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Enduro newbies

Craig Stubbs

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Hi guys. There seems to be a lot of emphasis being put into Enduro these days, and it seems (to me at least) that a lot of the old school downhillers and more experienced riders are driving this and having a whole lot of fun.


For those of us who haven't given an Enduro race a bash, what sort of level (skill wise) do you need to be at in order to enjoy (not nescessarily compete for the silverware) at an enduro race?


I for example ride 2 to 3 days a week (pre-work hour or so) and a longer ride on weekends, and i do most of my riding around Giba and the likes. I consider myself pretty fit and have developed a few self taught skills with a lot of spills along the way. This however means nothing when faced with a large pallet jump or the likes.


It would be great to get some sort of idea (take Giba for example) of what everyday trail section we could complete with some degree of comfort to know what we are getting ourselves into when entering an Enduro?


Cheers, Craig

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Hey Craig


You will be fine with Enduro if you ride Giba a lot.


It is a little more technical that your average trail, but nothing that is not manageable - if there is a pallet drop of doom, there will always be a B-line around it that one can take.


BUT at the moment - KZNMTB Commission are looking at growing Enduro so the tracks are being kept easy and fun with no big jumps or anything crazy. You can ride the events on any bike so you should be fine.


Just remember that although you may know the trails really well, when the clock starts and you are racing - the tracks and times are short so you push yourself and thats when the mistakes happen. So thats why we are trying to keep the trails Noobie friendly to start and then as the discipline grows and the need for more technical tracks increases we will up the level.


The next event is at Giba on the weekend of the 15th of Feb - so you must enter and come and ride.


Entries will be online on ROAG's website in a week or so's time - so pre enter and come and have some fun with us.




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oh and just something else - although fitness (marathon-style fitness) is somewhat needed as the event is generally 2 to 3 hours in duration, this is not the actual fitness that is required to win.


As the uphills are not timed you can "take your time" riding up to concerve energy for the sprint back down in the actual stage. So explosive 5minute max power is the name of the game (similar to Downhill).


So the best way to describe it is a 30km cruise with your mates, but every single downhill section on the trail gets smashed to smitherines leaving you gasping for air at the bottom.

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Hey Nigel,


do you perhaps know what is the diff between Enduro events and Gravity Enduro events? i witnessed the one enduro i did here in CT was focused on both wheels being grounded. Would the same apply to a Gravity Enduro event, or would it be more DH orientated with drops and jumps?

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hey dude - no they are the same thing ... Enduro is Enduro - its just as it is new the term "Gravity" is sometimes used to separate it from "Enduro ... Endurance events" ....


A while back before Enduro as we know it began in SA - some events used the term Enduro for 24 hour events and the likes ....


So in the beginning the term Gravity was used to separate the two disciplines to not create confusion ...

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okay understood, but...


being that the event is hosted by the "WP downhill" guys, do you think i should feel a bit intimidated to attempt the event? Cz if its going to be trail bikes on DH lines, then i freakn hope there will be bailout/ B-line / chicken run options. :ph34r:

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okay understood, but...


being that the event is hosted by the "WP downhill" guys, do you think i should feel a bit intimidated to attempt the event? Cz if its going to be trail bikes on DH lines, then i freakn hope there will be bailout/ B-line / chicken run options. :ph34r:


Not at all, dude. Even on the full DH events, there are B/C lines. Nothing to worry about...

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Not at all, dude. Even on the full DH events, there are B/C lines. Nothing to worry about...


K awesome! now to get serious about whether or not im going to do the event.

Edited by TAAHIRWP
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okay understood, but...


being that the event is hosted by the "WP downhill" guys, do you think i should feel a bit intimidated to attempt the event? Cz if its going to be trail bikes on DH lines, then i freakn hope there will be bailout/ B-line / chicken run options. :ph34r:




The immediate misconception about "DH guys" being absolutely crazy ....


NO - although many of the said "DH guys" ride DH - this does not mean they are all nuts and jump off cliffs - or have to hit big gaps etc. ....


The DH guys are probably the BEST people to hang around as they know rider limitations better than anyone else ...

So they would be able to help you gauge your ability and would assist you in your skills and how to ride stuff - even on an XC bike on a DH Course ...


So no the Enduros (as they are set by the DH guys) will be well planned and will ALWAYS have B- or C-lines around obstacles so as to cater for mass participation and get more people exposed to the discipline in the hope of converting some of you to full on DH ...


Again with full on DH - its the same thing - ALL big obstacles will have a way around - so that EVERY DH run is actually rideable on an XC bike if you put your seat down - you wont be fast - but you will be able to ride the track ... so again - dont be afraid - don a fullface helmet and some knee guards and go give DH a bash even one day when the WP guys are having a shuttle day - you will be amazed at the comradery and bullsh!t session that will follow

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K awesome! now to get serious about whether or not im going to do the event.


Just to point out, the 'DH guys' are probably the least judgemental and most tolerant bunch I've encountered when it comes to being a newbie. So many guys willing to give pointers, show you lines and listen to you blathering excitedly at the end of your first ever run.

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The immediate misconception about "DH guys" being absolutely crazy ....


NO - although many of the said "DH guys" ride DH - this does not mean they are all nuts and jump off cliffs - or have to hit big gaps etc. ....


The DH guys are probably the BEST people to hang around as they know rider limitations better than anyone else ...

So they would be able to help you gauge your ability and would assist you in your skills and how to ride stuff - even on an XC bike on a DH Course ...


So no the Enduros (as they are set by the DH guys) will be well planned and will ALWAYS have B- or C-lines around obstacles so as to cater for mass participation and get more people exposed to the discipline in the hope of converting some of you to full on DH ...


Again with full on DH - its the same thing - ALL big obstacles will have a way around - so that EVERY DH run is actually rideable on an XC bike if you put your seat down - you wont be fast - but you will be able to ride the track ... so again - dont be afraid - don a fullface helmet and some knee guards and go give DH a bash even one day when the WP guys are having a shuttle day - you will be amazed at the comradery and bullsh!t session that will follow


Shot Nigel, thanks for setting the record straight.. Def. my biggest misconception for 2013 up till now "DH guys ride DH - this does not mean they are all nuts and jump off cliffs - or have to hit big gaps etc."

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A point to remember is that on most enduro"s you are allowed to ride the course before the offical event.

Although not all the riders do this.

I am sure this will make those riders who have never done an enduro before , feel more confident in entering.

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A point to remember is that on most enduro"s you are allowed to ride the course before the offical event.

Although not all the riders do this.

I am sure this will make those riders who have never done an enduro before , feel more confident in entering.


Not always, dude. In fact, that's what makes it even more interesting. The trails may be open to ride, but often the route is withheld to prevent any practice runs. Not like DH in that regard.


EG: All the Dirtopia enduros were on open trails (one on brand new never before ridden trail) but the routes weren't disclosed until the day of.

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A point to remember is that on most enduro"s you are allowed to ride the course before the offical event.

Although not all the riders do this.

I am sure this will make those riders who have never done an enduro before , feel more confident in entering.


yeah, but the venue is not being posted...

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Not always, dude. In fact, that's what makes it even more interesting. The trails may be open to ride, but often the route is withheld to prevent any practice runs. Not like DH in that regard.


EG: All the Dirtopia enduros were on open trails (one on brand new never before ridden trail) but the routes weren't disclosed until the day of.


Agree.. this was the case.

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K awesome! now to get serious about whether or not im going to do the event.


Do it dude, you killed me at the Dirtopia Enduro (with your broken finger)

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