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Robbie Stewart

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Everything posted by Robbie Stewart

  1. Thai Airways A330 clips the tail off of a Gulfstream G4... https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiOWh0dHBzOi8vc2ltcGxlZmx5aW5nLmNvbS90aGFpLWFpcndheXMtYTMzMC1qZXQtY29sbGlzaW9uL9IBPWh0dHBzOi8vc2ltcGxlZmx5aW5nLmNvbS90aGFpLWFpcndheXMtYTMzMC1qZXQtY29sbGlzaW9uL2FtcC8?hl=en-ZA&gl=ZA&ceid=ZA%3Aen
  2. And then, as your forum name implies, splat..
  3. Is there something wrong with wanting to laugh my ass off at this?
  4. A group of riders all wearing Velokhaya jerseys, riding Trek hard tails. They were riding like complete knobs, jostling and forcing folks out of the way. They came blasting past me on the descent to Edinburgh drive, and later I caught up to them again approaching Smitswinkel. They were brash and rude, and I threatened to mo3r one of them, and they then probably got the message, as I passed them as they pulled over to have a group p!ssing contest. Thankfully I never saw them again after that.
  5. To the Velokhaya bunch...next year I will be handing out complementary PK's... You fellas pass like complete chops slicing through the crowd and causing mayhem, all the while shouting and whistling as you approach. And to "Junior"...you so nearly clipped my bars at 30 kph. That would have ended badly for you. Just saying. To the idiot who passed between myself and another cyclist on the Cape Point descent, you sir are a mullet. How you think it's acceptable to pass between two riders doing nearly 50 kph within a hands breadth between bars...brains are few...
  6. I ride there just about every other day in the mornings before sunrise. This is really concerning.
  7. Now seeing as my HT decided to kill it's drive train, and I am too ingat to spend more on replacing the drivetrain than the bike is worth, I will be Spaz Cambering the 'tour with the 1x12 setup...and to this end, it is now a proper fun ride event, which I will enjoy and stop and enjoy the sights and sounds, the odd tasting and perhaps a boerie or three...
  8. Can I wear a black armband on my right arm for all the murdered farmers?
  9. I have never gone down to JC le Roux (now that I typed that, I hope I never have to go down on JC le Roux). I always hook a sho't left at the top and go down that gravelly section, go though the gate, and then hit that very steep drop to the main road.
  10. Windy.com reckons a slight South Wester and temps in 19 - 22 degrees Celsius range. Looks like a year of personal bests after last year's personal worsts.
  11. Now that you say it, I did notice the the ATC instructed the aircraft that they were requesting to fly in uncontrolled airspace at 17 DME. This together with the lowering ceiling possibly led to another Kobe Bryant scenario...
  12. I rode there a few weekends back and the wind was howling then too. I came up from Houtbay side, and as I crested over the top, I passed a bloke who mumbled something to me in the wind which I could not quite hear. It kept bothering me on my way to the "tunnel" until I started noticing the fist sized stones in the road. I promptly stopped and went back the way I came. As I crested again at the lookout point, there was a lady sitting in the road holding onto her bicycle. I am guessing the gusts were approximating 90 - 100 kph at the time. I very nearly got blown over myself. It was a moment of clarity that I would rather not ride there when the wind is howling like that.
  13. Thanks for sharing Swiss, I am keen on reading the whole report, but so far scanned over it and from what I am understanding unless I am missing something is that there was a possible loss of control, either pilot induced due to cloud cover or mechanical (pitch and roll rate decrease and increase). Again, my perspective is based on very loosely translated assumptions.
  14. How dare you! They're an endless line of berms all heading down a double black IMBA death line.
  15. I am just looking forward to Patrick's next news letter...He has been given enough petrol to start a moerse fire with.
  16. I don't. I did grow up with Bull terriers and Sheep dogs. I like dogs, but since my last bite, which occurred while I was on my mtb.... I am not exactly fond of dogs, and I just get highly agitated when I hear one bark or growl. My neighbour's dog tried to kill their cat a few months back and I was in my kitchen and I started trembling, not from fear, but rage. I had that "red mist" that people refer to come over me. I am sure it is some form of underlying ptsd or call it what you will, but I am sure as anything that I will NEVER allow a dog to try bite me, or my family, ever again.
  17. This ^^^ my version of the dog knowing is that it won't be able to again once I'm done.
  18. Having been bitten by two dogs already, the third attempt will result in a dead dog. That's my view on dogs. The first dog that tries that sh ! t with my daughter will also not see another sunrise. End van Prent. In my house that mutt would be outside to start with.
  19. My subjective opinion is that NES is a trail with zero challenging bits on it (to me at least). I am not deterred by the loose stones or the steep gradient. I am not crying about the grading according to whomever stuck the signage up. Comparing NES to Cobra is from my perspective a moot point. In saying this, I am not calling Cobra as a valid black trail either. I am also not of the opinion that it warrants the black status according to IMBA, but if I have to go on the amount of helivacs over the last year, I would say that definitely unskilled riders must be wary. I had a chat with one of the club staff about the trail on a time I was there, and I was told there was a helivac earlier that day, and two on the previous day from Cobra. This should raise some warning bells at least.Folks are riding it without knowing what they're in for.
  20. Whoa there tiger, I have ridden both plenty myself, and I ain't buying what you're selling there.
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