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Rudi Pollard

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Everything posted by Rudi Pollard

  1. HIJACK ON I've currently got the Bontrager Mustang wheelset which came standard with my Trek Superfly. I have been thinking about upgrading the wheelset but I cannot decide between the ZTR Crests on Hope Hubs or the American Classic standard wheelset(might consider the Race) I weigh 78kg's What will the best option be for me? HIJACK OFF
  2. I've also got the Spez Phenom 143, after trying out the Gobi before that. Must say the Spez is much more comfortable than the Gobi
  3. MTN insurance was actually the cheapest I could get on the iphone...
  4. You don't need to be scared of them. If you respect the sign-age they put up you'll be fine. They warn you well in advance if you need to take it slow!!!
  5. It was my first stage race last year and it was Awesome!!! Just do it
  6. It would be awesome to have wifi at the Sani2C. This year there was no signal whatsoever at the race villages. For the one day races I wont bother, as you generally finish your ride, have a beer and off you go. Might also be a good idea for the MTN National events running over a Saturday and Sunday. Especially for people going through on the Saturday to watch the Ultra and Marathon riders coming in.
  7. I've decided I want to take some weight of my 2012 Trek Superfly 100 Carbon: So far I have upgraded the seatpost and Handlebars. The big items that are still waiting until I have money is the wheelset and drivetrain.
  8. Not today though... One of the members needs to be from the 2013 event. You can switch that out once substitutions open though
  9. I did exactly the same and got team 93 on the adventure!!! some people are obviously blessed with quicker internet connection that ours. My wife entered about 15 minutes after I did and they are team 283
  10. mine took about 15 minutes, but paid and confirmed
  11. Rudi Pollard

    Sani2C 2014

    R9900 if I remember correctly
  12. Rudi Pollard

    Sani2C 2014

    Entry Fee 2014 - R10,760 per team
  13. I ride the 2012 Trek Superfly Carbon and its awesome!!! great handling 29'er and the geometry of the bike is spot on!!!
  14. Rudi Pollard

    Sani2C 2014

    Entry fee still to be confirmed though. I think we are looking at between R11,000 and R12,000 per team?
  15. Less movement on the front derailer which will mean smoother shifting. I never use the granny, and very rarely the big ring. Most of the time I am in middle and going through the 11-36 casette. Think 1x11 will be awesome for my riding style but thats a bit outside the budget at this moment in time.
  16. So I have been contemplating converting my bike to a 2x10 26/39 setup. The question I have what is the easiest and cheapest way to get it done. I currently have a 22/33/44 SRAM S1000 crankset. Can I simply remove the big ring, add the two rings I want, and fit a 2x10 front derailler and a 2 speed front shifter or do I need to replace the entire crankset as well?
  17. Rudi Pollard

    Sani2C 2014

    My guess is 12k per team
  18. nope both bottom and top gets punctured as per the photos
  19. I just had these delivered to my office after my Quartz set started acting funny http://reviews.mtbr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/PC220004.jpg
  20. Rudi Pollard

    Sani2C 2014

    If that is the case I can see a lot more entries becoming available next year...
  21. I have the Latissima and I love it. My wife uses the milk thing a lot to make cappuccinos and I use it for hot milk in my coffee. It cleans very easily as well!!!
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