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The first few days after a "huge" crash


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You wake up the next morning. Cant get out of bed because ribs are cracked or fractured; Knees are painfull; Wrist sprained. You are buggered. Pop a few pain tablets 


Try pefidien...you'll ride the next day..LOL
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trying going through winscreen of oncoming car at +/- 70km' date=' head on! lot of pain and long recovery![/quote']


blixim....and your'e alive...
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Been there, done that.  Worst is (1) boredom and (2) frustration at not being able to ride while your friends are out.  BUT, I listened to the doc, and I'm all back now.

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trying going through winscreen of oncoming car at +/- 70km' date=' head on! lot of pain and long recovery![/quote']


blixim....and your'e alive...


who was going at 70? you or the car?
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Had a hernia op and was off (no riding) for 5 weeks. Then just light riding with discomfort/pain but now its been 8 weeks feeling great and man I'm loving it again! Renewed enthusiasm .......


Luckily I had a project bike that I worked on during my 'convalesence' to keep me 'sane' (no comments from the 'peanut' gallery!).
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You wake up the next morning. Cant get out of bed because ribs are cracked or fractured; Knees are painfull; Wrist sprained. You are buggered. Pop a few pain tablets and life goes on. After few days you are bored because the bike is gathering dust and you know that you cant ride.  You want to get right ASAP because your next favourite race is just a few weeks away.

Anybody else that has gone through this lately?


If you have an indoor trainer you can ride that after maybe giving the inflamation and muscle soreness a week or so to lessen. I remember spending 4 or 5 weeks while my collar bone mended on the indoor trainer.


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martelpypie, i feel for you - beent here twice and am now struggling to actually get ont he bike - the motivation is there but every time i do i get so despondent cos i've lost so much fitness

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sorry I can't give you any advice, I can't remember the first couple of days after my crash Pinch

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sorry I can't give you any advice' date=' I can't remember the first couple of days after my crash Pinch[/quote']


A crash on your 21st birthday party might be hard to remember.


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bwahahaha orca - after my first big crash i can only remember bits from that avie/evening and a thing here or there from the monday so i know the feeling. no-one could understand why i insisted on going to visit my bike on the wednesday - they didn't understand that i still loved it!

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It does suck not being able to ride.


Had a huge crash two months back ten broken ribs,punctured lung,fractures to the lumber spine,dislocated shoulder and some freaky scars from the windscreenTongue


My advice is to do lots of time on the IDT in the meanwhile so that you don't feel like youre going to have a heart attack when you get back in the saddle.


Also don't start to ride unless you get the all clear from the doc no matter how badly you want to.


The best part for me was going for my first ride after the crash on my new bike :-)


wisecrack2008-07-21 06:01:31

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Thx for encouragement. The worst to me is that you are probably at your fittest level in a long time, and then these things should happen on a single track that is as straight as the N1 to Cape Town with one small branch of a tree sticking out. Next week if my knee is ok, I will start slowly on the trainer. Did that 4 yrs ago when I fractured on the other side after attempting a downhill  on a XC course  that will give Gregg M a smile.

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lol.... reading this just makes me laugh. The joy in crashing is the realization of how much we love our bikes and riding them, how we can't afford to be off them for just one week because we are so totally and utterly devoted to them. Makes you think what life without a bike would be for some of us... And what the guys in Barloworld must be thinking now that their sponsorship is pulled after one guy screwed it all up for them.


What a shame.


For me, i love getting back on the bike after a fall or injury. Even did the Amashova 3 weeks after breaking my hand... was friggin sore, but did it anyway. And I realised what I had missed over those few weeks. Never mind my bike was only 6 weeks old at the time so i had to cut the honeymoon short for a while.


Martelpypie, recover and reform dude. You won't regret it...


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Hmmm... i'm there too. fracture dislocation of my right shoulder. I was allowed back on the indoor trainer on monday but i still feel like death every time i get on, i dont seem to have got the anaesthetic out of my body yet. The worst part is I had a sponsored entry for Transbaviaans with my boyfriend, and the use of the most beautiful carbon giant hardtail i have ever seen. so every time i think about missing out on all the racing i burst into tears. oh, and the bit about having to give the bike back since i'm not racing the race. so i'm MTBless too. that parts even more painfull than missing the raceCry 

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I don't think many people understand our desire to be on our bikes and in the mountains. i remember breaking my collarbone in Tokai forest and having pins inserted. All I wanted to do was get back out there and do that same singletrack section faster - and avoiding some trees. Everyone told me I was mad except my cycling buddy - He understood. Still have those pins in a box somewhere. 

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