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Posts posted by Richard29

  1. Don't pack so much stuff. 


    Pack only what you are going to need over the 3 days.  Less is more.  

    Trust me on this one.   :thumbup:

    absolutely …. packing and re packing that black box everyday... Less is more great advice.


    and then once you have packed your box and strapped it up and you realize you forgot to put chammy on....

  2. 19th of January  went for a Coffee ride, was hot... and was casually strolling with my shirt zip down.


    a lil fella flew into my shirt, I was 2km from home and this lil fella happened to be a wasp.


    2 stings later , looking down into my shirt (whilst riding, hands off handle bar) found the bl#$ksem,

    gripped him and tossed him (was wearing gloves).


    As I looked up, I collided with my mate, (still no hands on handle bars).  


    flew over him, landed in the intersection, split helmet, and ripped AC joints off.


    surgery on the 20th of Jan , 8 weeks off, and now a nice knoppie on my shoulder.


    not a scratch on the bike :)

  3. Our rent (which is a super small house), water & elec, Layla's school, internet and basic groceries (no alcohol, little meat, no fancy toiletries, etc) costs us R45k a month.


    That's no fuel, no insurance, no clothes, no going out or away, no haircuts or any other things people usually do. No debt, no car payments etc etc. We live a very very simply life (day to day living), according to Auckland council our average consumption for water a month is at the 50% mark for 1 person, we are 3 in the house.


    I earn the same in Auckland than I did in JHB. There my monthly expenses (the need to pays) were less than R9k pm (and that included many dinners out).


    I honestly don't know how people survive in Auckland when only one is working or if they are teachers etc. and want to stay in their own place (renting, forget about buying).

    I spent 3 weeks networking , going from town to town, Christchurch, wellington, Hamilton, Auckland, Northshore, all over.


    lots of opportunity , but I have 1 child that is 2, and one that will be due in January.... just kindergarten for these two till they are 3, 250 dollars a child.


    then roughly 550 dollars for a decent house to rent, provided you are "chosen" as I have two dogs.


    so 1050 dollars before ive put food on the table, electricity , cars, fuel, basic needs, toiletries, etc etc.


    was a helleva eye opener.

  4. Hey Da Cube.


    Last time I was there you could ride around the reserve on the gravel roads , but not big distances can be ridden in the reserve.


    You could go to sondela fo a day to ride their trails .


    If you you looking to turn the legs and game view take your bike



  5. you just need someone to rub ur ****..

    thats your  job china.....you should've joined was a jol.......next year..bring sleeping tablets ne

  6. Was thinking the same thing.

    City life is killing my soul....if it is not dead already.

    Leaving there I felt the need to do something different with my life.

    yeahhh i got back to jhb... 1st thing i mentioned to my wife "we need to change something rapidly"


    we losing out alot

  7. iconic was rideable...... if there were no induviduals walking infront...


    Long Donkey i second your statement...Pevensey was amazing...loved it ..but left the water point feeling sad.... but humbling.


    those farmers have the life... in a beaut part of the country..did anyone notice how happy they were ..not one miserable farmer....makes you wonder... cities blur your vision


    great conditions and great riding.

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