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[Event] Fine Breede MTB


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What a stunning event !!


Weather - PERFECT !!  11 to 26 degrees C, no wind.



Which made me think - never a good idea !  So instead of working on my 18km route time, I did the 30km route ....  :eek:


Sorry, getting ahead of myself.  What a nice sunrise as we were getting ready for our ride.  We were in the starting blocks before the sun was up.


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Some good music and a lekka MC counting down to the start of the ride. "Another one bites the dust" kept on replaying in my head along the trail.  And "Juizy wiggle" was nice mood music ...


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And then we were off, and climbing, and climbing .... as if the elevation change was not enough the rocky road caught out one rider after the other, and most ended up walking some distance to crest the first climb


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I watched the group ride off as I was having a sip of water and resting .... NO, they rode off while I was taking photos !!  (promise)


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The I saw a kid walking back, pushing his bike .... He was in third place when he had a tumble and bent the hanger and messed up the chain .... the chain kept on falling off the front ring.  I helped him open the quick-link, and removed the chain.  At least now he could free wheel back to the start.  And would you believe it, the group just kept on riding away while I helped this stricken rider .... SURE those 225 lost seconds cost me a podium position ....


A short distance further the views were simply to good to just ride by !!  The autumn colours are simply magnificent !!


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Just before the first water point, about kilometer 9, Gerhard slowly closed the gap on me


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Along the technical sections I would pull a gap on him, catching an "elderly rider".  This gent would walk most of the climbs and pull a gap on the other sections  ....


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After the first climb Gerhard was riding next to me, and we would stay together to the end.


On the climbs he would wait for me, and encourage me along.  I noticed he was struggling with the single tracks ... I gave him a couple of pointers and he improved a lot over the next sections.  I would wait for him at the bottom of the single tracks, and he would wait for me at the climbs ... 


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All while we were treated to the most magnificent views ....


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After the climbs, the gentleman caught us quickly, and was off into the distance ....


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And then it was some 5km of gravel tracks, followed by maybe 3km of tar to the end.  We nudged each other on, was doing 35 to 40km/h along the tar section ....  :w00t:



Clearly we were not in the lead group that finished in 1 hour and 10 minutes ... but man, we had FUN.  :clap:  O, and no, we were not dead last either .....  :ph34r:   :whistling:

1H 10M for 31km with all the stops you did.  Damn that is fast

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1H 10M for 31km with all the stops you did.  Damn that is fast


Hiehie ....


We were NOT in the lead group  :whistling:   :blink:   MUCH further down the order, much further .....





I have done a couple of 30km solo rides in the last months, but never with this much elevation .... I was VERY careful to keep my own pace, and not get sucked into pushing too hard too early on.

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We wanted to do the 30 but ended doing the 60km. It was tough and the elevation was quite a bit more than they said. But was a lekker vibe between the riders. This is a pure MTB race no nice smooth trails just rocks, soft sand and rocks on soft sand. Definitely kept me awake on the HT it was not just a let go of the brakes and flying down like usual.

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We wanted to do the 30 but ended doing the 60km. It was tough and the elevation was quite a bit more than they said. But was a lekker vibe between the riders. This is a pure MTB race no nice smooth trails just rocks, soft sand and rocks on soft sand. Definitely kept me awake on the HT it was not just a let go of the brakes and flying down like usual.


I knew I was going to loose time on the hills ... but half expected to make some time on the downhills .... 


Absolute respect for the speeds the winners were doing !!!



Those trails were not going to tolerate cowboy riders ....



but what a good feeling knowing I managed one of the more trying rides of the season !  :clap:

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Anybody caught the web details where we can check the results ?


Nice detailed race report Chris, not too many of that on the hub nowadays...


Pity the organisers don't use Racetec anymore, but I know they are expensive for the smaller events to use.

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what an awesome ride :-) The 60km is a proper MTB ride, I have done the 30 before and know that is one of the hardest 30's you can do, but the 60, what a treat, the views was just stunning, but you had to be careful while taking it in, as one small lack in concentration could spell pain :-) 

Thanks for that report ChrisF :-) The end of this event is also very special with local craft beer and Potjie competition :-) 

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