Matt, Sean knew that the club will get something)

Grant posted, this is Africa and the land belongs to the people bla bla

I asked, Grant I take it, you making light of the situation.


Sean posted, Guess who own the land.

I posted Guess who maintains the trails.


At this point I was removed from the group by Sean.

Now let’s ask the PUBLIC if I was wrong?


Someone else was removed also.....but not for me to discuss that.


I called Sean, and he put the phone down in my ear.....

Matt said, don’t worry I will approve your request to join again....Sean should not have done that.


Every time I requested to join, Sean denied it....I called him and asked him to stop doing it....."I will do it until Matt tells me otherwise."

Sean, Please call Matt

No I am busy......but he time to go the FB and deny a request.....


So oFastORGoHome, I came here to see if I am the ONLY one.......but so far it seems that many other people share my point of view.

Let’s it ALL get into the open once and for all.

this is quite a laugh "should be smooth"
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Guest Smimby

this is quite a laugh "should be smooth"


well spotted


smooth-ish then : :whistling:

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I am not going to work my self up over this any more. Most of you are clearly accomplished riders who have never had your confidence rattled on the trails. Other than Repunzel who is clearly a well accomplished rider and has been biking for years I don't think many of you are ladies either and I'm sure you all had buddies showing you the ropes. Luckily for me I had/ and have Smimby, Schwinnlover, my hubby (when he is not tearing his hair out over how slow I am), Covie, GluvsMTB, my neighbor, my GP and many guys who are not on the Hub all of whom have looked after and coached me thru the 2 short years I have been on the bike. I am now gonna concentrate my energies on my Ladies group and leave all club politics out of it.

The chairman has my suggestions on email but as I said I can ride the trails so if the club uses them great, if not i can still ride and cope nicely.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Smimby

So after a few emails of promises that "this is taken very seriously" they "forgot" to invite myself and another person to the meeting to discuss what happened. And still the problem has not been addressed. more than 2 weeks later.....


I have also since learned that they section we were complaining about it actually NOT the only route that we can user but that we ARE allowed to take newbies past that section....even if there is a log lying over the trail.


One good thing that came from posting here on the hub is that the constitution made its way to the website....


I really just wish that people will take certain things more serious and stop hiding behind " i have a job also" Maybe you are then not the right person to do this one also....


Now surely since I do not have access to all the facilities the club offer, I should not need to pay the FULL fee?

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So after a few emails of promises that "this is taken very seriously" they "forgot" to invite myself and another person to the meeting to discuss what happened. And still the problem has not been addressed. more than 2 weeks later.....


I have also since learned that they section we were complaining about it actually NOT the only route that we can user but that we ARE allowed to take newbies past that section....even if there is a log lying over the trail.


One good thing that came from posting here on the hub is that the constitution made its way to the website....


I really just wish that people will take certain things more serious and stop hiding behind " i have a job also" Maybe you are then not the right person to do this one also....


Now surely since I do not have access to all the facilities the club offer, I should not need to pay the FULL fee?


ha ha ha...Classic!!! I'm "sure" they "did" send you the invitation...you just "did" not get it...must be the WWW's fault???

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off topic - but who is the Western Province Mountain Bike Commissioner ? - hijack off

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