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Direct To Customer


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I normally read with interest any online vs LBS discussion around the hub. And I find myself normally in the value over service/loyalty camp.


But what I was wondering recently is why we do not have any decent direct to customer bicycle brands in SA?


With the clear success brands like Canyon has had over the years, one would think this is an avenue more SA brands can leverage.


As I am currently thinking of buying my first dual sus, I am inclined to give preference to Momsen (my current hard tail) and Pyga as it is proudly SA brands and are generally well reviewed. But I find it so frustrating to be unable to buy these direct from the manufacturer/brand owner.


As second prize, it should also not be so difficult to price research these options before I even go into a store. Whilst I can get some stores that have Vipas online so that is good, for the life of me I cannot price research any Pyga Stages. Why is this?


I do not have an LBS close to me that stock either brands (but they do stock a variety of international ones), so this inability to order direct just limits your market so much I feel, because the mentioned brands just do not have the LBS network the big guys have.


And then Momsen goes "rolling stock to shop" with their Vipa Trail. Why not "rolling stock to customer who can't drive 200km to a shop on your list"


I just wonder why this persistance with the 20th century supply chains and it's official distributor channel? We have the internet for goddess sake.


Is SA brands missing out?

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I normally read with interest any online vs LBS discussion around the hub. And I find myself normally in the value over service/loyalty camp.


But what I was wondering recently is why we do not have any decent direct to customer bicycle brands in SA?


With the clear success brands like Canyon has had over the years, one would think this is an avenue more SA brands can leverage.


As I am currently thinking of buying my first dual sus, I am inclined to give preference to Momsen (my current hard tail) and Pyga as it is proudly SA brands and are generally well reviewed. But I find it so frustrating to be unable to buy these direct from the manufacturer/brand owner.


As second prize, it should also not be so difficult to price research these options before I even go into a store. Whilst I can get some stores that have Vipas online so that is good, for the life of me I cannot price research any Pyga Stages. Why is this?


I do not have an LBS close to me that stock either brands (but they do stock a variety of international ones), so this inability to order direct just limits your market so much I feel, because the mentioned brands just do not have the LBS network the big guys have.


And then Momsen goes "rolling stock to shop" with their Vipa Trail. Why not "rolling stock to customer who can't drive 200km to a shop on your list"


I just wonder why this persistance with the 20th century supply chains and it's official distributor channel? We have the internet for goddess sake.


Is SA brands missing out?

Pyga...wipe the floor with Momsen....IMHO.

But Stoke in Obs do Pyga as does Louis at Meerendal.

Stoke is your best bet as Clifford from Pyga itself works out of their store :)

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Swift sell direct to the customer as far as I know


I think kind of direct, through a shop. 


So order and they deliver to a recognised dealer or something like that... 

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Cause they need other people to handle the admina and crap while they focus on makimg 100+ frames everyday , developing bikes , making new designs , research ect. ect.


And thats why small brands like swift do it (but still through A shop that makes probs like 10%)

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I think it's simply to keep the economy of bicycles alive.


It does nothing to improve a brands sales to sell direct. They would rather incentivise shops to push their brands, handle complaints, and answer most of the silly questions people can't be bothered to Google..


Plus, there is an unspoken, or perhaps spoken, as we saw in the price fixing scandal, that they all play their part in the ecosystem of bicycle and parts sales..


After all, in the end I am told that the workshop is the money maker in a shop... Hard to justify a workshop if you're not selling parts and bits, unless you're extremely talented like a few of the shop owners in SA. For the rest, they get the business because they sold the bike and the customer had a good experience.

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Lets look at our economy shall we. When I leave the mall there is someone standing at the boom gate. They are there to take the card from my hand and put it into the machine to let me out. I could do it myself but hey. That's job creation for you.


South Africa needs as much middlemen as possible to keep the employment numbers high. There isn't enough money to go around but you bet can your ass we'll get them employed.

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Pyga has a shop in Howick, you can even chat to Patrick when he is there.

They sell directly to the public from their store so I guess we are lucky.

YT also sells online.

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Pyga has a shop in Howick, you can even have a chat to Patrick when he is there.

The sell directly to the public from their store so I guess we are lucky.

YT also sells online.

See thats my point, Howick is 2000km from me and YT is from Germany.


So I cannot support a local brand as no local shop carry the brand. But no such problem getting my hands in a German brand.


I just feel they are loosing out, probably due to the traditionalists pressure from within the industry.


Oh well, I was just wondering why?


PS. Did not know about Swift, pity that Evil Twin should be called Ugly Stepsister

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YT have a distributor in the cape, you can buy directly from them at an awesome price.




See thats my point, Howick is 2000km from me and YT is from Germany.

So I cannot support a local brand as no local shop carry the brand. But no such problem getting my hands in a German brand.

I just feel they are loosing out, probably due to the traditionalists pressure from within the industry.

Oh well, I was just wondering why?

PS. Did not know about Swift, pity that Evil Twin should be called Ugly Stepsister

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My two cents on Pyga...


You can drop them an email with your order, or chat to Pat or any of the other team on the phone/FB/etc. You can get them to build a bike for you, or buy the bits whenever you find a deal at CWC or here.... I  prefer the latter, as it gives me a long time to spread the cost of a new bike. 




If you want to demo one of their bikes there are dealers around as mentioned above.

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So how would you go about buying directly?


How will you determine the size you need?


Should you have bought the wrong size, would you expect the manufacturer to send you a replacement frame/bike because strictly speaking that bike is second hand once you take delivery of it.


Do you make your choice of the bike you want on a picture you have seen on a computer or seen someone else's bike?


Would you buy the bike without test riding it and making sure it "feels right"?

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So how would you go about buying directly?


How will you determine the size you need?


Should you have bought the wrong size, would you expect the manufacturer to send you a replacement frame/bike because strictly speaking that bike is second hand once you take delivery of it.


Do you make your choice of the bike you want on a picture you have seen on a computer or seen someone else's bike?


Would you buy the bike without test riding it and making sure it "feels right"?

Hennie, I am not saying buying direct is for everyone. These points you made is exactly why the direct model is not an immediate threat to the traditional channels.


But there are some great quality brands out there that follow this model, with success. So clearly many are not fazed by the concerns you rightly raise.


I just feel that you widen your market by so much more. If DHL can get to you, the bike can get to you.


So my original question was why SA bikes do not leverage this power more. There might be a real valid reason which is not clear, and this can be highlighted.

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If all products where "direct to customer", how many of you on here would be jobless in your own fields?

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I normally read with interest any online vs LBS discussion around the hub. And I find myself normally in the value over service/loyalty camp.


But what I was wondering recently is why we do not have any decent direct to customer bicycle brands in SA?


With the clear success brands like Canyon has had over the years, one would think this is an avenue more SA brands can leverage.


As I am currently thinking of buying my first dual sus, I am inclined to give preference to Momsen (my current hard tail) and Pyga as it is proudly SA brands and are generally well reviewed. But I find it so frustrating to be unable to buy these direct from the manufacturer/brand owner.


As second prize, it should also not be so difficult to price research these options before I even go into a store. Whilst I can get some stores that have Vipas online so that is good, for the life of me I cannot price research any Pyga Stages. Why is this?


I do not have an LBS close to me that stock either brands (but they do stock a variety of international ones), so this inability to order direct just limits your market so much I feel, because the mentioned brands just do not have the LBS network the big guys have.


And then Momsen goes "rolling stock to shop" with their Vipa Trail. Why not "rolling stock to customer who can't drive 200km to a shop on your list"


I just wonder why this persistance with the 20th century supply chains and it's official distributor channel? We have the internet for goddess sake.


Is SA brands missing out?

I live in Jozi and bought my Pyga directly from Pat and Hilton.  If you know the frame and size you want, they will spec the bike however you want it, and will ship it to you.  I chose to drive down to fetch the bike and we rode Karkloof with the guys - worth the trip, for sure

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If all products where "direct to customer", how many of you on here would be jobless in your own fields?

Very good point, especially valid in the higher volume market sectors! Bicycles are big business, no doubt, but so too are power tools, vehicle tyres, etc.

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