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Tokai Maintenance and Building


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Anyone still watching this thread? Trail build day set for the weekend of the 25th, Sat and Sun at Tokai.


Book the weekend if you are keen, time will be confirmed but looking like a morning session as construction will not affect riding.


-Stay tuned-

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Dude, do you have to ask? Of course we are... And next weekend as well? Woooo Hooo! I'm in.


I really agree with the views voiced above. There needs to be gap jumps and tabletops of various levels and difficulties to help everyone progress properly. At the moment, there's just 2 types. Biggish gap jumps (think the 3 gap jumps on Vasbyt) and then 2 tiny ones (tabletop next to the 3rd gap jump on Vasbyt, then the gap jump on My Roots)


If we make sure that most riders will be comfortable and can take a different line according to their skill level (at least on the jumps) then that's 1st prize. Personally, I think the dropoffs should be like the boxed ones shown above, to minimize the dreaded erosion, and to facilitate the progression from weenie to DH guru. After all - the easier you handle dropoffs, the easier jumps become!


This weekend's session still on?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


Well, Pain or Shine and I made a few changes to Faerie Garden and the bottom end of Vasbyt yesterday... Basically a bit of erosion control, and some maintenance after the rains we have been having recently.


The most amount of time was spent clearing out pockets of water in the low-lying areas of the trails. Specifically in Faerie Garden and one particular corner on Vasbyt. We created runoffs for the water to carry on down the mountain, instead of just pooling in one place where it was creating huge potential for erosion of the existing trail.


Also cleared most of the mossy layer from the Faerie Garden bridge, which wasa getting pretty treacherous for those crossing it.


We cleared some of the alien vegetation from the middle of Vasbyt, to make sure that the corners aren't so blind for those riding for the first time. One of the more noticeable changes / removals was of a large root just before the first plank jump in the switchback section of Vasbyt. It was creating an erosion nightmare, as well as ruining the line for the plank jump as you first had to traverse the root before setting up for the plank jump.


But the most noticeable difference is where the barbed wire USED TO BE!


We have cleared that, as well as created a berm at the top end of the corner so that you can pump off that into the corner. We also removed a couple of those dreaded roots at the bottom of the corner, that were jutting off the dead tree-stump.


More work will follow, but the message from myself and Pain or Shine is this - enjoy the trail, but please don't try to alter anything or create new trails when the existing ones aren't to your liking. There is a lot of work that goes into getting acceptance for the trails to be enhanced, as well as to even gain access to the mountain armed with a spade and an axe. If people just try to create trails that haven't been approved, then the prospect of future trail building will go up in a puff of smoke.


And to point this out, there was an unautorized bypass in Faerie Garden. It had to be closed. If left open, it would create untold problems for us all. Erosion, maintenance and trail-approval related.


Enjoy the trails!

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Thanks, you guys rock! Once my kids grow up a bit I hope to have some time to help out too!

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Hi guys,


Well, Pain or Shine and I made a few changes to Faerie Garden and the bottom end of Vasbyt yesterday... Basically a bit of erosion control, and some maintenance after the rains we have been having recently.


The most amount of time was spent clearing out pockets of water in the low-lying areas of the trails. Specifically in Faerie Garden and one particular corner on Vasbyt. We created runoffs for the water to carry on down the mountain, instead of just pooling in one place where it was creating huge potential for erosion of the existing trail.


Also cleared most of the mossy layer from the Faerie Garden bridge, which wasa getting pretty treacherous for those crossing it.


We cleared some of the alien vegetation from the middle of Vasbyt, to make sure that the corners aren't so blind for those riding for the first time. One of the more noticeable changes / removals was of a large root just before the first plank jump in the switchback section of Vasbyt. It was creating an erosion nightmare, as well as ruining the line for the plank jump as you first had to traverse the root before setting up for the plank jump.


But the most noticeable difference is where the barbed wire USED TO BE!


We have cleared that, as well as created a berm at the top end of the corner so that you can pump off that into the corner. We also removed a couple of those dreaded roots at the bottom of the corner, that were jutting off the dead tree-stump.


More work will follow, but the message from myself and Pain or Shine is this - enjoy the trail, but please don't try to alter anything or create new trails when the existing ones aren't to your liking. There is a lot of work that goes into getting acceptance for the trails to be enhanced, as well as to even gain access to the mountain armed with a spade and an axe. If people just try to create trails that haven't been approved, then the prospect of future trail building will go up in a puff of smoke.


And to point this out, there was an unautorized bypass in Faerie Garden. It had to be closed. If left open, it would create untold problems for us all. Erosion, maintenance and trail-approval related.


Enjoy the trails!


Appreciate what you have done! :clap:

BUT the original path/corner in fairy garden will not last forever.

So while it is water logged, clear another path next to it to relieve the amount of erosion/stress from cyclists on the original path! These paths can then be alternated in the future.


Fairy garden should have two paths into the corners so the slow riders can be passed!


There are so many areas in Tokai that could be used for more single track and most of these areas are below the young pine trees! Until they start to repair or construct new trails I aint gonna renew my Wild Card!


What exactly are we getting when we pay for the Wild Card and the rider permit? I understand that the Wild Card can be used at Cape Point, several lodges, holiday accommodation and for discounts at certain places) BUT where does the money go for the riding permit?


Can we rather pay you to do the above mentioned maintenance? :P

Edited by david16v
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^ See quote for comments starting at ---^


Dont think these would ever be allowed in Tokai, can you imagine what the Forest would look like with some semi-vert wooden ramps (burms) in nearly every corner?

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This is a silly thing to do as the original path will not last forever.

So while it is water logged, clear another path next to it to relieve the amount of erosion/stress from cyclists on the original path! These paths can then be alternated in the future.


Fairy garden should have two paths into the corners so the slow riders can be passed!


There are so many areas in Tokai that could be used for more single track and most of these areas are below the young pine trees! Until they start to repair or construct new trails I aint gonna renew my Wild Card!


What exactly are we getting when we pay for the Wild Card and the rider permit? I understand that the Wild Card can be used at Cape Point, several lodges, holiday accommodation and for discounts at certain places) BUT where does the money go for the riding permit?


No, this is exactly the attitude that has created much of the tension between the trail builders and TMNP / SANParks. The trails that are there are approved. We are not allowed to build any new trails (and that includes diverts, re-routing existing trails, creating alternates to existing routes, or just creating a new path when the existing path is not to your liking)


If you do not want to ride a certain section of the trail, get off and walk it. If you have slower riders in front of you, ask POLITELY to come past. If they move off the centre of the trail, then pass. If not, then practice your slow-moving handling skills. Ride THROUGH the water. Or around it. DO NOT just create a diversion because you are being held up by someone, or you don't want your bike to get dirty. That makes the trail-builders' efforts to create a happy relationship between "us and them" (them being TMNP & Mnr Botha) increasingly harder.


As for the Permits, they go to SANParks as a whole, and are there in order to provide money for the budgets of ALL their parks. The fact that we, as MTBers, pay to use the trails, is warranted. After all, it is a revenue-creating opportunity, and that revenue helps make provision for new trails, maintenance as well as salaries for the staff who man the area, and the SANParks officials on site.


If Mnr Botha sees an illegal trail (and he WILL find them if they are there - he lives on site) he WILL clamp down on the maintenance of the trails, as well as ANY potential NEW trails. It is for this very reason that we were not allowed vehicular access to Tokai this weekend, in order to DO the very maintenance that we crave.


As my post pointed out, there IS work being done. There WILL be new trails. EVENTUALLY. But every time an illegal diversion or trail crops up, the efforts to get in are undermined, and relations get strained.


In the meantime, just ride the trails as they are. Instead of trying to find diversions, try different lines into the corners, or just don't brake into them. Try to extend YOUR experience & skill before undermining the work that goes into the trails. It is getting better, but please, be patient.


We are working as volunteers, after all. Maybe try to come along to one of the sessions, and you'll understand what goes into the management of this wonderful place that we have...

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Edit - I see your edit, David... Thanks mate.


It just really irks me to see all the illegal trails that go up, and to know that for every trail/diversion that is put up without planning approval is effectively a smack in the face when it comes to getting approval for future building.


And no, I don't wanna be paid (unless it's in the form of a cold Label at the end of the day!)


We spent approx 4 hours on the mountain, doing work on erosion control and other enhancements to the trails...


I tell you, a beer would have been WONDERFUL!

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Nice work!

Cant wait to try it all out.


yeah, neither can I! We were constantly checking the lines & the viability of the changes that we were making... I'm gonna ride it this arvo, if I can...


Thanks, you guys rock! Once my kids grow up a bit I hope to have some time to help out too!


Shot bro, positive encouragement always helps! And kids aren't an excuse. Just palm them off to the wife and claim some "man time". It's also a helluva good workout, so it'll be good for you!


Dont think these would ever be allowed in Tokai, can you imagine what the Forest would look like with some semi-vert wooden ramps (burms) in nearly every corner?


Not every corner, but the VERT option isn't there. It would eliminate too many riders due to the technical skill needed to ride them properly. The boxed drop-offs and bridges, though, are a definite possibility. IF WE BEHAVE!


Watch this space though...

Edited by cptmayhem
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I will be happy to help you guys oneday, just let me know when and time?


I am a bit worried about one long wooden bridge because lots of woods are cmoing off and I noticed that one bolt came off.

We need to sort it out before big drama...

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I will be happy to help you guys oneday, just let me know when and time?


I am a bit worried about one long wooden bridge because lots of woods are cmoing off and I noticed that one bolt came off.

We need to sort it out before big drama...


Which one? If you're talking about the one at the very bottom of Vasbyt, just after it forks, then that bridge is going to get some work VERY soon. It is a bit dangerous in its current state, and needs to be fixed.


Will do re including you in the build / maintenance sessions! Your name is now on the thread, so no need to worry about lists or anything.

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Ah. Right. That is the one that should be receiving attention very soon. It's also helluva sandy at the landing area, so that needs to be cleared as well...


In the meantime, just take the RH fork. Not as fun, but there are a couple of small rollers that you could jump from.


Unfortunately these things take time, and we just couldn't do it yesterday because we didn't have the relevant tools.

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There is some serious erosion there too now below the tree stump roots. I nearly tore my sack off there last week going down the drop... just before you get onto the bridge.


We need to pack up some more material under there.


Thanks CPT Mayhem for the work you've done. Some draining in the pools was much needed for some faster runs and less soil splashed out of the trail.

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