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Everything posted by porky

  1. Well now theres a jaw dropping suggestion Bushy.! Simply "shut up".!Cant believe nobody has thought of that. Good idea, instead, I suggest we all sit around and discuss the rising cost of security at the Systine chapel or the average age of past and present lawn bowling champions. Whatcha think? Should encourage lively debate and stretch a few imaginations. Cant wait.!
  2. Yah, no argument there, as I said, its nothing but a farce. My other gripe now is re-seeding, I asked for my wife to be re-seeded as the original one was wrong, and they came back and said Yes, fine BUT it will cost another R50.00 because we missed the cut off.!!!! My first point is "MAYBE AROUND 10 DAYS IS NOT ENOUGH TIME TO LET EVERYBODY REPLY ON THEIR PROVISIONAL SEEDING ALLOCATION - MAYBE SOME OF US HAVE A REAL JOB WHICH TAKES UP MUCH OF OUR DAY, MAYBE WE DONT PUT OUR ARGUS SEEDING ON THE TOP OF OUR PRIORITY - TO DO LIST - SO WE GET AROUND TO IT WHEN WE CAN AND IN MY OPINION THE ALLOWED TIME WAS TOO SHORT. My second point is "WHY WAS SHE SEEDED INCORRECTLY IN THE FIRST PLACE"?? My third point is "WHY MUST I PAY FOR YOUR ERROR?" This is, in my opinion nothing but blatent and undisguised exploitation of a captured market.!
  3. Aaaah, Yes, "FIT" the common cycling myth. Some shops will tell you its the cure for everything from a sore back to a snotty nose as they overuse it as another sales gimmick, when in fact most of us are savvy enough to know when we are comfortable or not. The body is an amazingly agile machine, if you are comfortable and have no reason to suspect back injury, like others have said, you have just overworked your back muscles. Your legs and glutes are big strong muscles, your back is not, so whenever you increase a workload usually your back will tire and spasm long before your legs - hense pain.! Nothing but a muscle imbalance mate, you can live on anti inflamatory medication for the next two years or rest the muscles now, reduce the inflamation and then increase their strength by specific training - in other words eliminate the imbalance. Your call.! porky2009-02-07 05:15:25
  4. Its easy to lay blame at the Clubs door, and hide your own ineptitude by saying Clubs are not notifying folk, well, why should they? Why must clubs now sit down and try and contact 20 cyclists who may or may not attend on any sort of regular basis, they have other things to do, and why should the cyclist have to spend time and effort to continually call his club only to be told, sorry, its not here yet.!?We also have other things to do.! Why do the CSA or MYRACE or whoever not send out an e-mail notification saying your license has been sent to your club on such and such a date.?? I guess, thats too easy and makes it difficult to hide away and blame someone else when you are late in delivery.! Its not like they can tell me they have used my money to my betterment, frankly I see it as a pointless and wastefull excercise in futility, rather just tell everyone, give us R70.00 or whatever, your reciept is your license and lets just get on with it, what must I do with a stupid piece of plastic I cant do with a stupid piece of paper.?? porky2009-02-07 00:17:24
  5. But I am so proud that a few SA companies are strong and investing when the price is very low. Fair enough, I have a lot of respect for the Rupert family as savvy business people, but on the other hand, they didnt get to that position holding onto underperforming companies, I havent looked at SRAMS financials (if they are even available publicly) but I have been watching a few others like "HEAD" - and they are hurting badly. SRAM is a new endevour, Shimano and Campy are strong competitors, I cant see them been profitable enough any time soon to interest the Ruperts.?
  6. Methinks' date=' he?ll keep it because the economical upswing is just around the corner and then those luxury producers (SRAM etc) become the real sweet spot. [/quote'] Maybe, but I cant see it, Bank of America didnt see any future in the investment portfolio from what I understand.Maybe it was also too small for them.? The upswing is just around the corner, ........ well at least you are optimistic, which I like, but from recent talks and discussions, I think there will need to be a few more bail outs of major banks in the USA and the UK before it filters on down, Greenspan is now hinting at two years more before things start to even out again - long time to sit with an underperforming, expensive, foreign investment. Strangely most of his luxury goods have stayed the course though Peter - the fact is folk with the means to buy Cartier etc, are not as affected by the financial situation as others, they will always have money for luxury goods, and consequently these products dont feel the crunch that much. SRAM on the other hand is not really a luxury product, and I would say they are hurting like most other sports goods manufacturers. Well , lets see, no one really knows but I am betting on him dumping them.
  7. Watch your fees work for you.!!!
  8. I cant be bothered following links - whats it say.?
  9. Haa,Haa, thats a good one - guess they scared an imposter will sneak onto the top step instead of you.!
  10. well' date=' Raleigh has a few Sram models and are assembled in SA. There were rumours that the Ruperts were going to buy a english soccer team and they denied it say in Afrikaans that they are from Stelenbosch (or whatever WP dorpie) and play rugby. [/quote'] Good for them, but lets be honest, Johan Rupert spends more time in the UK than here, having a house here dosnt mean he lives here.!
  11. Its immaterial. Been the Investors (financiers) dos not make them the owners any more than been Belgian makes you a pedophile. For them its simply a business transaction, we will finance this operation in return for XYZ per month plus interest. Anyway, my opinion is they will sell SRAM and Rockshox off shortly to a smaller financier or pull the plug, its far too small a business market for the Rembrandt group and way out of their line of expertise which is trade in Wine, Tobacco and various Luxury goods like Cartier. I would imagine, its a small part of the business they are looking to buy up and will just quietly move it off somewhere. porky2009-02-04 08:07:08
  12. ......Me.! .....my brother!. ..... my running partner.! .....my business associate.! .....need more.?
  13. Evil is NOT taking over the country. There are great people here of all races, colour and creeds, enjoy them.! People spend their lives fretting over something that "MIGHT" happen, they make themselves ill over issues that has never effected them, they live as if they are under siege and pretty soon they are...................but only in THEIR minds.! In the end, its not in our hands, say your prayers, eat your vegetables and enjoy every day. Sorry, about the incident Big H, its never pleasant, do what you need to do and move forward again,........ but never think it cant happen anywhere else,............ it can and dos.! porky2009-01-31 11:13:21
  14. Good luck, but I wouldnt hold my breath. This is a common situation countrywide regarding muncipalities, public swimming pools are left to turn green and the water just leaks away, sports stadiums are just left to fall into disrepair, public parks become overgrown and derilict, cemetaries are now so overgrown you struggle to find the gravestones and so on and so on. Of course, some muncipalities do try, but when you do find a neat cemetary or a clean park or a chlorinated pool, its usually due to private companies or the community putting up the money - most muncipalities will just tell you - Sorry, theres no money.! porky2009-01-27 13:20:25
  15. Haa,Ha,Ha, Naa Harryn, its a lost cause, Ive given up.!!
  16. Mamba, most cyclists who ride there, have NO INTEREST in the game and birds, they do it for one reason - hill training. Because they have no interest they disobey the rules, and as Del said, its a NATURE PARK - its not a cycle track or a training zone. As for your generalisation on fisherman - its ridiculous and warrents no further discussion except that your comment about riding over their lines shows you have little leg to stand on when it comes to behaving oneself.!
  17. I dont know, I am not familiar with the product, but if he is, I think its the right way to go.
  18. There has been this niggeling relationship between park officials and cyclists for a few years now, I have been a season ticket holder for ages, though I seldom cycle there anymore, I still enjoy spending a day bird watching or just reading a newspaper at one of the stops. ...............but I remember about two or three years ago already the park was been abused by cyclists and there were rumors of stopping them, it blew over, but I dont think its going to be long before they do something, from my experiences there most cyclists exhibit the usual arrogant "could care less" attitude by blocking the roads in bunches, littering, riding the wrong way round, going through no entry roads, urinating on the road side, trying to sneak in and not pay, lifting fences and going through closed gates, and,and,and...............!! Totally agree and I have said it before as well, until the cyclists collectively clean up their act, they can expect no favours from anybody.
  19. Shimano, definately, off the top of my head I imagine Pro-Bike, J & J and Trek could easily do it, they are fair sized operations with big local footprints. Actually, a concept store would probably benefit a smaller importer more, as he will have a better opportunity to engage the public himself, than having to rely on a retailer who may or may not push his product over another.
  20. We have a concept store where the customer can walk in' date=' see the entire range, and buy what he wants at retail. [/quote'] I really like the idea of concept stores. Generally I also use them to see the latest running shoes available, specialist running stores like to stick to two or three brands (Sportsmans warehouse is NOT a specialist store especially for quality running shoes) so you may never see what other manufacturers have to offer unless you can visit a concept store, but lets be honest, virtually all the big manufacturers have them, LG in Monte Casino, Adidas in nearly all the big centres, Nike and Reebok the same, Samsung has concept stores in various areas and a travelling one as well, virtually all bathroom accessories and tiles are sold importer to public, the list is endless, the public can walk in look at the best available, get professional opinion from someone who knows the product and buy at retail or order from their shop with the power of knowledge of the product .............. why not the cycling industry??..........................as you say Widget, its either prehistoric thinking, they are just to arrogant to believe their actual customer is the PUBLIC, not the bike shop who is simply a go-between, or they are allowing the tail (the retailer) to wag the dog (distributor) - probably a combination of all three if you ask me.! porky2009-01-18 07:27:15
  21. I travel through Dullstroom a lot, probably 3/4 times a month, I have been there.........................and the service DOS SUCK, actually the service at all the restaurants in Dullstroon sucks, but they are particularly bad, so I concur with the gentleman on that matter - never had the scones and never got food poisoning, but I long ago started avoiding the joint. I cant see that legal action going far, they have to prove direct loss from that public complaint, and how will they do that.? They are just blowing smoke up his jack to irritate him. porky2009-01-16 10:07:22
  22. Porky I don't disagree one bit mate but the bad beaviour stems from ar$ewipes on both sides of the wheel spectrum! Hence my previous post! No flaming from me!! Fair enough Del old boy, just proportionately there are lot more on bicycles.!
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