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Everything posted by BuffsVintageBikes

  1. Maybe, maybe not... the Description of the item is just very shady for someone who rides a bike like this. https://www.gumtree.co.za/a-sports-bicycles-fitness/stellenbosch/mountain-bike-for-sale/1001899281290910859842309
  2. Unbelievable, I love it when humans do Epic Sh!t. Well done Grant, keep those pedals spinning.
  3. No worries. I had considered a blog, I'll look into it in a bit more detail
  4. Hi Slowbee, I was hoping to use that original thread as a link to fund raising drive for the Red Cross Children's Hospital Trust and thought it might just be easier for people to find it rather than scrolling through combined threads. Sorry I missed you thread where you asked. But let's leave it like this and see how it works out.
  5. Funny guy, I kill you last :lol: Don't joke, I've started the base miles on my 26er because my other bike is a 27.5 Trance and not suited to long gravel roads
  6. Thanks, reading the history of the Arebesque groupset was interesting
  7. They still seem to be available on eBay, maybe keep an eye out there (if you haven't already)
  8. Not many friends who visit my Man Cave appreciate these beauties but I figured the guys trolling this thread might. I got them off an old Lejeune my wife had when we first met and took them off when I sold it as I'd never seen a set like them before. They honestly look like they've been engraved by hand although I doubt it
  9. Yep, you got shafted, I never got all the bonus points (shoulder rotation let me down) but still scored 5000 points.
  10. Thanks... I think Where's the fun in that, how will you ever know what kind of crazy sh!t you're capable of?
  11. Midlife crisis #76 hit me earlier this month, I have entered as well. This after not racing a bicycle competitively for the past 7 years. Needless to say, my training has started with a renewed sense of urgency, fun times ahead.
  12. From what I gathered Yes. 3 x "teams" that have met all the challenges will then be selected, randomly (not nec. the best) and be flown to CT for the final challenge (they don't mention what it will be).
  13. Thanks for the feedback. It sure seems like the cheapest way to get sorted with a HR monitor.
  14. Just had my checkup done as well. All values good except the gut size, time to hit the trails and carrot sticks Just wondering if anyone is using a H7 Polar belt monitor linked to Polar Beat and using that for Vitality points?
  15. We bumped into a little Cobra at Hoogekraal last weekend, a rather feisty little bugger as well. Fortunately we were all standing still having a pow wow while he casually sauntered past, hood in the air... Yoh, I have to admit my ride was a lot more cautious after that. I've actually ridden over a Puffy before while TTing on my road bike but I was over him before he or I realised what had happened. And I've been over a 2m long mole snake before on my dirtbike that had me screeming like a girl (at the time I thought it was a monster Cobra). It didn't help I binned the bike at the same time and almost landed on the snake. Needless to say, no one offered to help pick up the bike. If I encounter one on the trails that I can't avoid, I can promise you that the ensueing bunny hop will look like a launch off a Table Top jump.
  16. Gees Simon, we can take you no where Maybe it's time for a zimmerframe bud Glad you enjoyed the trail, let me know next time you're out this way. Thanks for the route mod under the culvert guys, that's a great addition to make the trail safer. I discovered it by chance on Sat afternoon
  17. Hahahaha... classic photo Must admit, I glugged down a few Mojito's around an afternoon braai as well, it was rather warm out there. Going back this afternoon for some more punishment though
  18. Pleasure guys, thanks for the company, hope you managed to rehydrate well after all that climbing. Let me know when you're ready to tackle the Yellow loop, it's even better
  19. My local hangout, so glad to see these awesome trails getting some recognition.
  20. No matter how you try and justify why you won't do the Epic, the truth is that if you really wanted to do it, you'd make a plan. It's expensive for sure but that’s NEVER going to change, so if it's on your bucket list, best you do it now rather than later because it's only going to get more expensive and so will bikes and associated costs. Or train harder and find a sponsor. You can try and justify rather spending R30K on a family holiday or 5 local 3 day stage races but they will never be the Cape Epic. The Epic is a unique suffer fest and it's not the just the tough route that defines it, it's the whole package that sets it apart. The vibe of race camp; the relationships built up over 7 days of suffering with likeminded individuals; pushing yourself to physical limits that not even you realised you were capable off; the people you meet and see along the road; living in tents for 7 days… it’s something special people, it honestly is. I'm just glad I did the first one and got it out of my system, now I can watch the rest suffer. BTW, I’m in no way associated to the Cape Epic, I did it once and since then I’ve tried to be there most years in one form or other, twice as a mechanic, once as a motorcycle media rider and once as support. This year I missed it and I’m still regretting it, I just love the vibe of this race, it’s addictive. I’ve also done the TransAlps and although it was an awesome experience, it never matched the Epic it terms of race spirit. Make a plan!!!
  21. I recon we might see the Tour move out to the Northern burbs for the first time in history :-) A colleague just mentioned something I never thought of. If they detour the route over OKW and the wind picks up strongly during the day can you just imagine the risk of ash inhalation? It would be a huge safety issue for riders. Interesting days we live in.
  22. Having some fun at the G-Spot on my Trance. Haven't got the nads to hit the bigger jump yet, maybe next time
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