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  1. At 07:10 this morning, was cycling northbound on the M4, near York Road, when a lone attacker pretended to cross the road, said "hello sir" and then exposed a small knife and stabbed me in the right side of my chest. I continued cycling for about 50m, turned into a side road and stopped. When the attacker saw that I had stopped, he sprinted towards me and I rode away from him. Alerted a local private security patroller a bit further up the road. Received medical attention at Constantiaberg Mediclinic emergency. 4 stitches, otherwise all OK.
  2. Hey Hubbers! Recently, we've become increasingly concerned about the spike in muggings and violence, particularly along the N1 section that many of us use to get to town, Camps, Hout Bay, and southern suburbs. After some thought, I would like to try a proactive step towards enhancing our safety and security on the roads. I'm in the process of creating a WhatsApp group specifically for cyclists in and around Blouberg. The goal is to provide a platform for us to connect, coordinate, and ensure a safer journey for everyone. **Why a WhatsApp Group?** While I understand that WhatsApp groups can sometimes be overwhelming, I believe there is tremendous value in creating a space where we can look out for one another. This group will serve as a quick and efficient way for us to share our plans, coordinate rides, and, most importantly, increase our visibility on the road. **How Will It Work?** The idea is simple. Cyclists can post a message indicating the time they plan to head into town, their approximate location, and an estimate of the average speed they intend to ride. By doing this, we can form impromptu groups and ride together through the potentially risky areas. Once we pass the hotspot, we can choose to continue riding together or part ways. **Sticking Together for Safety** I understand that the presence of a group may not deter all potential threats, but there's strength in numbers. By sticking together, we can create a sense of unity and deterrence, making our rides not only enjoyable but safer. **How to Join:** If you're interested in being part of this safety-conscious cycling community, please drop a comment below or send me a direct message with your contact number, and I'll add you to the group. Let's come together, look out for one another, and ensure that we can continue enjoying the freedom of cycling without compromising our safety.
  3. Last week I had a chat to some random okes at Blackhill and i heard rumors about riders taking precaution by arming themselves for rides. It seems people are gatvol of being targeted. So how many people actually do this?
  4. I think..I don't...someone say something. Cyclist who kneed a five-year-old girl to the floor on Christmas Day for blocking his path successfully sues her father for sharing the viral footage | Daily Mail Online
  5. Found this the other day. Not everyone drives a range but you get the point
  6. Very lucky lady. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Csj788ZgOkp/?igshid=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA==
  7. has anyone cycled (solo) from durbanville to philadelphia? if so, what’s the safest route?
  8. So I'm looking into the next step ITO a CCTV setup. I started out with a R1,400 odd rand Wifi camera (TP Link). It's convenient in that it connects to the router - but it's detection/AI system is horrible - any cat or wind triggers it's motion detection, making unusable. It's 2022 so I'm certain there must be some options that won't break the bank but give a proper entry system that covers the entire house and gives proper person/human detection. Any advice? What do you have that works or doesn't work?
  9. Hey guys, Today I went to pick up my bike from This Way Out and I was amazed how many cyclist I saw without helmets. Yeah, they are not in Tygerberg MTB Club or any other, but still... It is like riding a car without a safety belt. This one oke was driving on Fairtrees Rd (16:15) with medium traffic without a helmet. Best of all, he was driving an XTC Advanced 29er 2 LTD. Surely he can afford a helmet. There is also a dirt path which he could have followed instead of being on the road with cars flying by. I do not want to rant, but I am pretty stretch about wearing a helmet and will always be. No matter what the scenario. Heck, I even wear my helmet when visiting my friend in a residential area about 1km away. No Helmet No Ride
  10. Hey guys. I'm new to MTBing and just wanted to know how do you guys handle bike safety in SA. I used to ride my bike around my neighbourhood before as a kid in Bloemfontein, but now that I have a trail-ready hardtail MTB as an adult living overseas, I wanna start going out to bike trails but I wanna know how you guys keep safe while riding in Sa. Do you have trackers for your bike? Do you ride in groups? Do you carry pepper-sprays? My hardtail cost me close to R18000, which is a lot of money to spend as a student, the idea of having someone steal it while on a ride alone, freaks me out! I'm moving back to Bloemfontein next year, and I have no idea what the biking culture is like in SA.
  11. My husband, Guy, was attacked by a swarm of angry 🐝 outside Anna Beulah, Contermanskloof, he was stung more than 100 times! He was assisted by a kind motorist, Mike, who stopped to help - despite having his wife, who is allergic to bees, in the car. Mike’s quick thinking resulted in him suggesting that my husband jump onto the roof of his car - and Mike out drove the swarm, with my husband clinging to the roof of his Jeep … His wife then gave my husband an antihistamine, which she carries with her. Shortly afterwards 2 guys, in a bakkie, dressed in bee keeper protective gear, arrived with my husband’s abandoned bike, very apologetic - and offered him another antihistamine… My husband‘s friend phoned his wife and she brought them and their bikes back to Big Bay, where I met them at the Eden On the Bay medical rooms. The Dr took one look at Guy and referred us to the ER. Guy was treated at Netcare Blouberg Hospital, with cortisone, two more antihistamine types and fluids etc - after 3 hrs I could take him home. The kindness and quick thinking of Mike and his wife, was instrumental in making sure my husband was helped. The police arrived and apparently there was another cyclist that needed help, shortly after my husband was helped … My husband and his friend had ridden past an abandoned bike at the spot where the bees attacked - I hope that cyclist received the help he needed and that his bike has been returned to him. I would appreciate feedback regarding what went wrong with the bee hives, I’d like to thank Mike and his wife for stopping and helping and to warn other cyclist. It’s a reminder that it’s safer to not ride alone and as of now, Guy will be riding with antihistamines. MG
  12. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10225523854509180&id=1411295929&sfnsn=scwspmo
  13. Hi - further details to follow, but my mate Brett managed to evade an attempted Bike Jacking EARLIER TODAY, uphill section approaching Simtswinkel corner, that gravel parking lot, I would guess 200m - 300m before that parking lot, bugger hiding in the bushes...more detail to follow as I get it. (interesting, Brett is a friend of Andrew who got bike jacked TWICE... both avoid Ocean View Corner, and now getting (attempted) bike jacking near Smitswinkel - where will it all end?) Cheers Chris
  14. I was riding this morning and noticed this group of riders had stopped at the top of Suikerbossie in a big bunch. The effect was that all the cyclists coming past were being pushed into traffic to pass them. This is essentially a blind rise and a couple of the bikes came very close to the passing cars. I’m not trying to single out Team Pure Savage (who are in this photo) as there are other groups I’ve seen doing the same. This is also a relatively small group as some of the groups stop in such large size that they cross the yellow line themselves - leaving even less space to pass. Please can we ask all groups to try be more aware of the potential risk you are placing other cyclists if you don't both pull to the side before stopping and then stopping in single file. Another potential solution is to just stop slightly further down the other side of the hill - so that that traffic has more time to see and react to those cyclists having to pull into the lane to pass the group. I’m sure no cyclist would intentionally want to put another cyclist at risk - so I thought it might just be a case of them not being aware of thIs impact on others.
  15. Hi everyone. I thought we could make an informative thread about how to secure your home. Things in the Western Cape are escalating and quickly catching up to the crime levels of Gauteng. This has raised concerns over how to secure your home and premises. So. Let's create a poll for what you prefer to use and what you have found to work and those things that don't work. I think most people have the basic in-door alarm system with burglar bars of some sort and maybe a few security gates to covers doors or passages. What I think most people are more interested in is how to secure your home and premises above and beyond the basics. Please message any items/tech I have forgotten to add. Then in the comments section it would be nice if you guys/girls could mention some specific products/dealers/websites that you recommend. To keep this more clear, please add a Location if necessary. Let's try and keep spam to a minimum? I think a lot of people are looking for advice, dealerships and expected cost of installation so let's try and help people with something informative. Lekker lekker.
  16. In the interest of public safety, as well as for the protection of the environmental integrity of the Silvermine and Tokai sections of Table Mountain National Park (TMNP), park management decided that these two areas will remain closed to the public until further notice. Click here to view the article
  17. Winter is the time of year when the clocks go back and for those who commute to and from work, or cycle to stay fit after a long day at the office, soon find their sunlit ride is now darker or pitch black. When winter arrives, you might think that bicycling season is over. But with a little knowledge and practice, winter riding can be highly rewarding. New cycling equipment, better apparel and a growing awareness of the feasibility of wintertime riding has caused an increase in participation. Click here to view the article
  18. The months of February and March generally see a congested road racing calendar across the country. Many of you are busy training for these events, especially in preparation for the Cape Town Cycle Tour. With the increase in cyclists on the roads comes an increased risk of cyclists also being hit by a vehicle. Click here to view the article
  19. Cycling in winter requires more than wearing extra thick and warm attire. It requires an extra amount of vigilance when you’re out on the road in order to keep safe. Click here to view the article
  20. Winter is the time of year when cycling becomes slightly more challenging as daylight hours diminish and the weather changes. When winter arrives, you might think that the bicycling season is over. But with a little knowledge and practice, winter riding can be highly rewarding, and commuting to work can be a significant timesaver as more people generally use their cars in winter and get stuck in peak hour traffic. Click here to view the article
  21. Cycling South Africa regrets to announce that there was an attack on the visiting Danish MTB Team at Voortrekker Monument in Gauteng yesterday, while preparing for this weekend’s STIHL XCO Cup Series race. Click here to view the article
  22. Laserlight, the bright idea of a student behind a lifesaver for cyclists Emily Brooke has created a virtual cyclist, seen by drivers if there is a rider in their blind spot – with 3,000 sold at £125 each The Guardian, Sunday 24 August 2014 14.52 BST http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2014/8/24/1408886739524/Blaze-Laserlight-in-actio-008.jpg Blaze's Laserlight projects a green image of a bike on to the ground 5 metres in front of the cyclist, alerting drivers and pedestrians to their presence The moment of clarity for cyclist Emily Brooke was less like an apple falling on her head and more like the prospect of a white van slamming into her. Like many bicycle users before her, she realised that if the vehicle beside her on the road turned left, she would be squashed as she was in the driver's blind spot. "I thought that if I was just 5 metres ahead, I would be safe – I wished I had a virtual me just 5 metres ahead, if I could just project myself there," the 28-year-old said. About three years later, the designer has sold more than 3,000 Laserlight units from her company Blaze. Aimed at nighttime cyclists – 50% of urban bicycle commuting is during the evening or night – the aluminium device combines a light and a laser which projects a green image of a bike onto the ground 5 metres in front of the cyclist. It attempts to make drivers, who may not see the bike in their blind spot, aware of their presence, especially at night. It also alerts pedestrians about to cross the road. Brooke got the idea while studying product design in her final year at the University of Brighton and looking at what the challenges were for urban cyclists. "There is one statistic which stuck in my mind and that is that 79% of bikes that are hit are going straight ahead and a vehicle turns into them," she said. Another common collision, dubbed a Smidsy for "sorry mate I didn't see you", is when a driver comes out of a junction. Brooke wanted to tackle what she saw as being the biggest challenge for city cyclists. After dismissing other ideas, like creating a full hologram of herself, came upon the idea of projecting an image on to the ground to alert drivers. Having left university, she created a prototype and was among the first tranche of companies to get the benefit of the wave of publicity that came with the advent of Kickstarter, gathering £25,000 in investment in five days and proving there was demand for the product. "Naysayers are people who have not seen it. I completely agree with them, it sounds completely wacky. But when you see it in practice, it is a passive green bike, passively travelling on the road in front of you," she said. "It is the symbol of a bike clearly attached to a moving object moving along the ground in one direction, you see it and you orientate to 'where is the bike'. If it doesn't make sense when you first see it, you see it once [more] and then it makes sense." Laserlights were shipped to preorders in January this year. Priced at £125, the light comes with a bracket to attach it to handlebars, is waterproof and the internally sealed battery is charged via a USB cable. The laser, assembled in Shenzhen in China, can only be used when attached to the bike. Both laser and light can be used at the same time, either flashing or in a constant beam. The green light is visible during the day but not effective, says Brooke, and is really aimed for night use when "you can't miss it". The bicycle symbol - instead of branding or writing - was chosen to ensure it was universally recognised. Although her first use of the new device resulted in protests from a van driver, she claims reactions from drivers have been positive since and rejects suggestions that the device may be seen as a gimmick or unnecessary. "This started from a problem first. It started from six months of a problem before I even had an idea. I looked at tracking devices – a light that lights up the rider, that you have a head torch in your face – all sorts of concepts, but it was six months of understanding the problem before I came to the solution," she said. The relatively high price is as a result of the quality of the parts used, she says. The company has just completed preorders and will now sell Laserlights through Evans Cycles shops in the UK as well as through its own website. Demand from the US – especially in cities such as San Francisco, New York, Seattle and Chicago – now accounts for half of sales, surpassing the UK. Purchases from renowned cycle-friendly cities such as Copenhagen and Amsterdam have highlighted different concerns for cyclists, said Brooke. "For us it is personal safety and large vehicles. For them it is pedestrians stepping out in front of a bike and the Laserlight tackles that really well. Someone will see that symbol coming before they see me. It is enough for them to go 'Whoa, what is that' and hesitate on the pavement," she said. The company has raised £500,000 in investment so far from, among others, Richard Branson's family and Index Ventures. Another round of investment, for £1m, is being finalised. Blaze now has six employees, including Brooke, and would be in profit but for investment in future products, she says, one of which will be a new type of rear light, expanding on her vision to become the company that caters for the urban cyclist. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/aug/24/laserlight-lifesaver-cyclists-emily-brooke
  23. New radar device makes cycling safer August 6 2014 at 09:15am By Murray Williams Comment on this story http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/iol-mot-cycling-radar-1.1731165!/image/1781875817.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1781875817.jpg Independent Newspapers Vulnerable position: Reporter Murray Williams negotiates the chaos of Malta Road between Salt River and Observatory. Picture: Henk Kruger. Cape Town - A revolutionary new bicycle safety device has been launched, which uses radar to warn cyclists about cars approaching from behind. Backtracker improves cyclists’ visibility and awareness of what’s happening behind them on the road. South African specialists in radar and computer-vision and cycling enthusiasts Ikubu have been creating prototypes for Backtracker since 2010. “We believe our device will bring much-needed confidence back to a sport too frequently compromised by fear of unaware motorists. Backtracker is a type of sixth sense that helps cyclists to see what they ordinarily cannot,” iKubu managing director Franz Struwig said. “Backtracker consists of two small, lightweight units which detect and interpret the speed and acceleration of rear-approaching vehicles at a distance of up to 140m,” he said. “The handlebar-mounted front unit indicates your potential safety risk using a simple peripheral vision range indicator. The intelligent backlight alerts motorists to your position via increasingly frequent light pulses.” Backtracker’s radar technology is particularly valuable when cycling in low-visibility conditions such as fog and rain, dusk and dawn. http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/copy-of-ca-p6-franz-struwig-done-1.1731166!/image/1012812187.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1012812187.jpg Sixth sense: Radar expert Franz Struwig demonstrates the innovative, potentially lifesaving radar for bicycles. Picture: Murray Williams. Independent Newspapers “Also, it’s functionality is not affected by the proximity of other cyclists, which is useful when training in pelotons or on family cycling excursions,” Struwig said. The Cape Argus visited the company with Ernst van Dyk, winner of multiple Paralympics and World Championship medals and major international marathons, including a record 10 wheelchair-racing titles at the prestigious Boston Marathon. Van Dyk happily endorsed the life-saving product, testing it on the back of his racing wheelchair. Struwig said: “The idea for Backtracker was born through a chance meeting with an elderly cyclist, who had resorted to riding in the face of oncoming traffic, for fear of motorists behind him. It inspired us to create a safety product that could bring confidence back into every ride.” From there, the idea started taking shape through many hours of discussion and preliminary sketches, followed by a hand-built prototype which put the thinking to the test. High- frequency antennas were developed several months later before a more refined second prototype was built. This was, then miniaturised to ensure the components were as lightweight and small as possible, making it ideal for even serious cyclists. Safety-conscious road cyclists will be able to order the device via Dragon Innovation, a platform that has helped to launch other crowd-funded success stories such as the Pebble smartwatch and Hammerhead navigation system. Backtracker’s success relies on about 1000 supporters financially backing the product before it can make it past prototyping and on to handlebars. The device will be available in variously priced packages, including an early-bird special of about R1590, while the standard Backtracker price will be around R2125. SAFETY TIPS FOR CYCLISTS - Use pedal cycle lanes where these are available. - Keep as close as possible to the left edge of the roadway. - Obey traffic signs and signals. - Ride with, not against traffic. - Watch out for car doors opening in your path. - Wear brightly coloured clothing in the daytime, and reflective clothing at night. - Fit and use effective front and rear lights when riding in hours of darkness and when visibility is limited. - Use hand signals when turning or changing lanes. - Be aware of hazardous road conditions. - Be aware of other road users, especially at intersections. - Ride in a straight line. - Wear a helmet that fits properly. - Never ride with headphones. FOR DRIVERS - Yield to cyclists, especially at intersections. - Leave a distance between the motor vehicle and the cyclist of at least 1m. - Check your blind spots and look before opening the car door. - Do not drive, stop or park in a bicycle lane. Source: Safely Home Campaign http://www.iol.co.za/motoring/bikes-quads-karts/new-radar-device-makes-cycling-safer-1.1731167#.U-Hfl_oaKUk
  24. With the growing epidemic of bike-jackings and assaults on cyclist the consensus seems to be to ride in groups to deter these happenings. Other than the hub and friends how does one know of rides in your particular area? I have been looking into some social event sharing apps like Meetup or Joinin where one can list their cycle routine/event and others can find it by location, but these don't seem to work terribly well, or they need to be paid for. Are there other alternatives out there? Some sort of community forum/location based app/site that will work? Where one can list their preferred cycling days, times, distance and area and it will hook them up with other cyclists with similar criteria in the area. As stated I have tested the Joinin website and app and it works, but requires some tweaking as it isn't really designed for this application, and the map/address section is not very accurate, but at this stage it is the best that I can find.
  25. OK so Sunday was just absolutely beautiful weather in Stellenbosch, so I decided to take a morning ride out to Betties. This most scenic route past Rooiels is awe inspiring. I've cycled here for many years, and it always takes my breath away. So there I was, enjoying the ride, when out of nowhere a car screamed past me! The mirror literally touched my slieve - almost took my head off! WTF!! I wanted to chase it down and bite on its tires! But alas...the steep ascent onto the hill before Betties quickly killed my resolve. But truth be told, I didn't hear it coming. It is a frightful experience. That road is so narrow, that if you lose your concentration for a second it can be tickets. I also think motorists are sight seeing on this route, so they aren't so aware of cyclists. What can we do to proactively address this problem? I would appreciate any suggestions.
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