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What i have learnt today..


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Some of you might be MTB pro's, others might be new to this wonderful sport.  Thought i would share my lessons learnt.


-  Sand is not your friend.  The fact the one switched from road bike to MTB does not mean that sand suddenly becomes fun.  It sucks.... literally....


-  Although i might think ive got good bike handling skills, i dont.  Went up a smallish incline in way to heavy a gear, couldnt turn it, then couldnt unclip in time and flipped over backwards.  Somehow a bush got hold of me and gave me a nice friendly reminder on my back (a nice scrape) that im not the MTB god.  Ironically, Bad Day from Fuel was playing on my Ipod.


-  My LBS actually did fill my tires with slime.  God bless them, otherwise i would still be walking home.


-  Oh yes, slime is actually a good thing, it might be heavier (dont know how much) but i would rather lug that around than having to spend time changings tubes...



So what did you learn today?


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Some of you might be MTB pro's' date=' others might be new to this wonderful sport.  Thought i would share my lessons learnt.


-  Sand is not your friend.  The fact the one switched from road bike to MTB does not mean that sand suddenly becomes fun.  It sucks.... literally....


-  Although i might think ive got good bike handling skills, i dont.  Went up a smallish incline in way to heavy a gear, couldnt turn it, then couldnt unclip in time and flipped over backwards.  Somehow a bush got hold of me and gave me a nice friendly reminder on my back (a nice scrape) that im not the MTB god.  Ironically, Bad Day from Fuel was playing on my Ipod.


-  My LBS actually did fill my tires with slime.  God bless them, otherwise i would still be walking home.


-  Oh yes, slime is actually a good thing, it might be heavier (dont know how much) but i would rather lug that around than having to spend time changings tubes...



So what did you learn today?



Thanks for the good laughLOLClap. Please tell me you had no spectators Embarrassed


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I learnt that if you have  a wobble in your rim you only ever need to tighten the right (as in correct, not left) spoke(s). <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


I also learnt that you basically never have to bleed disk brakes. 


And I finally accepted the fact that you have to measure your chain after every 3 wash, the proper way.


And I learnt that all chains, regardless of price, give the same performance.


This and numerous other things all thanks to the DIY bike maintenance course. Mr Bornman, I thank you! 

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And I finally accepted the fact that you have to measure your chain after every 3 wash, the proper way.



cool, so i can make my chain last longer by washing the bike less often. win-win.


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I learnt that if you have  a wobble in your rim you only ever need to tighten the right (as in correct, not left) spoke(s).


And I finally accepted the fact that you have to measure your chain after every 3 wash, the proper way.




ive done rims repairs a couple of times... and every time my LBS had to sort out the mess i created.  Some things are not meant to be.  Any rims repair / brake bleed and chain measurement ill leave in the capable hands of the LBS.  There's a reason i dont get paid for it....


Re the chain measurement... u kidding me, right?  So its true what they say - Ignorance is bliss.




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Thanks for the good laughLOLClap. Please tell me you had no spectators Embarrassed


Not a soul Embarrassed (lucky me).  It did check that 1st before i started scanning for pain..  At least it gave me time to lay on my back and contemplate what an idiot i must have looked.  At least the lyrics to Bad Day made me smile.


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I learnt that if you have  a wobble in your rim you only ever need to tighten the right (as in correct, not left) spoke(s).


And I finally accepted the fact that you have to measure your chain after every 3 wash, the proper way.



ive done rims repairs a couple of times... and every time my LBS had to sort out the mess i created.  Some things are not meant to be.  Any rims repair / brake bleed and chain measurement ill leave in the capable hands of the LBS.  There's a reason i dont get paid for it....

Re the chain measurement... u kidding me, right?  So its true what they say - Ignorance is bliss.


Ignorance is not bliss its bloody expensive?.Cry

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I learnt that a flat course is not an easy course Smile

Especially 70k's when the wind blows.
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I learnt that even though you might think you a racing snake, if you don't take spares to save the weight in your back pockets...Does not matter how fast you are, you are still going to walk home carrying your bike if something goes wrong!!

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Ive also learnt that i can't blame everything on my bike.  Why would my brakes be rubbing the 5th time if it didnt the prev 4 times i checked.

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Today I learnt that no matter how frustrating recovery after a fall is, it can't and shouldn't be rushed.


Also, after marked improvements in the above recovery you should stop and take stock of how fantastic this is as sport on a bright and sunny spring evening.


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I know that even though I'm a very poor cyclist and slow it still does your health the world of good just to get out and train.


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today I learnt that, no matter how good you think you are with clipping out of your pedals, they WILL refuse to unclip one day when you are on the main road.

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Some of you might be MTB pro's' date=' others might be new to this wonderful sport.? Thought i would share my lessons learnt.-? Sand is not your friend.? The fact the one switched from road bike to MTB does not mean that sand suddenly becomes fun.? It sucks.... literally....-? Although i might think ive got good bike handling skills, i dont.? Went up a smallish incline in way to heavy a gear, couldnt turn it, then couldnt unclip in time and flipped over backwards.? Somehow a bush got hold of me and gave me a nice friendly reminder on my back (a nice scrape) that im not the MTB god.? Ironically, Bad Day from Fuel was playing on my Ipod.-? My LBS actually did fill my tires with slime.? God bless them, otherwise i would still be walking home.-? Oh yes, slime is actually a good thing, it might be heavier (dont know how much) but i would rather lug that around than having to spend time changings tubes...So what did you learn today?[/quote']




And the beavers were laughinggg....!!! smiley36.gif smiley36.gif

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Ive learnt this weekend that MTB is a wonderful versatile sport.  You can basically take your bike anywhere and get some execise.


It was great cycling between the wheat fields and just explore your way over hills and between valleys.


and... now i had to spend almost an hour to get all the dust off my bike


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