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Rudi Pollard

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Everything posted by Rudi Pollard

  1. I got my first skinny wheeled bike yesterday...
  2. Clarens as well? This year it was a 2 day event...
  3. I remember a thread like this last year, so though I would start up one again this year. I matched my MTB 55km time yesterday MTB 55KM: 2h56h55 Road: 2h56h57 Total: 5h53h52 Very happy with my sub 3 yesterday after a hectic fall at the MTB last weekend
  4. not a bad idea as the roads already exist for the service vehicles. Im just not to sure how safe it will be though. The gautrains cables have been stolen a few times. Just imagine the chaos when all of us ride through there with our expensive bikes as well
  5. I don't think there was anything wrong with the organisation of the event. The route was well marked, hospitality afterwards was great etc. The problem is that you cannot have a MTB event with 7000 people. They will have to cap the entries going forward in order to prevent topics like this popping up each year. The problem here is greed, not poor organisation.
  6. I did it for the first time this year and it went a lot better than expected regarding the bottlenecks. I started in batch A2 in the 55km and had minimum delays on route. I did however see a queue of probably 1km on the 30km route as I was finishing. The simple fact is that wherever you get 7000 MTB'ers out on the same route you are looking for trouble. It takes 1 or two people to dismount for a bottleneck to start. I entered for the fun of it. I like the vibe at bigger events, and I enjoyed my day out. I expected a lot worse bottlenecks so I was pleasantly surprised. The only downside of the day is my crash 9km into the race on the cement track. Lost quite a bit of skin...
  7. I have to agree with you on this. Three Towers might not be as far as the others in this thread but the non stop climbing in that Lowveld heat is a killer. The single tracks on Three Towers is some of the best I've ever ridden!!!
  8. Jip saw that one as well. I see they have loaded the Mountain King now at an astonishing 3% saving...
  9. WHAHAHA now they only change the RRP to make it look like a special...
  10. They do say on the website that the PDF will not be updated, and you will only be able to check it at registration. NB: Entries received after 10 October or entrants who were re-seeded will not be able to access their information using this link. These Race Numbers can be found on the Look-Up Board at Number Collection.
  11. Think so ya. I am a 32.4 index and Im in A2
  12. Haha i stood right next to you then. The poor bloke nearly gave your ipad back to me!
  13. HAHAHA, don't they check these things before posting it on the website?
  14. I filled out the reseeding form and sent in all my results from SA Seeding. They moved me to the A2 batch.
  15. I don't think they want to hold an expo for that long though. If they had to do it like this they would've started today and only finish next week Saturday. And I bet booking the entire dome for three days does not come cheap. I am happy with it like this. Imagine you are only doing the MTB and you have to go and queue with 30,000+ roadies to get a number board and a water bottle. Imagine the frustrations that will bring.
  16. Well they didn't really advertise it as a MTB Expo did they? I was expecting a plain old boring number pickup
  17. So it seems like Max has gone back to Ghost after his announcement a few weeks ago that he is going to focus on Cross Country for the 2014 season. I find it very interesting that he is leaving Specialized, or was it more a case of Specialized letting him go? https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.770555482971683.1073741853.316003618426874&type=3
  18. Thanks I know exactly where that is... pretty close to the office
  19. Im sure there will be signs up but I am going to head towards the R55 and Maxwell drive interchange and try and find it from there.
  20. I run there at least once a week. What time did they strike?
  21. bliksem this is bad. Where exactly did it happen?
  22. Ek sal ook graag wil weet. Ek het my Trek Superfly by hulle gekoop en dit was nog net smiles van daar af... ek het hom wel nie by hulle gediens nie...
  23. Here is mine from my bryton on the marathon
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