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Posts posted by BDF

  1. The 2017 Element is going to be a different animal to the 2016 version.

    BDF, when do you expect to receive the 2017 bike?


    I really wish I could be thinking of an upgrade from my Vertex right now but my money tree isn't producing yet.

    All things working out, should have it by Christmas.

  2. Sorry for the hijack people!!


    Are there any other venues you can suggest for a beginner(in terms of technical abilities) that is 20km to 30km in distance other than the blue route at Northern Farms?


    I'm looking for something similar to the blue route at Northern Farms, just a bit longer...


    Rosemary Hill? Yellow route at Modderfontein?

    Green route at Thaba Trails

  3. 2 days, the half life of cortisone is 8-12 hours.


    In case you popped any others:


    List of Steroid Detection Times

    The following is a list of anabolic steroid detection times (in alphabetical order):

    Anadrol (Oxymetholone): 2 months

    Anavar (Oxandrolone): 3 weeks

    Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate): 17 – 18 months

    Dianabol (Methandrostenolone): 5 – 6 weeks

    Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate): 4 – 5 months

    Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone): 2 months

    Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate): 2 weeks

    Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 11 – 12 months

    Omnadren: 3 months

    Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate): 4 – 5 months

    Primobolan (oral): 4 – 5 weeks

    Sustanon 250: 3 months

    Testosterone Cypionate: 3 months

    Testosterone Enanthate: 3 months

    Testosterone Propionate: 2 weeks

    Testosterone Suspension: 1- 3 days

    Trenbolone Acetate: 4 – 5 months

    Turinabol (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone): 11 – 12 months

    Winstrol (Stanozolol): 2 months

    That was fast Savage! This looks like a shopping basket for some people!


    Thanks for the info.


    Half life? what about the other half?

  4. I'm curious too btw....hopefully someone here knows.

    For sure! Not that I am remotely close to placing anywhere near the podium but I would not like to cheat in any shape or form. (halo appears here!)

  5. Help me with something,


    I recently underwent surgery on my hand. During that surgery i was given a steroid (Cortisone) injection into a joint.


    How long before I can race legally?

  6. agreed - the smallest whiff of taint should send any sponsor packing, even the dodgeball ones.  If people publicly target the sponsors of these "former" dopers and the sponsorships dry up, prospective dopers are going to think twice


    It also gets pretty lonely out there after retiring from professional riding if you are formally excluded from all the events you would love to ride as a former star, with all the adoration and attention that goes with attending these events.  Current riders will see this and hopefully consider how their post-professional life will be affected.  The only question is whether they think this far ahead?

    Unfortunately in these times people crave instant gratification with little thought of the long terms. I doubt they think it through.


    Thing is, if consequence is the driving force behind making a decision to dope or not, the battle is all but lost.



  7. Hi guys.


    My 3 HR has recently stopped reading my heart rate.


    Anyone else experience this?

    Are you wearing the watch far enough down your wrist? Too close to the hand and it won't read.


    (This pearl of info comes as a result of me getting my wife a VivoSmart HR - this is what happened to her)

  8. started in AL and hang on for dear life to the front bunch until about 65 km when I realised that my front wheel was loose. I literally stopped for about 5 sec to tighten it and was about 50m beyond the bunch. I tried for about 2 km to catch them and burnt all matches in the process. Ride until hekpoort on my own before the front of BL caught up with me. My legs was shot and I couldn't stick with them.


    Ended eventually in 3h05 which was a bit disappointing. otherwise an awesome race.

    I don't mean to pry into your personal life or anything but how did you start a race with a loose front wheel? :ph34r:

  9. Entered because of seeding for CTCT.


    Entered early because of promise of extra free stuff. Would probably have entered anyways, but getting baited into an early entry and then not even getting my extra goodies is not on. Like I said above, matter of principles.

    Hope it goes well.


    At least the rain has cleared the air of all the dust for the race. What's your start batch?

  10. Felt like something was missing after receiving my goodie bag earlier today. I checked my emails because I distinctly remembered there was some reward for early bird entries.


    Found the email quickly and sent the tweet below through to the organizers, will see what they say.


    I am more peeved off by the principle of the matter instead of the actual water bottles...

    Please tell me that's not why you entered the race... :mellow:

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