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CWC dissapoints!


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You post responses like you do and expect people not to get personal?

I always used to respect your comments on The Hub, but you have lowered yourself and proved that you cannot rely on your intellect to get you out of the mess you created by any other means than to fight your way out of it. What a knob! (Sorry I'm down to your level)


As you so ineptly tried to put it: Never argue with an idiot. They only bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


Go to bed, or even better, go for a ride. As my wife has just said, stop leading this chop on and let it go. He couldn't argue his way out of a wet paper bag.


Over and out :cursing:


PS Get a spell checker and a grammar checker while you're at it, your command of the English language is really bad

Edited by King_Crispy
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Quick hijack,


Like you say this is a adult forum.... why make such childish comments?

Ag it was a slow day today on the hub. Nothing else to argue about I guess...

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I havent read the entire 11 pages, but I gather what is going on. Bottom line is if I receive bad service from a store, I will never set foot back in there again. As a customer I want to receive the best service possible. EXAMPLE (caps cause you know how some get this is my example) It is not my responsibility to make sure that the 20k bike I bought is in 100% working order, all the gears are shifting, all the nuts are tight etc. As a "professional store" this should be done automatically and there is absolutely no excuse. Like buying a car for another EXAMPLE what if the manufacturer never fitted brake pads hypothetically, is it your duty to check the brakes? What is it that you paying for?? There are so many stores out there, so if one has attitude or issues serving me as a customer, I will move on to the next store.

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You post responese like you do and expect people not to get personal?

I always respected your comments on The Hub, but you have lowered yourself and proved that you cannot rely on your intellect to get you out of the mess you created by any other means than to fight your way out of it. What a knob!


As you so ineptly put it: never argue with an idiot. They only bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.


Go to bed, or even better, go for a ride. As my wife has just said, stop leading this chop on and let it go. He couldn't argue his way out of a wet paper bag.


Over and out :cursing:


Stop deflecting I want you to tell me what you think my message is I am debating or as you put it "fighting for" since you seem to think you have a valid point to attack not just my posts but my character too.


But i will repost it even though its loud and clear in previous posts.


1. I am a firm beleiver that if you are unhappy with service from any company your first point of call is to try and deal with the CEO director manager of that company to get to an amicable resolution since no company is perfect they all make mistakes.

2. Even the best companies out there make mistakes, and I beleive the value of service delivery is how they handle those mistakes and try and correct a the situation.

3. In this specific case even though the OP went about this the wrong way, his complaint was promplty dealt with in a professional manner better than most other companies in my experiance would have done.


Now certain people on this forum detract from these comments and I am not sure why they want to fight and argue about this topic I am not defending CWC contrary to popular belief, I am not saying they are in the right, becuase there were mistakes made, I am simply stating that in my experiance with various bike shops I have never come accross proffesionalism like I have experianced from CWC at any other bike shop that has messed up with me in the past.


Now you guys can try and act witty, you can get personal all you want, It doesnt concern me, nor will it bug me. But it seems that your argument is simply that 1 either a company must always give 100% no fault service (which is impossible and unrealistic) or B you should be allowed to flame them at will without trying to remediate the situation. Which is simply poor form.


Like i said previously as well, I have had many many bad experiances with multiple LBS;s including CWC. What set them apart from the rest is that they cared about my problem, they listened to what i have to complain about and they did everything in their power to fix the situation. Every other LBS i dealt with had a F off we dont need or want your business attitude.


Now my question to you is this, why are you trying to attack my person, for pointing out the logical and tactful way to deal with a problem. At the end of the day all you want as a customer is to highlight the defeciancy and to make sure it doesnt happen again. Which in this case would have been achieved by a simple phonecall. Where i garuantee you the OP would have been happy with the end result.


Yet again, I say if you get bad service from a company, and you complain to that company and they refuse to help you, the by all means publicly flame that company because they are not meeting service delivery obligations. But to post something like the OP did without first trying to address the problem is simply bad form in my book and many other peoples books on this forum.


You might not like it or agree with it but thats the way business should operate, thats the way companies should get flamed for poor delivery. As a case in point if two of my staff bitch about one another to me the first thing i ask them is if they sat down and talked about it. amongst themselves, if they say no they havent I tell them straight, till such time they try and sort it out between themselves i am not interested in what they have to say. Conversly if they tried to talk to one another and still cant resolve the issue then they are welcome to come to me to remediate.


That my friend is simply how conflict resolution is handled. you dont send a mail to the entire company telling everyone what a prick the person is you are having a disagreement with, and this is technically what was achieved by the OP. Instead of trying to resolve the problem he tried posted something without giving the LBS a chance to respond and make it right. And that is not good practice any way you look at it.


Now to be quite honest I am not even going to bother commenting further on this post, because some people here misconstrude what is being said, they ignore the facts, and mostly when they realize their points are moot and they are in fact in the wrong they are trying to attack fellow hubbers on a personal level. All this is uncalled for.


I will say it one last time, if you have been wronged deal with the company firstly, if you do not get satisfactory results after that then you go on a public forum and voice your opinion.


I sincerely hope you actually spend the time to read and digest what I typed now. It will serve you well in business going forward in your life, your career, and building a relationship with your LBS whomever you choose.

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Do you think they will make a movie about this thread? :D



Probably not but I think ill use it for a case study in my MBA :)

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Probably not but I think ill use it for a case study in my MBA :)

We'll there you go - something usefull actually might come from here then hey.

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lol yeah will be interesting what other people make of this thats not hung up on the fact that a bike shop is involved. Anyway i said my peace now If people take it to heart or not thats not my issue :) I am now going to open a bottle of glenfiddich pure malt special reserve, and clean my bike :)

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...if you have been wronged deal with the company firstly, if you do not get satisfactory results after that then you go on a public forum and voice your opinion.


i agree with that!

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lol yeah will be interesting what other people make of this thats not hung up on the fact that a bike shop is involved. Anyway i said my peace now If people take it to heart or not thats not my issue :) I am now going to open a bottle of glenfiddich pure malt special reserve, and clean my bike :)


It's better to drink the Malt, using it to clean your bike seems decadent?



Just read the full thread and in short understand that you feel OP should have contacted Chris Directly Prior to posting.

I have my own retail business, and as you are embarking on a MBA, "Interweb" is communication. I have a Google Alert set for my business name just in case somebody posts anything (positive or negative) on any of the 1000's of blog sites online. Then I can respond quickly and directly. I have made many new friends in this way.

Because of the OP's efforts to "alert" Chris Snr via theHubSA their problems are resolved.

Yours unfortunately seem to be ongoing.


Well done to OP for actually airing his issues in a constructive way and an equal congrats to Chris Snr for a great response to his issues. Sort out that Service Booking Issue! before it bites you in the A$$ ;)


PS Ordered once from CWCOnline and was a great experience.

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lol 101, no i use Bells to clean the bike the glenfiddich is for my personal motivation to actually clean it :) And i dont have ongoing problems lol. My methodology is simply because people misinterpret posts, and e-mail which can lead to undue negative publicity. this thread being a prime example.


But i get where your comming from :)

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lol 101, no i use Bells to clean the bike the glenfiddich is for my personal motivation to actually clean it :) And i dont have ongoing problems lol. My methodology is simply because people misinterpret posts, and e-mail which can lead to undue negative publicity. this thread being a prime example.


But i get where your comming from :)




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My 2c

King you are wrong for the attacking Covie on a personal level.

Covie your stance is one of self-righteousness, which is also wrong. Because someone does't agree with your methodology in problem solving doesn't in any way make them wrong.It sounds like you are a manager of sorts at work. If you are ever required to preside over an arbitration you will understand that there are generally always 3 sides to a story(being a parent will also help a lot). One gets the 1 side of the story from the first person, the 2nd side of the story from the second, and then the mature arbitrator will discern what he believes to be the truth.


Covie, it sounds like you are farting against thunder here. You have stated your opinion, and the others have stated theirs. Agree to disagree and not always try to have the final say. Chris Willemse sorted it out and the issue is closed in his book. Hopefully he has also learned from this and will accept that there will always be people that will take the bull by the horns and deal with it any way they see fit(albeit not the way you would do things).


Come now boys, shake hands and be friends now :D

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My 2c

King you are wrong for the attacking Covie on a personal level.

Covie your stance is one of self-righteousness, which is also wrong. Because someone does't agree with your methodology in problem solving doesn't in any way make them wrong.It sounds like you are a manager of sorts at work. If you are ever required to preside over an arbitration you will understand that there are generally always 3 sides to a story(being a parent will also help a lot). One gets the 1 side of the story from the first person, the 2nd side of the story from the second, and then the mature arbitrator will discern what he believes to be the truth.


Covie, it sounds like you are farting against thunder here. You have stated your opinion, and the others have stated theirs. Agree to disagree and not always try to have the final say. Chris Willemse sorted it out and the issue is closed in his book. Hopefully he has also learned from this and will accept that there will always be people that will take the bull by the horns and deal with it any way they see fit(albeit not the way you would do things).


Come now boys, shake hands and be friends now :D


lol quite right I am a manager and a parent and arbitration is a part of both "professions" my aim was not to force my methodology down peoples throats, (if it came across like that then please accept my applogies) I think somewhere in the last eleven pages the thread took multiple turns with multple opinions. And I am more than happy to agree to disagree.

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