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Everything posted by An3

  1. An3

    Towing kids

    Get a halfwheeler!!! Lots of fun - Junior (3.5 years old) loves it. We did "family" race at Babba's lodge and more recently spent a few hours riding at Groenkloof. The rule is to take it easy - you still get a serious workout because of the extra weight but the family time is priceless!!
  2. I need some info on the 2012 29er frame colour. (Satin Smoke) Is it painted or is it a "finish". (The 2011 model was polished.) Could the 2011 frame be painted the look like a 2012? Does anybody own a 2012 Satin / Smoke frame? How does it stand up against chips and scratches? Will anybody please post a photo of the actual frame?
  3. I got a parktool PC-9 for maintenance. Get one!
  4. I've ordered a Feedback Rakk Storage and Display Stand from CRC. I will let you know how it works.
  5. A friend of mine bought my HT 26" a couple of years ago. I went from 26" HT to 26" FS and then 29er FS. 29er FS not too much different from 26" FS. - I do however prefer 29er. On second loop of Rietvlei recently I swapped my friend for my old 26" HT. and I really appreciated when I got back on my 29er.
  6. An3


    look for OMO (with enzymes) - fine print on box. use it to wash carpet. leave it on for a while rinse (sponge) dry sorted
  7. Found it - thank you Body Geometry
  8. How does the distance between your sit-bones relate to the saddle width? Is there a chart available somewhere? I have an x-ray of my pelvis (don't ask), so I can measure the distance between my sit bones.
  9. I'll keep your contact details!
  10. Wayback I found this cool website today. It takes snapshots of most websites and allows you to browse these. There are 7 snapshots of TheHub. Oldest 19 Oct 2004. hint: this website can be used at work to browse blocked content!! (Not live but better than nothing) I could unfortunately not browse the old Autotrader websites:(
  11. Well spotted! Bought Merc from a couple in Pretoria. It was the wife's car. She placed the ad and all communication was with her. The contract was with the husband. Wife provided settlement value - I paid cash into MB finance's account and difference into account specified by wife. Turned out they've provided "wrong" info and MB account was R25k short. They got divorced and husband cannot be traced. Wife not so keen to refund my money. I need the ad to proof that the wife was involved.
  12. Phoned them. Said I must contact Government Library in Pta. (I do not think that will be successful)
  13. Hello I am looking for an old Autotrader. 19 Feb 2009. I'll pay R100 bucks for this mag.
  14. What pressure are you running at? I found that high pressure works well. 7 BAR
  15. Think it was about R380 / R400 at Tony Impey. (pse do not quote me - was a bit more than CWC but I've had to buy it THAT day or else the earth would have exploded)
  16. I bought blue Tacx tyre. I do not have experience with Conti but here are my findings: Runs cooler Initially noisy but improves with use I think it is worth buying but only if you have an extra wheel to mount it on:)
  17. Which Garmin software version are you using? I've been battling to upload files to Garmin Connect. Kept on getting "time-outs" I am using a very large micro SD card with maps on. I've created A BACKUP folder on micro SD and moved all history to this folder. (Total size of training files +-100Mb) I've then performed a defrag of Main Memory area. My 705 performs fantastic. Downloaded today's file within seconds.
  18. Sure it will work but I am too impatient to wait. I want to clean them NOW - must install new SWISSSTOP pads TONIGHT!
  19. My DT SWISS 350 Hub's bearings packed up after only 600km (7 months) LBS said that there was a lot of mud and crap inside the hub. How does this happen? My bike has never seen a pressure washer and I've never abused my bike. (Went through the same puddles as hundreds of other cyclists) I am concerned about the reliability of this hub. (I do not exactly want to spend R350 every 600km) LBS said "nobody" will warrant worn bearings. Local Bike Rep said that I should contact the DT SWISS rep (In Gauteng) but no contact details were given. Any ideas?
  20. What can I use to clean my MTB's disk rotors with? I am sure Isopropyl Alcohol or Automotive Disk Brake cleaner will work but I do not have the above "in stock". Will Paint Thinners work or will it leave a residue?
  21. I can easily wake up to train but getting up early to go to work is extremely difficult.
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