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Everything posted by amasendeinja

  1. Ryan, maybe I missed it somewhere but why did you sell your Pyga? You seemed happy enough with it
  2. Indeed you are correct. Inference remains though. You just get more tired (and fit) running home than walking home ????
  3. I'm pretty sure Squirt is also local.
  4. The Pascoe's maiden voyage today. Rocky Bay trials, perhaps not the finest route for a first ride on such a machine but it's what was available and still a fun route.
  5. Lauf also means walk in German, make of that translation what you will ????
  6. Jirre but that JG Wardell has got maer! Looks a freshly sheared dorper hamel! ???? Bennett no so much ????
  7. Mankele red route, it's been a while old friend. A little misty yesterday, but still a spectacular morning out.
  8. What can I say...I like posting pictures of my bike ... Dirty Sheep .... Clean Sheep
  9. Easily the most innovative and cleanest looking chain tensioning system on the market today.
  10. It has it's own thread, but nonetheless deserves in a few other threads too. My new purchase
  11. Jirre, looks like that bike hit a guinea fowl at pace!
  12. RocknRolla, it was bloody awesome! Can't believe I've never ridden there before. Thanks for the heads up last weekend.
  13. Iwan, awesome thread and awesome build. Thanks for sharing. I love the small details that the bike what it is...it's all in the details. Enjoy the ride.... my next custom bike (once my wife is slightly less apoplectic after Shorn the Sheep) is a Mecer for sure.
  14. Leaf outa Titus' book, old school Exogrid ti/carbon combo
  15. Oh, I will definitely enjoy it! Thanks. Nice thread, must say that Yeti it pretty damn awesome too.
  16. Great coverage guys...I am heading there in a coupla hours from now and you have certainly pushed the anticipation levels to max. I see no pics of beer though...WTF? Especially pics of fancy craft beers for pretentious c's like me
  17. Used both for years, never had an issue
  18. I think I need a MIPS helmet! http://gizmodo.com/t...dium=socialflow http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--2m2XLDF1--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/hcl6faxev63lhgw62kf7.gif
  19. Most sensible post on the Hub....ever. Rant on: To all the proponents of carrying a gun whilst riding, it's all good and well talking up a good fight and acting all f'ing GV with your gun strapped to your thigh. But when (if) you shoot and kill someone, who may actually not have threatened your life, you will have taken someones life. If you think that's going to sit comfortably with you then you are a physco and need help. As so clearly pointed out by gummi above. And you carrying a gun and pulling it on a potential jacker is only going ensure that said jacker will be more suitably armed for his next attempt, which may be when he tries to jack me! So just to be crystal clear, I think carrying a firearm on a bike the stupidest idea ever. And just to clarify, I own 4 firearms, so I am not some bunnyhugging, spinach smoothie drinking, anti-gun lobbyist who gets his mangina in a twist every time someone says the word gun. Rant off
  20. Squats, lunges, burpees, step-ups, mountain climbers. All body weight only, with high repititions will definitely help. It may be true what others have said that weight training may not be specifically beneficial for cycling (I honestly could not provide scientific proof either way), but you need to do weight bearing excercise. Trust me, your knees will thank you, especially when you head north of 40!
  21. Incorrect, available in 3,2, or 1x11
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