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Pappa Bear

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Everything posted by Pappa Bear

  1. The "proxy" system will open the voting to abuse...... Might consider limiting the ammount of Proxies one person can carry?
  2. I rarely show up for "public" forums and AGMs, it is not my style......... This time I will the exception as I feel it is needed and will not stand by when good work gets muddied, bullies try to take over, and incomponent people take over......we have enought of them in goverment and look were we are! If we loose we loose - the right thing is to show up, vote, state your case and hope the rest of the poeple think the same as you. ****That is me for today, my boss just told me I own him R20 000.00 for not working yesterday and today....damm hub!
  3. Looks to be still active (?) Apparantly a member was removed for continual posting of derogatry remarks.
  4. Who on this forum still speaks for the "Vince camp" or have they all left? Still looking for that one answer to the "HOW"?
  5. "Wistler - CT" is a world class facility and that one word summarize an idea, in this case, it is not a physical place.
  6. So why is the FB page now deleted?
  7. So why then continue in the same trend.........bringing the coupe as prommissed? I don't think you regret writing it, you regret it beiing shown here.
  8. Guys, My only goal is to get the right people on the comitee. Deon has a proven track record. The "Vince camp" not - and still to date they haven't given us any "HOW" they will bring Wistler-CT about. I question their motive and capability and still do.
  9. Dates back a couple of months....preceeds the coupe.
  10. No...... so what do they have to hide? O wait I can check, and post the entire thread if required, since I screen grabbed the entire thing.
  11. Understand...... no problem. Its like soldiers, we"pay " tem to do the job we don't or can't do...... same here. Some want to "fight" and some want to ride....... your contribution can be something else some other day :-)
  12. This looks like a Coup...... Not sure if I am allowed to post this but Screw it....ban me......Got it from the Tokai DH FB page which is a public forum so think it is allowed
  13. The actions and posts, on the hub and FB, suggest otherwise....... I will go and find the posts on FB and come post it here.
  14. ............you know there lives a troll under that bridge with a stick, that he wants to push through your wheels......
  15. Don't burst their bubble...........
  16. ....... I think the answers is NOTHING.The current team do have an expert lined up and he will be called in as soon as nature went its way. OR shall we pay him big bugs to build us a temporary trail? If your answer is YES, have this request been put through to the comittee to decide on? The majority of the users, other than a few DHers, as mentioned by "Vinces camp" is unhappy with the "trails". I put trails in " " since they are really unhappy with Deon and Myles for busting their illegle trails......... I recall the comments on Facebook were Myles was threatened along the lines of a coup, how they will investigate the funding, how it is used, how trails are build etc. and guess what, here we are today with a coup disguised as an "AGM" FOR VARK STEAK!!!!!!!!! ****Edit: "FOR FARK STEAKS" added to show my passion and emotion
  17. That is still the one thing "vinces" camp need to answer, on this forum, before the AGM. What will they do diffrent than the current crew, HOW ? Do they have a magic stash of cash? Do they have a higher up contact in SANParks? Do they have Access to JCBs and 50 volunteers? All i hear is promisses for a "wistler " in cape town, but we all know if that was possible it would have been build by now........ How vince? How omega man? How Rika? How oldflow? How will you build this wonderfull utopia? What will you try to do diffrently?
  18. PoS we need to know what you are refering to. What happened behind the scenes a couple of months ago? The guys voting need to know.
  19. .....Ja getting a bit late and the coffee is loosing its effect :-)
  20. ......so they might stand...... Have they been nominated?
  21. Try Afrikaanse CDs, steve hofmeyer as jy kan!
  22. Yeah without knowing, people have been writing their "resumé" post for post......
  23. All of that fona fona stuff is catered for in the environmental plans and papers for Tokai. trails are build within their rules ( well not everybody think the rules are for them........)
  24. So they storm in here make demands and accusations and yet they are not willing to contribute other than criticize!?! Just aswell, since I predicted that they would have been nothing more than a flash in the pan.......
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