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Everything posted by BenReaper

  1. I say get one of those 20kg Game bicycles to train with,that way when you go racing on that 10kg Zaskar you will be twice as fast.
  2. Jeeze that must've hurt like a mothe!glad youre ok man.and you say you were 1,5m from the tarmac.....now how far is a safe distance then?
  3. I'm with the Swart Kat on this,you can get a decent 26'er for that money.Just bought a second hand XT/SLX dual suspension 26'er.cheap as chips I tell you.
  4. Het 8:00 opgestaan,gesien hoe die weer lyk en toe maar n draai hier gan ry.was ook spuit ek het ni eerder di koue angepak en deur gegaan vir die event nie.
  5. Turns out i've been doing it all wrong as well.
  6. Woke up at 5am,threw another blanket over the bed and went back to sleep.good luck to all the guys and girls racing,youre stronger than me.
  7. Looks like I might make it.......sal mar kyk as ek 5uur wakker word of ek ry of bly.
  8. Was very keen on doing this race,but will keep an eye on the weather towards Friday before I commit.
  9. Ouch!!!hope you heal soon man!
  10. I use to feel almost,not so strongly though, like this guy,but luckely some friends finaly tempted me and my wife into trying out cycling and now I am also on the other side of the spectrum.
  11. My wife and me had this same conversation about 3 weeks ago.as we would be sharing whatever we bought we opted for a spin bike, since it would have been a bit of a hastle to switch bikes and wheels everytime on the IDT.have been enjoying our Schwinn spinner since.sure its an older model,but it serves its purpose and cost us under R2k.
  12. @no calves,its not so much about feeling i could have gone faster,but about lack of skill and fitnes.only started riding in december and tis was only my second race.first was Willow Creeck 30km.....with my wife....weeker partner.so i just feel i need to train some more first.baby steps:D
  13. Joejoe!was a nice race,but 55km was too far too soon for me.started cramping up at about halfway point,but luckely finished about 20min before cutoff time.think i will continue to do the half distances until next year when i am fitter and stronger. How did you do on youre first long distance Bester?
  14. Thanx guys,cant see so well when zooming in on my phone.
  15. Those white brakes look awesome,have been daydreaming about building a black single speed with white brakes and white rims. What brand and model are they?
  16. Wil I be needing a light for the tunnel section?
  17. This is inspiring,I am also concidering the 55km now.
  18. @Bester - Dont know what the winning time was,but the fastest time recorded on Strava was 1:04:05.
  19. Was a nice race,just a pitty I was 'riding with weaker partner'.did the 30km,had to dismount a few times in the first 10km due to congestion,but once the field got spread out things went better.charged up the big hills passing lots of people pushing their bike,then had to stop at the top to wait for the wife.looking forward to Autumn Splendour now where she has opted for the 12km.see you there.....
  20. Scott and Merida also have nice bikes round about that price.
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