Look, let me start with an apology. I do understand your frustration and whether you want this next bit or not, it will help you. I am quite happy to provide you and anyone else with the info that I am supplied, even the information that I have to scrounge around to find. My belief is that it's not right to leave you standing at the "front-line" without the news that the war is over, which it is! The answer currently stands at "no" to the Cork tree trail, and it has been for some time. Process vs expectations Here is my side. I read on a daily basis about how SANParks should just do *this* or *that* and when the comments is approached with some details as to why it's not going to *just* happen, the blinkers come out. Then as a result, as it usually is, the blame is laid at SANParks' door to say that: 1. don't fine us for doing something we should not be doing, and 2. your energy would be better spent catching criminals elsewhere. To challenge this mindset is usually met with anger because the belief stems from the undesirable answer to fast-tracking such a request as the Cork tree trail, i.e. "because SANParks is saying "no" to a trial basis for a short, outlying, existing piece of track, we will ride there regardless and make a mockery of the consequences." Then when they take a stand and divert their resources to uphold a condition set in paper, tensions are raised and the divide just widens. That is when the process, as an inadvertent casualty loses your support and this should not be allowed to happen, which is why I take the time to try explain. You don't see anyone else apart from TokaiMTB members trying, do you? I'm sure you will agree that during negotiations, this is not a healthy situation. It's not far off from angry mobs throwing poo at innocent passers-by because results are not immediately forthcoming. So I'm sure you can see from my point-of-view that frustration is shared on both sides. Nobody ever said this will be a quick process and the concept of "fast-track", or "trial basis" does not exist in govt. vocab, yet the announcement was basically passed off as 'in the bag' to a very large subscriber base and subsequently all further information or updates ceased - apart from those being sent to a closed group warning of the consequence if caught. So Toby and others, I cannot blame you for your frustration, your expectations are not being met and nor are you being informed of the progress in this specific instance.. but please understand that there is only 1 process and it is a slow one. Any promises of it being sped up through trials or any other means is just not going to happen and creates unrealistic expectations. As it is, we are nearing the completion of a large portion which will have the greatest bearing on our activity. I expect progress will be more consistent when the EMP is out the way and then we can start talking about the juicy bits, being trails with public participation. All the points for the approval of the Cork tree trail listed in this thread ARE valid and will certainly be presented as such. I can't see that it will be met with any overriding resistance from the public and that is where the crux of approval lies.. (also with Cape Pine so I hope this little saga does not have a negative impact but that's another story.) Most importantly, when you understand the constraints of the process you can look objectively at any news that tries to raise hopes but inevitably leaves you hanging, especially if it's around a court room bench!!