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Everything posted by allez

  1. This helps me out thanks! I am flying UK - Dubai - CPT in late September and returning to the UK with my bike. As long as I stay under 30kg I dont need to worry about my bike! I booked tickets two weeks back, and saw this thread and thought oops I am busted.
  2. Just make sure if you use the free postage option, you take the tracking option!
  3. I rarely read posters on a pole as its either (1) negative news about SA politics, (2) I don't see the poster as I am concentrating on the car in front or around me while driving in traffic, (3) it's 20m high up on the pole, so only the birds and truck drivers see it. For me visibility will be better with the gazebo thingy. Get a few cyclists to stop there, have a chat, and whatever, and the drivers in cars will notice it more. You probably won't get the message to the guy driving drunk on an open road, but the more 'sensible people' that see the campaign promos will think about cyclists differently. An awareness campaign on popular cycling routes is of more benefit of money spend. But it should be mixed up. They have the gazebo, they have the manpower, no need to spend extra on posters which one out of how many people will see. Rather put it towards real visibility.
  4. Cant they put their gazebo up at busy robot intersections on a saturday morning to raise awareness? Not sure if this is done. Maybe 1hr at a spot at a time. For me that will be better then putting it up on Chappies every weekend where the cars by now know that there is cyclists.
  5. The problem is that will only be hubber biased. Not all the roadie cyclists are on the hub. A poll on here wont be bad, but they should do a poll via their newsletter then as well. Those that does not get the newsletter can maybe do polling at a race.
  6. Maybe they should do a poll on what riders want from road races and try to accommodate.
  7. I doubt the next few events will see lots of riders, mainly due to the Argus seeding already out at the end of January. Also, some of the events are planned when other big events are also on (sa champs, tankwa, etc).
  8. I have only had good service from sportsworld... and I have bought a few things there this year.
  9. Yup, can think of Cadel Evans as one.
  10. allez

    Argus 2014

    Tough race but also went by quickly. Managed a personal best of 3:26 from L. Guess training in the wind most of the year helped me out on the day.
  11. I had to train a lot in the wind this season (even with sinus problems) so maybe this is one race where I will feel 'at home' then. The weather sites have been unpredictable lately, so don't trust their 'wind projections' that much early in the week. Did a training ride around the Argus route on Saterday and it was suppose to be damp in the morning, slight chance of rain early on. In the end I worked on my tan. The slight NW wind coming over Smitswinkel caught me offguard though.
  12. Thanks for organising wannabe. Was a great ride with good company. Had a decent workout, actually got more to what I thought I would. all will have a great argus next weekend!
  13. Very good race. I did not race last week due to a bad cold. Started in I-J. Felt good on the bike, even with the wind factor. Descending from Smitswinkel was a bit nervous due to traffic and other cyclists on the road. When I started the race, I saw I left my racetec chip at home! Now have to phone them up on Monday and ask if they will accept my Garmin details. Marshalling was very good the entire race.
  14. Reading all the feedback, just makes me feel better that I did not race today. Been sick most of the week abd first race back at not 100% and this heat.... Disaster waiting to happen.
  15. The word injection boost my immune system rapidly Maybe not a bad idea.I got a few injections this season already for keeping hayfever under control.
  16. I guess its better to be sick now then in two weeks time. Now just to stay healthy and get some decent training in. I am trying to get as much rest as possible. Have two weeks to get some decent training in.
  17. I guess I am at 80% Its in the head and chest. Cant get rid of the chest/congestion thing and work aircon does not help! Plus the wind blowing stuff around is also not helping Will aim for the Bay City race now. Hope you have a good race!
  18. I am still not over this cold, and with hot conditions expected, I am rather going to skip the Medallion this year. Will do an easy ride on Saterday.
  19. I picked up a stupid cold, not sure about doing this event anymore
  20. From the profile found on the Medallion race website, 1187m
  21. I think I am going to do the 99er tomorrow, but you guys must enjoy the ride. Will join the next one!
  22. Accuweather says 'possible shower' on Saterday morning...
  23. If thats true, then I think it will be a good idea to move my bike service forward to Monday
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