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Where are the holiday pro's? :)

Naas Vermaak

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Thx Guys


Bredasdorp is actually the spot - here where I live, so come and ride our trails - www.southernmostfoundation.co.za.


But I need to get away for a change and like to explore elsewhere.



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Where would you go for holiday to

  • train and ride with strong roadies AND MTB-ers
  • Have great mtb trails
  • Have great tarred roads with passes etc
  • and of course great parties & Rock music :)...not so important


I don't need to go anywhere......and i get to ride with a few very strong guys and girls every now and then.

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Has Bredasdorp got Rock music?

Not sure but Bredasdorp Rocks!! I finished school there and I miss it allot! Struisbaai and arniston aswell!
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Has Bredasdorp got Rock music?


ABSOLUTELY!! We jam every end of the month at the Golfclub as well as Suntouched inn in Napier - massive talent around here...rock, metal

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Winterton area in the Central Drakensberg


Hi SportySpice,

Do you perhaps have routes mapped - we are planning our last s2c training in that area.


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