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Everything posted by Cippo

  1. Sounds like a plan. Will watch this space for details . Any idea of a start time.
  2. Congrats Doherty. Awesome effort from Lance.
  3. Hope Lance holds second at least
  4. This is Lance's answer to the sceptics 'Vat so en hou jou bek'.
  5. Lance leading Doherty by 1:45
  6. Lance in 2nd loop still leading
  7. Speedplay Zero's probably the titanium model. Retail at least R3200. They are dual entry pedals.
  8. Welcome to the hub. Like everyone else has said here give Game n SW a miss. Go to a proper bike shop and get yourself measured. Alternatively go to http://m.competitivecyclist.com/fit-calculator/ and follow instructions. If you cant afford a new bike have a look here for a good second hand bike. Fit is important. Keep funds aside for kit as well and a helmet. If you need advice there is loads here. Good luck. Welcome to the addiction.
  9. What chainring is in front? If the big one is a 53 tooth then its a standard chainring. Your cheapest option is training and more training which leads to weight loss which betters your power to weight ratio as mentioned by previous hubbers. 2nd option is the cassette with bigger gears and 3rd is a compact chainring which has 50 teeth in front. Consult your LBS ( local bike shop) for option 2&3.
  10. Now that sounds like a good idea. + 1
  11. It was in Cape Argus late final today.
  12. Just a thought, I'm not trying to jinx it but anything is possible. Could just have been the rain we had last night. Would be a bummer though if we had to do Ou Kaapse weg.
  13. So there were about 10 boulders that rolled down the mountain onto Boyes drive overnight closing it. It was reopened again by this morning. I wonder if this is going to be a safety concern for Cycle tour or was this an isolated incident. Can we possibly be looking at Ou Kaapse weg as an option again for this year. What do you hubbers say? http://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/boulders-block-boyes-1.1219079
  14. Go for the 3way then have only one extra on the roof. Use it for one of the big this putting less load on the tow bar. You can then also use the roof for the days you only need to transport your bike alone instead of lugging the huge 3way around all the time
  15. My condolences to the family. RIP.
  16. I always request from everyone I sell too to give me buyer feedback and I gladly return the favour when buying from someone else. Scammers make it really hard for genuine sellers.
  17. What's wrong ' wif ' you. Oh that should be on the Saffer thread.
  18. How about a mudguard to go with those reflectors and one of those plastic rings between cassette and spokes.
  19. When he posted this the first time I contactedhim with interest and he took awhile to reply and then said it is sold. When he posted the 2nd one O asked and he said its another bike and its his mothers ior something like that. Fishy
  20. Theres a watch shop in Somerset Mall that was by far cheaper than Cpt, they had a nice range last I was there. The shop on upper level opposite Stuttafords next to escalator in Canal Walk stocks a nice range too.
  21. Cippo


    Go who? Had one stuck to my helmet once for a training video in the mountains. I forgot about it and halfway through the exercise I went to water the plants. Good thing I didnt look too far down, realised after it was still on my helmet. Ja nee!
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