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  1. Thinking to road trip down from JHB. Flights are just way too expensive. If someone wants to join and split costs, let me know. Otherwise, if peeps are needing bikes down to CPT and will help subsidise my costs, also give me a shout - 0729472209
  2. Howzit guys...anyone still wondering how to get from KZN to the race?-I’m between flying and driving but have a bike rack and willing to drive up if anyone hasn’t booked flights yet...otherwise if anyone has space I’m also ok with being a passenger and contributing to costs.
  3. This was an opportunity for CTCC organizers to really shine. I know it is in their fine print but realistically they could have apologized for the cancellation and perhaps compensated participants. If I chose to cancel on a race, I totally accept all losses and forfeit everything but as for a race not even starting, I cannot see why the event organizers cannot carry some of the burden? Either way....the CTCC has lost its appeal for me over the last several years. I am going to do 1 more to get 10 medal and then never again. Guys, why should we not boycott this race??? I would like to see the race to have an alternative start point (current one has been *** for a while now) as well as an alternative route for these types of emergencies (perhaps inland...scenery is just as good)...Im sure most cyclists also have vehicles so retorting shouldn't be such an issue...? There are much better and cheaper races on the calendar. Is boycotting a solution??
  4. I did it a couple years back...thought it was a lekker route and ride. Obviously not the biggest of races so i was happy with the lack of marshalling then. Didnt need to use any water points that year cos it was bliksems cold...(toes still frozen at end of race)....but sounds like it was a kaka one last year. Sorry to hear about that guys. Im gonna assume this race is no more...thnx for the replies
  5. Lots of okes wear trisuits....but running around with them feels to me like youre wearing a nappy....and mtb guys...well were supposed to be hard tough buggars right? Lots of people just wear normal running clothes and cycle with that too...a tri suit is really a little overkill for these races...but you can if you want to.
  6. Howzit guys. Does the dome to dome race still exist?....cant seem to find anything on the web and old website domain is closed?...
  7. Starting toward the end with buddies...found people just stopped dead in the middle of the road at all water points. They were hanging around aimlessly and not heading toward the drinks table...very frustrating. Also people walking with bikes in middle of road...not pulling off to side...eish...think some behaviour tips should come back into the racepack books. Water tables not running smoothly..They were filling 2l coke bottles and dispensing from them...takes way too long...what happened to those sprayers that they had in previous years? Thought the end was a little *** compared to when at waterfall...uphill..must be cool for pros ending but for the vetties it just makes for a slow and miserable finish. Biggest problem is slack discipline with littering...cyclists just gooi their litter wherever they feel like....it is just not right.
  8. Who would be keen to buy some of these. This is straight from the producer... 12X stickers for R119 including postage. Produced in Cape Town. You can send orders through me or I can forward contact details on to you. If we are able to secure a large order, we would be able to work out a better deal. Sizes 60mm round or 85 x 45 mm Printed on ultra destructible vinyl Let me know at pteague@gmail.com or whatsapp/sms to 0729472209
  9. Steal their wheel valves. At least 2. They will suffer. doesn't damage the vehicle but is a pain in the bum. Stickers is good idea. Gonna get a quote from a buddy quick.
  10. Make some cycling furniture....like a coat rack or rack to hang your helmets etc on....the list is endless...use your imagination! But please don't sell them...that would be endangering someone else....and karma is a buck-toothed tokolosh that will come back to bite you.
  11. The secret natural foods for recovery... Instead of fueling on synthetic products, use biltong (especially venison), nuts, dried fruits, raw eggs, full cream milk. With those ingredients you should be on a good path. One of the cheapest and underrated protein sources is morevite...tastes gross so gooi everything else in and make a shake.
  12. Think its acacia tortilis (haak en Steek / umbrella thorn) you are referring to. It is usually the killer of all round rubber things. If I were planning to ride through those I'd get some of those blue permatubes that you get when you're a kid and embrace the bumps in the path.
  13. My 2c... How long is too long...its subjective and we will all feel differently about it. At the end of the day we are all human, and everyone makes mistakes....mechanics at lbs's are also people and bound to make a mistake once in a while...so dont blame them when it does happen...you should expect it For the price that bike shops charge for standard services (hours of labour, excl parts), its more of less equivalent to other well run car service centres...so they should provide a same level of service. If you are paying for a certain level of service and you don't receive that standard, then either you've received a *** service, or you need to reconsider what level of service your money is really worth. But bikes aren't soo complicated...its worth investing in a few tools and doing it yourself...if you have enough time to ride and break it, you should have enough time to fix it again. Generally speaking, the lbs's take advantage of the fact that most of us are used to poor standards of service, and will tolerate their laziness...granted there are some outstanding guys around, but sadly they are few and far between. If the lbs's dont want to hold stock of brands and certain parts, then they should advise customers upfront (I.e. We are mamparas and cheapskates and dont keep stock of xyz) or should simply specialise in certain brands and refrain from servicing other brands and work on referral systems just like in the medical field. There is no justification for lbs's not keeping stock of major items. I will rather support the home garage bandit with jobs than lbs's for the simple fact that there is usually some sort of accountability and thus usually better workmanship....but its not always that way. Anyways, if you believe you've received *** service somewhere, dont go back...learn your lesson and move on with life...and tell all your tjommies about that *** bike shop
  14. yoh! you need to be chuck norris to be able to turn the crank and to steer that monster
  15. At your prices, I will definitely support you!...Have never and will never support Action photo...purely based on the price issue.
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