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I don't know if it is different where you come from, but in my experience a single guy with his wife and toddler in the car seldomly goes looking for k@k with 20 odd bikers.


I wish i could say it was the same the other way around......

Have you seen how many cars with "Baby on Board" signs simply jump red lights or turn without indicating? And then when you pull up next to them at the next traffic light you see 2 Three-year old kids not buckled up or in booster seats? Or have you ever been at a primary school drop-and-go at 7:40am in the morning? Those mammas seem to either have left their brains at home, or it got out of the car with the kids being dropped off because then its time to put on make-up, light up that skelm ciggie and finish her coffee all in one go. I think people with kids are worse than some of the most hard-core bikers I know.

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We all sit here and make a noise about how bad bikers are blah blah


What actually happened, if anything did happen to set the motorcyclists off ? Was it a bike ride where they had roadclosure and the oke in the SUV was where he wasn't supposed to be ? We don't know that.


I suspect that the truth is known. The biker who made and had the video posted conveniently for the bikers stopped the video as the brave physical assault on the kid in the back of the car started. Similarly, it does not show what went before, maybe because it does not put the bikers in a good light.........

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I suspect that the truth is known. The biker who made and had the video posted conveniently for the bikers stopped the video as the brave physical assault on the kid in the back of the car started. Similarly, it does not show what went before, maybe because it does not put the bikers in a good light.........

This is what I also mentioned, convenient how the video starts before the incident, and you don't see what happens when they start throwing rocks at the windows and trashing the SUV. My money is on the bikers having started all the k@k to begin with. I'm sure the whole video will come out at some stage, or has been conveniently lost or deleted.
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We all sit here and make a noise about how bad bikers are blah blah, just like another forum goes on about how bad cyclists are blah blah.


What actually happened, if anything did happen to set the motorcyclists off ? Was it a bike ride where they had roadclosure and the oke in the SUV was where he wasn't supposed to be ? We don't know that. Was the biker just a chop who decided that morning that he was going to go out and find an SUV Driver to abuse ? We don't know that either.


Lest say these were all cyclists, bicycle race, Sattelite classic, no road closure, and for some reason cyclist no 16302 decided that a particular black SUV had hootd at him for riding 3 abreast and p!ssed him off big time, so decides in his stupidity to block the SUV and the SUV bumps him off, and all his mates from the hub see this happen. Shortly thereafter, comes a stop steet, and there are a few cars waiting, including one particular black SUV. So said group/bunch/mob of thehub cyclists that have just seen no 16302 get flattened(whether the cyclist was right or wrong), decide that they are now gonna surround the SUV and confront the driver, and ask him how his family is etc,who panics and rides over a few cyclists and their bikes in his haste to escape the mob and speeds off.


We now have a number of flattened cyclists, one dead and about 300k worth of written off bicycles.


Cyclists carry on with their ride/race, and low and behold, a few km down the road, there is a truck that has jacknifed and the cars are backed up, including one particular SUV which by now has bicycle paint on it.


So, our group/mob of cyclists from thehub catch up with Mr SUV, who is now completely trapped, and can go nowhere and so they stop and politely ask him if he is ok, after the tw@t cyclists had got in his way and damaged his SUV.


After that, the group/bunch/mob of cyclists that had just seen a number of their buddies flattened, politely greeted the driver and wished him well and carried on with their race.


Please get over it.


Yes we get Cyclists, bikers and other road users that drive ***. Its something we have to deal with each day. But you cannot approve the bikers actions in this case. What they did was wrong. If every person that feels that they were treated unfairly take the law into their own hands what society will we have? The suv was never going to outrun the bikers because this is not a scene from mission impossible where a suv can catch a bike. Two wrongs dont make a right. They had the video evidence, they could have gotten the suv's number plate and left it to the law to sort the guy out. They could even have followed the guy and phone the police and waited for them to arrest him.


But if you feel that they did the right thing please feel free to pull over every taxi, car, bicycle that does not indicate and cut in front of you and moer each and every driver and lets see how far you get.

Edited by Hennie VR
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Unless something happened before which wasn't caught on camera, that biker was asking for it, slowing down in front of half a ton of metal.

Uh more like 2 and a half tons, but I get your point.

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This did not happen to a cyclist, and a cyclist would not have intimidated the SUV driver like he did by braking in front of him, not sure why to are so intent on comparing this situation with cyclists. When have you ever seen a cyclist slam on brakes in front of a motor vehicle with the sole purpose of causing k@k?

Oh for Pete's sake get a life.................I am simply trying to prove a point that all motorcyclists/bikers are not all bad, and used this forum and cyclists, which is what this forum is all about as a very apt example as cyclists and motocyclists share a lt of the same dangers on the roads as bikes do. They also hang out together and go for group rides together, and generally stick together, so the mob justice bit works the same. I have witnessed cyclists pulling vigilante moves on a car driver who fingerd and vloeked them on a morning ride when they caught him at a robot...........so the example i use is very similar.


So many people jump on the motorcyclist bandwagon that they all bad, that they ride like idiots, that they gonna kill themselves blah blah, but maybe should take a look around them and wake up.


Not all motorcyclists are a danger to themselves or others. Not all ride like twats. Not all think they are Rossi on a bike. Not all can ride all that well. Some can and some can't. Some are idiots, some are not. All have family, wives and kids, just like all the cyclists of who, some are a danger to those around them let alone themselves. Some ride like twats, some are just selfish @ssholes and ride 2/3 abreast on busy roads and don't give a continental about anyone else. Some think cause they have an 80k bicycle they are better than joe soap out there who is on a much cheaper bicycle. Some are very courteous and obey road rules and are generally good people, just like the average biker or the average car driver.


It doesn't make all bikers or cyclists or SUV drivers bad. Its the person on that particular bike/cycle/car who is an @sshole, not every person on one.

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Oh for Pete's sake get a life.................I am simply trying to prove a point that all motorcyclists/bikers are not all bad, and used this forum and cyclists, which is what this forum is all about as a very apt example as cyclists and motocyclists share a lt of the same dangers on the roads as bikes do. They also hang out together and go for group rides together, and generally stick together, so the mob justice bit works the same. I have witnessed cyclists pulling vigilante moves on a car driver who fingerd and vloeked them on a morning ride when they caught him at a robot...........so the example i use is very similar.


So many people jump on the motorcyclist bandwagon that they all bad, that they ride like idiots, that they gonna kill themselves blah blah, but maybe should take a look around them and wake up.


Not all motorcyclists are a danger to themselves or others. Not all ride like twats. Not all think they are Rossi on a bike. Not all can ride all that well. Some can and some can't. Some are idiots, some are not. All have family, wives and kids, just like all the cyclists of who, some are a danger to those around them let alone themselves. Some ride like twats, some are just selfish @ssholes and ride 2/3 abreast on busy roads and don't give a continental about anyone else. Some think cause they have an 80k bicycle they are better than joe soap out there who is on a much cheaper bicycle. Some are very courteous and obey road rules and are generally good people, just like the average biker or the average car driver.


It doesn't make all bikers or cyclists or SUV drivers bad. Its the person on that particular bike/cycle/car who is an @sshole, not every person on one.


Correct. But I cannot remember where we have said that all bikers are idiots,twats,arse*$ etc ect ect. I also cannot remember that we have ever said that all cyclists are angels and do no wrong.

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Please get over it.


Yes we get Cyclists, bikers and other road users that drive ***. Its something we have to deal with each day. But you cannot approve the bikers actions in this case. What they did was wrong. If every person that feels that they were treated unfairly take the law into their own hands what society will we have? The suv was never going to outrun the bikers because this is not a scene from mission impossible where a suv can catch a bike. Two wrongs dont make a right. They had the video evidence, they could have gotten the suv's number plate and left it to the law to sort the guy out. They could even have followed the guy and phone the police and waited for them to arrest him.


But if you feel that they did the right thing please feel free to pull over every taxi, car, bicycle that does not indicate and cut in front of you and moer each and every driver and lets see how far you get.


Get over what ? Nowhere did i say the bikers were right in what they did. I certainly do not condone what they did. I simply was reacting to those who immediately jumped on the bandwagon and condemned the bikers and all of a sudden there is an outcry that every biker is bad.


Nobody, on here, me included knows what transpired before the video starts. Did the biker just go asking to get flattened ? Did the car driver cause trouble before that and a biker saw red and did something stupid that then spiraled out of control, once he got hit by the car. Was the guy in the SUV drunk ? Was he a victim of the bikers abusing him and his family ? What went wrong to spark this all. Did the driver give the biker the finger and the biker got clever and things spiraled out of control ? Who knows because none of us do.


And no, i am not going to try pull over taxi's or whatever and take matters into my on hands. Its not the right thing to do.

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Why are most of the facts missing from this thread?


"Lien became a target of the gang while he was driving along the West Side Highway in Manhattan with his wife and 2-year-old daughter. The couple were celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary.


It's alleged that the erratic driving of Christopher Cruz (which included performing wheelies and sudden braking) drew the the frustration of Lien."


Read more at: http://www.heavy.com/news/2013/10/alexian-lien-road-rage-viral-video/

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Ok, for the record i do not condone the actions of the bikers. That is not the way to carry on. I never did and never will condone that kind of behaviour.


I apologise if what i have said has been taken the wrong way in what i wrote. I simply get my back up when people generalise and put all bikers into the same bracket as being bad. I do exactly the same when people put all cyclists into the same bracket as being bad etc.

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Ok, for the record i do not condone the actions of the bikers. That is not the way to carry on. I never did and never will condone that kind of behaviour.


I apologise if what i have said has been taken the wrong way in what i wrote. I simply get my back up when people generalise and put all bikers into the same bracket as being bad. I do exactly the same when people put all cyclists into the same bracket as being bad etc.


Thanks for the clarification :thumbup:


Don't let people's generalisations get to you. Its a general thing for people to do that and nothing you say or do will ever be able to change that.


If people like to generilise we might as well say that all humans are inhumane, criminal, aggressive beings that tend to adapt a selfish behaviour and will do anything to prove what he/she said or does is right.

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Right I'm out of here. Need to get some work done before the boss generalises and classifies all his employees as slouches that are only there for their paychecks :whistling:

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Actually you lost it here.. missing this vital piece in bold


The driver of vehicle should have just driven to a Police station. If that was me I would have knocked over a few more bike riders, what a bunch of twats. The first guy was asking for it.


This is your response..


NOBODY asks to be flattened by a car. Much the same as no cyclist asks to be flattened by a car. Every time a cyclist gets flattened by a car its the cars fault. Everytime a motorbike gets nailed its the bikers fault............Strange how that is hey.


As to flattening more of the bikers..........yeah right. And then you would get out and moer them all as well......


But all is forgiven my son...


Ok, for the record i do not condone the actions of the bikers. That is not the way to carry on. I never did and never will condone that kind of behaviour.


I apologise if what i have said has been taken the wrong way in what i wrote. I simply get my back up when people generalise and put all bikers into the same bracket as being bad. I do exactly the same when people put all cyclists into the same bracket as being bad etc.



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Check this out: http://www.liveleak....=319_1380522846

Then check this out and read what happened. http://www.dailymail...treet-ride.html


It was an annual Street bike ride in New York. Why did the SUV driver have to ride so close behind the bikes anyway ? If the bike puts on brakes, things end up worse than a bumper bashing.


Believe me, being tailgated on a bike is not a lot of fun...........


Sorry, but as an ex biker I disagree. You can clearly see that the bikers swerved infront of the SUV and then slowed down. These bikers were thugs and behaved like a pack of mental dogs. I would have done exactly what the SUV driver did to protect my family. It's bikers like these that cause people to be aggresive to bikers in general.


PS: I read your later posts only now...

Edited by Moridin
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