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Idiot drove at 180kmh on Rhodes drive and posted it onto Youtube


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Anyone ? Oooh really ?

Most with rather new cars, and modified golfs etc. But how many of them would be able to control the car should something go wrong?

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Most with rather new cars, and modified golfs etc. But how many of them would be able to control the car should something go wrong?


reality is: above a certain speed, there are very very very few professional drivers on the planet in any car with no matter what sort of driver assist, that can handle a loss of control situation. much less some punk from the burbs.

At 180kph on those sort of roads, only bad things can happen if control is lost. Hopefully, it will just be the moron behind the wheel that takes the brunt of it. but life's tough. Amazing how often the perp walks away. But dont worry. Papa wag vir hom..

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Lets assume this guy is a car fanatic road racer type. Judging by what I have seen it looks as if he does spend time on the track and for all we know hemay even be a good driver. I drive Rhodes Drive and ride on parts of it quite regularly. I've never seen him blasting around there, so your supposed reason 'to warn cyclists" is probably a waste of time. Whats far more dangerous on that raod are the ever so slow moving wide busses and trucks and taxis drivers who are half asleep and who just don't give a ****.


In my experience, as a driver, the faster I go the harder I concentrate, so I argue that this fool is probably the last person you need to worry about hitting someone...The person who knocked me off my bike was an innexperienced student. The bloke who almost T boned me just below Rhodes drive when out in my car was driving a bakkie and just didnt look. A maniac and illegal yes, but the person you need to warn everyone about - not even close.


Just because you've never seen the guy on Rhodes drive doesn't mean anything. Driving on a track and driving on a public road are two different matters. A track has wider lanes and is nicely tarred and clean. A public road may have branches or rocks, gravel, pedestrians, cyclists and of course other cars. Looking at the video, the guy is obviously an amateur at best. I am not impressed by his driving ability or lack thereof. I do agree that there are other road users like taxis and trucks that are also dangerous.


The main point is that if we had everyone treating the roads like a race track, there would be many more accidents - yes/no? If he gets away with this, then we can shortly expect others to try and beat his video or a bigger thrill and post it onto Youtube. It does not matter if the guy is Michael Schumacher or a student driver - there are laws in place. That road has a 60km/h speed limit. Or does that not apply to this guy or to a guy who is a better than average driver?


The guy in the video is not as skilled as he likes to believe. A real driver would be racing competitively on the race track, not making videos to try and impress people on the internet.


He broke the law by going triple the speed-limit and now hopefully they take him off our roads.

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reality is: above a certain speed, there are very very very few professional drivers on the planet in any car with no matter what sort of driver assist, that can handle a loss of control situation. much less some punk from the burbs.

At 180kph on those sort of roads, only bad things can happen if control is lost. Hopefully, it will just be the moron behind the wheel that takes the brunt of it. but life's tough. Amazing how often the perp walks away. But dont worry. Papa wag vir hom..


With those old tires he could have had a blowout. Anything could have happened on such a road with all the activity such as joggers, cyclists, dogs and animals in the road. He must be really dumb to not anticipate any of this. If a dog had run across the road at that speed, he would not have enough time to stop. What if children were walking with their parents and one of them stepped out into the road with this dude driving at 180km/h? He takes the lives of others into his hands. Even if there is a 1% chance of him crashing into someone, its still an unnecessary risk.


He is risking other people's lives to have his bit of fun on the road. Thats the bottom line.

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Would you like it if a guy had a revolver with one bullet in, taking the odd pot-shot at you for a bit of fun?


Those are the videos he actually posted. How many times has this guy done this? How many more videos are there? Who knows if he's ever driven away from a hit and run?

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i dont give a flying f$%^ about this nobody, the point is, you do!


Guy ... I care about him and I care about him ALOT when comes barreling past me on a 60km zone with blind corners and I am on a bicycle.

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Mike, I'm not arguing with the illegality of this twits actions. Thing is we take our lives in our hands every time we drive or ride. The vast majority of accidents are not caused by blokes like this but by slack non concentrating people who belive a car is solely a conveyance and havent the first idea about how to drive or the laws of physics that govern the process.


Rhodes drive has the odd jogger but its no pedestrian thoroughfare. I couldnt hear tyre noise in the corners so chances are he wasnt anyhwere near track speed on the bends. 180 on a near deserted straight with a perfect tar surface - crazy illegal speed but not nearly as dangerous as you claim - its also an uphill. Worn tyres - you make much of that and seem to read in that he was driving treadless tyres with steel showing. I wonder.


My 2c - less hysteria and indignation at one tjop and more realism required.

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Gmmfff, youngsters of today. :P

Have got a pic (taken by me whilst driving) doing close to 220km/h in my modded Nissan SSS Turbo in the late 80's. This was at night on the road between Magalies and Rustenburg.

What am I trying to say? WE ALL ARE BONKERS SOMETIME IN OUR LIVES, AND DO IRRESPONSIBLE THINGS. As a matter of fact, I can't remember when last I was even over 160km/h in my modern car, so with age comes sobriety.


I do not condone this chaps actions, now of the firm belief that shenanigans like this belongs to the track.



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Stopping distance requires not just good brakes, or good tyres, but also thinking time/distance.

Many mortals can only think as far as they can see; and most can't.


The average drivers thinking distance at 100kmph is about 20m

Braking distance about 55m = 75m stopping distance at 100kmph.


At 130kmph it is about 120m.


F1 tracks are about 3x the width of the lane he is in. There are no pedestrians, vehicles coming the other way, and there is about double the run out.


Even if he is highly skilled, there is no chance that losing control would not have ended in injuries.


These guys watch too much Fast 'n Furious and Bollywood drifting.


How about I blast my wetbike through the surfing zone at Llandudno ?


The question remains. Is he justified in doing this? The answer is NO.

If he was then he would have had no reason to remove his posting. That he posted this in the first place casts serious doubt on the 'average' thinking distance equation!



I get really upset when stupid f&^&ers!! drive on our roads like this!!

The speed limits are there for a very good reason.

I hope this guy knocks a tree all by himself in the middle of nowhere and gets the steering wheel through his head that he deserves.

I know I am being harsh, but a idiot like this will never change and oneday he is going to kill 20 cyclists and he is going to claim the sun was in his eyes and he is going to walk away free.

At 180km/h you are traveling 50 meters per second. A good new car will stop from 100km/h in around 3-4 seconds. I dont even want to guess the amount of tarmac and time he would need to bring his death machine to a halt if he needed to stop quickly. But I can probably say that you are looking at 300 meters to stop the herse.

At 250km/h you are covering 70meters per second. And you are probably looking at around at least 8 seconds to bring that thing to a standstill. Yes, count it out in your head, it is a cr@p long time.


It is simple, if you speed, you are a killer. Something will happen someday when you are speeding and it doesnt matter if you are a racing driver or not or what you are driving, physics are against you. You are going to demolish whatever gets in your path.


Whoever was moaning earlier that you drive better faster, well the best of luck to you bud when you are bubba's bitch oneday. :drool:


The speed limits are there for a reason, if you obey them, if something does go wrong you have so much more chance of reacting in time and saving someones life.


I cant remember the stats, but if you drive 140 opposed to 110 on the n1, the chance of dying in something going wrong on the road goes up many many times.



Ive also had enough of superbikes flying past me, but that is enough ranting for now else I may pop. :cursing:

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Got traded for a 200Sti Sentra.

Should have tried to hang onto her for much longer.




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Gmmfff, youngsters of today. :P

Have got a pic (taken by me whilst driving) doing close to 220km/h in my modded Nissan SSS Turbo in the late 80's. This was at night on the road between Magalies and Rustenburg.

What am I trying to say? WE ALL ARE BONKERS SOMETIME IN OUR LIVES, AND DO IRRESPONSIBLE THINGS. As a matter of fact, I can't remember when last I was even over 160km/h in my modern car, so with age comes sobriety.


I do not condone this chaps actions, now of the firm belief that shenanigans like this belongs to the track.



nice steering wheel.

Jeez dude...you gonna be hanged for that pichure, Mike's gonna get you!

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nice steering wheel.

Jeez dude...you gonna be hanged for that pichure, Mike's gonna get you!

Mike and Woofie...

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As I said I DO NOT CONDONE what he did and, yes, it should be on the track!


I have been in many a fast car, on the track driving and passenger and have had the crap scared out of me when things have gone wrong. I have owned 2 Subaru's and was a member of the scooby club. This is not smart driving, but the guy can handle a car.


And yes this car is modded!


He can definitely handle a car but he is obviously arrogant and looking for some kind of street cred.

Even before watching this Video I would never cycle or jog that road. Its damn risky when cars are going

60kmh let alone 180kmh.

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