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Everything posted by An3

  1. Col'Cacchio http://www.colcacchio.co.za/index.asp
  2. Heard a talk on the radio on snake bites. According to new statistics, 90% of all snake bites are caused by the Mozambique spitting cobra and the Puff adder. http://www.africansnakebiteinstitute.com/index.html
  3. Such a great photo - do you have a higher res available?
  4. Thank you all for taking the time to reply. It helps a lot to see your examples. Stocked up today and tomorrow is D-day. Being Diabetic, I find the first 3 days extremely difficult to control my blood glucose. I contribute this to the body using the last bit of glycogen.
  5. I have been on and off a LCHF diet for a while now. Every now and then I loose my way and then it takes me a while to get back in. Could you please assist in posting your "default" menus for a "standard" day? Something that is easy to follow.
  6. I will most definitely search the singlespeed threads for more info. thank you for the photos.
  7. Wow - you have a stunning bike. Please post more photos and specs.
  8. Conrad is a great guy to do business with. I've traveled a few times to Randpark Ridge already as he is always prepared to help. Good luck Conrad.
  9. Oops I got it wrong..... it is actually the Colombian Team.... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/colombian-womens-cycling-team-causes-stir-with-unfortunate-naked-jersey-design-9732037.html
  10. Also not today. But being 9/11, I want to share some picks I took during a NY bike tour in 2010. Basically booked beforehand, arrived at the shop, they then provided me with a helmet and a bike.. I was the only South African in the group. The Tour Guide's normal day job was being a bike messenger but he was also an Architectural student. He was very enthusiastic and rode with a model of the proposed Freedom Tower at Ground Zero in a blue rag ties to his panniers. What a day - I saw more in that day than all my previous visits combined. We met a guy in a park who completed his Bamboo Bike a few hours earlier that day. I still want to do that course one day. When planning your next visit to NY, do not miss these tours.
  11. Locally they are fairly expensive: http://shopping.all4women.co.za/product_info.php?Itemcode=B002CVTKTW Look for one next time that you are abroad. http://www.amazon.com/Yama-Glass-Tabletop-Siphon-Alcohol/dp/B002CVTKTW http://www.seattlecoffeeworks.com/store/p/80-Yama-5-cup-20oz-Vacuum-Pot.aspx The Hario at Stoneridge "the Nerd" sounds reasonable
  12. Why did you have to get a fusion? I had a badly fractured ankle which had to be fixed with a ti bolt. The result was a 20% reduction in movement. This never really negatively affected my cycling.
  13. I have a strong IT background in an industry where a mistake normally means a loss of lives. The fact that I could place an order, pay R0.00 for bikes (that do not exist) worth R200 000 and receive a receipt - just irritates me. The motivation behind the post was to vent my irritation. If you are pissed of with me .... so be it - at least there were no lives lost. For the record: The owner and I kissed and made up. .....and as for some of the replies received: WOW! Ok now to the LCHF thread for breakfast ideas - I am hungry
  14. I could not find any previous posts in this topic that relates to the Sorcery of Vacuum Coffee Brewing. I used my Yama 5 cup vacuum brewer for the first time today and here are the pros and cons: Why: Good quality coffee with very little sediment Entertainment value second to none Why Not: Do not try this if you do not have limited time Cleaning a bit of a pain I must look for another fuel source (Higher quality alcohol) as Meths is a bit messy. Ps: My fiance bought me a packet of Gibson's beans in Kenya which I love.
  15. Sure .... but I would not have received 2086 views in two hours on the Hub...... and I have enough socks.
  16. To my knowledge, they are still in the same "brick and mortar" shop since the 80's. Probably one of the oldest "bike" shops in the country. They also used to sell material (the dress making kind), fishing equipment etc.
  17. Now for the Good news. Please note: this in NOT the shop mentioned in my other thread. I grew up in the "Oos Transvaal". Whilst at high school (late 80's, early 90's), I saved my pocket money and purchased two bikes from Valencia in Nelspruit. It is good to see that they are still in business and that they have an online presence. http://www.vbike.co.za/ I've submitted an online question on Saturday Evening. Brett acknowledged my question on Sunday and sent a detailed email today. Thank you and I will most definitely do business with you in future.
  18. If somebody points out to you that the pricing on your website is wrong - fix your website.
  19. My pool's water is 34 Degrees. I am going for a swim.
  20. My final emails to said company; From: *** (me) Date: Monday 08 September 2014 at 3:21 PM To: *** Subject: *** Dear ** The previous email was just my attempt to break the ice with some humor. Let it be know that I officially withdraw my order with *** I hope that you’ll have a great day. Regards *** From: *** (me) Date: Monday 08 September 2014 at 3:16 PM To: *** Subject: **** Dear *** I want my bikes in the following sizes please: 56cm 58cm I would appreciate it if you could expedite my order. Regards ***
  21. I have decided end the thread here. I really do not have the energy to deal with this company. I will however send one last email to them stating that I want a 56cm and 58cm and that they must please expedite my order For the record, I never actually expected 2 bikes with a combined value of R200 000. Bike Shop owners: Please check your website content and take ownership for mistakes. And if you are using a 3rd party - make sure that you have a contract in place to protect you against their mistakes.
  22. Update: I phoned the company. The person who responded is the owner. I said to him that I do not expect one or two bikes but I do expect an apology in writing and that I would then be quite happy for this to be the end of this saga. He responded that I must first cancel my order in writing, which I am not prepared to do.
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