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Everything posted by MORNE

  1. i don't have a cloth mask...but i do have one of these. will I be fine when stopped? should be fine if a scarf is considered a mask?
  2. if you live close to the beach....does the radius extend and therefor include the ocean? i know they are supposedly closed....but the rules say "beaches"...not "shoreline" fancy a dip?
  3. hotel penthouse - obviously looked for the straightest piece of road that would give me a 5km radius to support my argument lol
  4. i've had proof of residence on me since the start, and will go walk/cycle with it too....just in case. Not leaving anything open for interpretation by some clown in a washed out uniform.
  5. If someone drew them that picture i added just up there before they decided they would have made it 500m lol. 5km radius but yet we are not allowed to go shop at stores outside the neighbourhood supposedly...
  6. yep....you can prolly fit a 100-200km (and more) ride in there :
  7. i hear you. But... 5km as the crow flies or 5km as per google maps lol... "ambiguity lies in the interpretation of the rules"
  8. going by how they handled 'cigarettegate'....they might just change their mind still haha
  9. not to mention...for the most part it will mean everybody will most likely be out and about in a 1 hour timeframe (8-9?) instead of 3. the average person is probably not going to want to walk the dog or jog on their own in the pitch black. i told my wife last night we will be going out in the dark...but need to be sober about the fact that there are 'hungry people' out there.... edit: still looks like 10pm outside ALSO: careful lol
  10. for now, and hopefully for the future too, yes. thats not the point though....
  11. for now, a non cyclist will make a call about what constitutes "safe" exercise....and they will be handed a list of things....and when they get to cycling...they will think about all the things that can go wrong and base their decision off of that. easy as that....not trying to be sensationalist, just stating how decisions will likely be made.
  12. its not rocket science...it has less to do about threat of contamination and more about eliminating the cyclist related accidents/ emergencies at this stage. Same reason booze was banned....to open up hospital beds that would have otherwise been occupied by people with knives in their heads, arms missing because they were drinking and driving etc etc etc. As Murphy would have it....they allow cycling under lvl 4 (which they wont )...and some superman will go get his skull fractured somewhere on a trail or my-city bus lane and need to be air lifted to the hospital, or worse....need to be connected to a ventilator.
  13. yup. My In-laws' local skinnerbek told most of what you just said to them too. They are duk pelle with a DA ward councillor in their street.
  14. ill just quote myself again. see post for link. cycling only level 3 and as mentioned....you'll probably only be allowed to walk your dog around the block for now.
  15. Futile./..if you read the draft document it is clear that there will probably be no cycling before L3 anyway. PS. I say this because cycling is only mentioned by name at L3 - table R/ point 10 - Page 14 abf210bc97ea4bebb8366cd182cde558.pdf
  16. point is...they came with these arguably overzealous/greedy suggestions....the only thing that will happen is the Cele's will come out and say "screw those privileged bicycle straddling bastards...NO riding of bicycles. NON...ZERO...and while we are at it, ban bicycles forever.... Because hospital beds and crashing and reasons related to the fact that the poor dont have bicycles...so nobody rides one" Like they did with the whole dog walking thing....just because it was mentioned and made a thing...it got totally shut down. 'Sometimes it is better to keep quiet or say sorry than to ask permission' - comes to mind... I wont be surprised if cycling actually now gets specifically mentioned/called out as not being allowed because the PPA's suggestions made it abundantly clear that people will abuse exercise privileges. IMO there is a better chance now that it will be 'outlawed' until a certain lockdown level because it might be on their radar now.
  17. just....dumb. I'm embarrassed for them. It reeks of entitlement and i'm not sure it is the best idea putting info like this out there. Crap like this contributes to the reasons why non-cyclists 'vigorously dislike' cyclist.
  18. thinking about this now...considering the masks in this case came from the WC and were defo not put on an aeroplane...i would wonder at how many roadblocks/checkpoints a courier bakkie has to stop at and be cleared on the way to GP? Probably twice or more at each town and then again at every pooint where they cross over into a new province? can someone maybe elaborate? Could explain the delay i guess.
  19. https://www.commencal-store.co.za/PBSCCatalog.asp?ActionID=67174912&PBCATID=3718213 circa 30k full bike or build one yourself with a frame only option at R7k 2019 verions -20% off too. right in your budget. https://www.commencal-store.co.za/PBSCCatalog.asp?ActionID=67174912&PBCATID=3563926
  20. ive been loosing weight sitting around doing sweet f'all. Eating habits have not been super strict like usual but given the circumstances...still not too naughty. The wife's pregnant eating habits aren't helping the discipline much on some days. Weight-loss Most probably attributed to muscle atrophy I think. we don't have a garden and I don't have a trainer. its like my body got to that point where it doesnt matter what I put in my mouth....it just keeps burning it, even whats on me. i have been booze free since Dec though so theres that...lots of anecdotal evidence that alcohol slows the metabolism and all but definitely proof of the difference the empty calories make. 76kg this week even though i've been eating at maintenance calories+ (Down from 85kg ish in Dec/jan and from ~115kg a few years back). if it goes any further i might hit 40kg total weight lost since I started my journey way back. my wife is super worried she might weigh more than me in a few weeks time with the pot belly and all haha...apparently it is not allowed.
  21. i still have all my mothers vinyls, her stuff i grew up listening to. I'm hardly a vinyl connoisseur and they are not in the best condition anymore only because they were played all the time back in the day. They mainly stay stashed away but every now and them i take them out to impress friends. Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Black sabbath, ZZ top, Queen, Bowie etc etc
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