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Everything posted by sluiper

  1. OK, thanks for all the replies so far, but so far no one has been able to point me to the actual legislation making it illegal for a bicycle to jump a red light. Saying something's illegal unfortunately doesn't make it so. I'm not denying it's stupid and dangerous, I'd just like to know where the law is that makes it illegal. The Act is available here if anyone's interested: http://www.info.gov.za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=70930
  2. I'm relatively new to cycling, so please excuse my ignorance. I see numerous posts where people rant against cyclists jumping red lights, but I'd like to know whether this is actually illegal and what the penalty is for a transgression? I've scanned through the National Road Traffic Act of 1996, and from my cursory reading it would seem that bicycles are not considered to be vehicles, and that the laws applicable to vehicles thus cannot apply to bicycles. (A "motor vehicle" is specifically defined as being inclusive of "a vehicle having pedals and an engine", meaning a vehicle having only pedals would fall outside the definition of a vehicle. And no smart comments about your legs being the engine, please ) Is there another Act specifically dealing with bicycles? If so, could someone please point me towards said Act? Perhaps I'm just missing the relevant section in the Act or misreading it.
  3. Here's my best case scenario: Swim: 0:35 T1: 0:05 (provided I remember to put my bib on) Bike: 2:45 T2: 0:05 (provided I remember to take my bib off and put on some sunscreen) Run: 2:15 (probably more like 2:30) Total: 5:45 But to be honest, I'll be ecstatic with anything under 6 hours as it's my first long(ish) distance tri. Looking back on my preparation, I probably should have spent a bit more time running and less time on the bike...
  4. I'm in. Had a reasonable ride today, so I'll just be doing the 50km
  5. Agreed. And to the traffic authorities for directing traffic. Much appreciated. Most memorable moment (for me) was when we cycled past a restaurant and everyone in the restaurant was clapping.
  6. Just finished the Cape Town memorial ride. I had tears in my eyes quite a few times. Words can't really express the feeling of loss that was prevalent among the riders.
  7. It is possible, but will be expensive as you'll have to change the shifter as well. Cheapest option is to change the cassette to a 12-25 or even something easier. If she still struggles, swop the crank out for a compact crank, i.e. 50-34 up front. Last and most expensive resort would be to change to a triple chainring up front.
  8. No, it's a South African one. I'm guessing its a fuse it something as it just suddenly stopped working, but I'm actually not even sure what a fuse looks like
  9. I like running outside, but can't do it every session. I find treadmill running less hard on the body and easier to monitor progress. And the 70.3 is only 3 weeks away
  10. It doesn't go on, at all And yes, I have plugged it in. I'm not electrically inclined, more electrically challenged, so I just want to get someone over to fix it.
  11. Does anyone know of someone that repairs treadmills in Cape Town? Looking for someone to repair mine as the Trojan guys will only be able to get to me on the 14th of January.
  12. Obsessed is what the lazy call the dedicated
  13. Provocation is a valid defence for assault, if I remember 2nd year criminal law correctly. As to your second question: self-defence is a valid defence to a charge of murder, but there are certain considerations that have to be factored in, e.g. the proportionality of the action taken. Laying a charge of crimen inuiria with your local police station because someone called you an arsehole would just be a waste of your time: de minimis non curat lex. I don't deal with the criminal law stuff every day, so a criminal lawyer will probably be able to give a more accurate/insightful response.
  14. Me: http://app.strava.com/athletes/923037
  15. They'll be the guys that are thinner than the rest.
  16. Then they're not really amateurs, are they?
  17. The problem is that we as amateurs don't really pay too much attention to what we're putting in our bodies. And why should we? It's not like our careers depend on it. As an example: I got sick a week or so before Die Burger. I stayed in bed for a few days and doped myself up on Sinutab, Coryx and whatever else I could find. By the Wednesday before the race I was feeling a bit better, did one practice ride and then Die Burger. I wasn't in great condition and let go some awesome snotters, but still managed to hold on to my group. If I had been tested, I'm guessing I would have tested positive for something illegal. Under the Epic's rules, had I been caught, I would have been banned for life. In my opinion, it's kind of absurd to hold amateur athletes to the same standards as professionals.
  18. Should sell reasonably quickly for R5000, not so quickly at R6000 and probably never at R7000. Some variation depending on the condition and the rest of the components, but that's my guesstimate from the photo and description.
  19. You guys are so biased! How do you expect him to be an effective coach if he hasn't tried out PEDs firsthand? Really!
  20. Was it wrong of him to notice that CM is made up of mostly white people riding through a mostly black area? I don't think he's trying to stir the pot, just reporting on his experience and bringing across his viewpoint. It's just one person's perspective; however coloured (excuse the pun) it might be by his myopic racial perspective.
  21. Balls of steel... Added to list of things to get for IronMan next year Sure, I agree, for anything up to half IronMan length I'm happy not to have any extra protection. But 180km with a marathon to come, different story.
  22. Personal preference, I guess. I'll be using my cycling bib and shirt for the cycle leg and my running shorts and vest for the running leg. No point (for me, at least) in making it more uncomfortable or difficult if you're not going for the win
  23. Looks cool, but not sure if I'd do an IronMan with it. I'd have to go on a few 150km plus cycling expeditions before I'd make that decision. I see it's on CRC for R1600: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=73764 (but only in a small ) I use the Orca 226 Kompression for short races and am pretty happy with it.
  24. Try having the Argus come through every year on all the segments you've been doing
  25. Zombie thread is ALIVE!!!!!
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