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Everything posted by 4ph3X

  1. Rumors that Lance Armstrong was also involved in ball tampering...
  2. i think doping should be legalised. bear with me: where do you draw the line? is it not doping when i drink a bit of energade during my fun ride for that "extra" boost? or what about gels?
  3. hijack the thread, that might get admin's attention
  4. Cool! Looks good. I like the black.
  5. maybe that's why hunter and the likes aren't performing... they're all negative! cant compete against these druggies
  6. i will only be back in cape town after 8 aug. but will love to meet up with you guys after then. count me in for future rides!
  7. i'm in for the next ride! looks like you guys drank more coffee than cycled...
  8. do a google search for "trek astana" quite a nice paint job & colours. edit: here's what i had in mind but i think stick to white bar tape. in fact, black will be better! 4ph3X2008-07-14 05:48:04
  9. glad to hear u got home safely. i dont know much about cars, but a similar thing happened to my cousin on a recent trip to the transkei. they ended up rebuilding the engine of their isuzu. if i recall correctly, R36k later. good luck.
  10. the headwind last year wasn't fun. dont get caught by yourself. good luck to all! wish i was there4ph3X2008-07-05 06:42:56
  11. dude, you are not alone... a bee got me on the forehead once while riding. i looked like manimal for a week!
  12. there are so many pedestrians on national roads these days... i wonder what the coppers would do if we cycle on them. not that i would try it! thanks, didnt think of voortrekker!
  13. hoe ry mens van parow af tot in die stad sonder om op die n1 te ry?
  14. You'd need to use UPS' date=' USPS only do standard size stuff and EPO. [/quote'] i thought usps would be a good starting point...
  15. united states postal service
  16. cool looking bike!
  17. i use the polar s725x. it is also wireless. does the job pretty well. and i got a cadence sensor incl for "free".
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