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Found 7 results

  1. Hey guys I'm looking at starting a riding club (group) in Magaliesburg. With an average length of about 40km for now. And increasing over time. We would meet early on a Saturday morning (at various locations depending on the route for the day) *Please note everyone would be required to supply their own puncture kit, and water. * If anyone here is interested or has friends or Acquaintances. That live on the magaliesburg area and might be interested in joining a group. Please WhatsApp me on 073 445 two five nine eight. Regards Matthew du Preez
  2. I've just moved to Westbeach & looking for a morning group ride to Melkbos (or Koeberg) & back. This ride would be week days on a MTB. My pace the is about 25km/h, depending on wind. Weekends would be in different, Tygerberg trails. Time would be around 6am. Summer mornings are perfect!
  3. Anyone in the East Rand Mall area that rides MTB in the mornings? Looking to do the RTT/Emperors Loop in the morning 05h00. Please let me know.
  4. We are looking for a couple of riders that will be capable of riding sub 6:30 on the day. I got a couple of sponsors on board so everything should be covered. Kit, accommodation and entry. Riders need to join most weekend rides to bond as team and you are sure everyone is on par. Most rides will be from Bottelary with pickup in Stellenbosch. We are doing the Franschhoek route this Saturday. Drop me a mail should you be interested and I'll send details. Cheers, Invite.pdf
  5. With the growing epidemic of bike-jackings and assaults on cyclist the consensus seems to be to ride in groups to deter these happenings. Other than the hub and friends how does one know of rides in your particular area? I have been looking into some social event sharing apps like Meetup or Joinin where one can list their cycle routine/event and others can find it by location, but these don't seem to work terribly well, or they need to be paid for. Are there other alternatives out there? Some sort of community forum/location based app/site that will work? Where one can list their preferred cycling days, times, distance and area and it will hook them up with other cyclists with similar criteria in the area. As stated I have tested the Joinin website and app and it works, but requires some tweaking as it isn't really designed for this application, and the map/address section is not very accurate, but at this stage it is the best that I can find.
  6. Hi I am visiting family in Knysna from 23rd to 30 April 2014. I am a Cat A/B rider and hoping to find a mtb group/people to ride with while I am down there for some sightseeing, beautiful rides. Cheers L
  7. Hi, I am looking out for riders that want to meet at the Lower Gate of Rhodes Memorial and go for a quickish ride over Plum Pudding, either way. The idea is to ride as a group sometime between 12:30 and 13:30 for safety reasons and for riding in the light of day. Thanks Phill
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