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Training in the Mosselbay area during December


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We will be in the Mosselbay area for three weeks during the December holidays. I am training for 70.3 and IM, so December is a crucial month for training. Where can I swim and bike? Running is not a problem. I think the closest VA is in George which is too far. Obviously the sea is an option, but I do not want to do that alone and don't really know where.


Which road is the safest for cycling?

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We will be in the Mosselbay area for three weeks during the December holidays. I am training for 70.3 and IM, so December is a crucial month for training. Where can I swim and bike? Running is not a problem. I think the closest VA is in George which is too far. Obviously the sea is an option, but I do not want to do that alone and don't really know where.


Which road is the safest for cycling?

I won't use the sea for training - not in Mossel Bay. Have you seen those sharks?? The only pool I know of is at Diaz beach, but its heated and too small, and full of holiday goers. Edited by P.A.K.
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I'm sitting with the same problem. Going to be there for a week and looking for somewhere to swim. December is going kill my training and the day after I get home I'm supposed to do a 3.2km swim

Edited by mon-goose
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We will be in the Mosselbay area for three weeks during the December holidays. I am training for 70.3 and IM, so December is a crucial month for training. Where can I swim and bike? Running is not a problem. I think the closest VA is in George which is too far. Obviously the sea is an option, but I do not want to do that alone and don't really know where.


Which road is the safest for cycling?


I will also be in Mosselbay/Hartenbos that time, also doing 70.3


There are a couple of nice routes but also not to sure about the swimming

Best bet will probably be Santos beach, can swim up and down the beach

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I used to cycle from Mossel bay to George and back. There is a fairly decent shoulder on the road.

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Santos Beach is very safe to swim and 90% of the time small waves. (The harbour wall blocks the big swells from hitting the beach) You can swim up and down from Munroe's beach (next to the Yacht Club) to the first reef at the end of Santos Beach.


The primary school (Park Primary) has a 25m pool. Not sure about accessing this during December holidays, but I can try and find out if you want.

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Best swimming place would be next to the harbour- towards Santos beach. Most of the triathletes train there. Youll find a buddy or two there in the mornings. Cycling you will be best off cycling on the old road towards George. There is only a 5km section before GrootBrak River (coming from Mossel Bay) that has no shoulder, but the roads are not as busy as you guys are use to. Its a very popular cycling route

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Colleague of mine lives in Hartenbos and swims weekly at Santos beach. I've swum with him there, and its as placid as you get. There is even 'n line of buoys about 150m in to keep boats out (I presume) so you have no problem with sighting etc. You don't have to go out that far either, as there are practically no waves...


I cycled on the Outshoorn road - nice shoulder for the 20km I went out.

Edited by Snytjie
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You can cycle to George on the old George road past George Airport no problem. Its only 45km from Mosselbay, with a lekker climb going out of Grootbrak.


Have your swim in VA in George and cycle back! :thumbup:


I also like the road out to Herbertsdale, the short section on the N2 is crap but thats only until you get to PetroSA. Ifbyou go early its not bad at all. Then there are almost no cars on that stretch, some friendly farmers might actually stop and get out to greet you!


There us also the road out to Oudshoorn but I turn around at Eight bells where the yellow shoulder disapears and the road becomes to narrow for my holiday-mode liking!


There are also a group leaving from Jonny Koen Cycles around 5:30 if I remember correctly.


Edit: Actually George must be much closer than 45km, I remember cycling there in just over an hour from Mbay

Edited by Tankman
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Thanks guys. It seems like Santos and George VA for the swim and Old George Road and Outshoorn road for the cycle. I will try the MBay-George-VA swim-Shop with wife-MBay session.

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santos beach from the yacht club to the reefs starting point is your best bet for the swim. there is also lekker cold beers within 2 min of coming out of the water at the train restaurant.

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the water is nice and warm and the sharks are nearer to the island side towards hartenbos.you can either use the bouys as sighting or swim just behind the little break thats there,but waves are not an issue.

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.....or you can go on the N2 towards Cape Town, take the first left turn-off after the PetroSA Depot and head out to Boggomsbaai and Vleesbaai. You can even cycle up to Gouritz from there (and back). Vleesbaai is just awesome with a nice protected bay area for an open water swim.


......or alternatively take the R328 from Hartenbos and cycle towards Robinson Pass (remember to take an extra set of legs).


Use Google Earth to have a "TOP" view of area and roads.


Edited by BarHugger
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Will be around the weekend. Sta in Hartenbos somewhere. Any groups going out on saturday and Sunday?

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