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Riding up the DOWNhills at Tokai


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Huh? Since when did Yoda have flames coming out of his ass? :unsure:


In his later years... it's how me managed to continue doing his rapid twirls and jumps without seeming to expend too much energy.


Where did you think the saying "the force is strong in this one" came from? It wasn't just referring to Lukie boy...

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In his later years... it's how me managed to continue doing his rapid twirls and jumps without seeming to expend too much energy.


Where did you think the saying "the force is strong in this one" came from? It wasn't just referring to Lukie boy...


Ah, okay, so this is him playing pull my finger?



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No. It's him saying "keep back! I have ostrich-foot! It's contagious!"


…and potentially fatal if not treated properly - like one-way trails, which brings us neatly back to the topic at hand… <_<

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…and potentially fatal if not treated properly - like one-way trails, which brings us neatly back to the topic at hand… <_<


True. But then, the rains should have kept at least a few trolls away, and will harden up the trails after they're hit with a bit of sun...

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True. But then, the rains should have kept at least a few trolls away, and will harden up the trails after they're hit with a bit of sun...


The trolls have been absent there since THAT bridge thread… :)

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Do tell.. would like to know more about THAT bridge story..


Who, where, when, how, why... to coin a phrase.

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Do tell.. would like to know more about THAT bridge story..


Who, where, when, how, why... to coin a phrase.


Now look what you have done great Weedy One.... :thumbdown:

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Wasn't there a pic of that here?


Yep - there was. But it was on the "old" Hub... can't find the pic at the moment, will have to look for it!


Do tell.. would like to know more about THAT bridge story..


Who, where, when, how, why... to coin a phrase.


wooden Faerie Garden bridge, back when it was a bit more rocky than it is now. Mate of mine hit it first time, then I said he needed to do it again for confidence. He bottles the next 6 or so attempts, then gets it right, only to focus on the edge of the bridge and his arms lock. As he hits the edge of the bridge, he pulls his front brake. Basically cases it then and there like an upside-down pendulum. it was glorious to watch! His head connected with an exposed root, and that gave him a nice 2" gash on his brow. I took a picture before taking him to the Medi Clinic to have it stitched up...



Now look what you have done great Weedy One.... :thumbdown:


Come now, it was worth it!

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The trolls have been absent there since THAT bridge thread… :)


Speaking of trolls, there was also bustthesickness who added to that little bridge's fame.

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Speaking of trolls, there was also bustthesickness who added to that little bridge's fame.


That is the thread I fear the resurrection of.....trolls and zombies will abound if the key of time is not protected from the evil bridge troll :o

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