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The Harmony cyclist in the second picture is ORCA.




I'm not on the Harmony club comm. You will notice that these photo's come from the camera of the Chairperson of the Harmony club, and he is aware of it.




So, I'm sory, even ORCA admit he was wrong.




I think its the PPA and BURGER ORGINIZERS who now have to sit together and decide to ban them from riding it the next 2 years or even a fine (if its in the PPA constitution.




not sure.





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I feel strongly that to call out a few "dumb idiots" here on this forum to me makes very little sense when by and large in the racing bunches crossing the line is common place... Please paint us all with the same brush and let's do something about it' date=' but to single out one or two poor fools and make them scapegoats for the greater good of cycling safety is just too easy!


a) Organise with safety as a paramount criteria

b) Enforce the rules

c) Create a positive peer group pressure i.e. name & shame. It has to start somewhere.


Pantani, I know where you are coming from - you see yourself as the lone martyr having goolies to stand up for the "innocent" masses but in this case your on the wrong side of the argument. If you get back to the core of the problem - every individual can help - if by just not following the crowd. But shouting that "what the crowd is doing is because ..." just confuses the picture.


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Windbreaker! I am not trying to "get out of the matter easily" as you so cutely imply. Let us remember that I am firstly and foremostly a cyclist ( a rather large and unfit one) and understand the dynamics. What is happening at events on a weekly basis is totally unacceptable. Do not for one minute kid yourself that this problem only exists amongst the racing groups!! NOT. This extends throughout the funrides. Having rolling road closure is only a partial solution, because lets face it to have rolling road closure for the whole event is effectively full road closure. This I might add too the Cycle Tour nearly 18years to get in place.

What we need is self policing! Can I assume that you will now contact Steve Hayward and volunteer your services as a PPA marshall (they are in desperate need of more marshalls) to help us stamp out this problem. The kind of riding seen in the photgraphs at the top of Helshoogte is just not acceptable under any circumstance. I would certainly value your input on how PPA can ensure we catch as many of the culprits as possible. I like you and the many other cyclists out there would love to see this problem stamped out! It is after all the main reason we no longer have rides going over Consantia Nek from the Constantia side.

The more peer pressure we as riders exert on other riders combined with a strong approach from the likes of CSA and PPA the better the chances we have of eradicating this problem
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I feel strongly that to call out a few "dumb idiots" here on this forum to me makes very little sense when by and large in the racing bunches crossing the line is common place... Please paint us all with the same brush and let's do something about it' date=' but to single out one or two poor fools and make them scapegoats for the greater good of cycling safety is just too easy!


a) Organise with safety as a paramount criteria

b) Enforce the rules

c) Create a positive peer group pressure i.e. name & shame. It has to start somewhere.


Pantani, I know where you are coming from - you see yourself as the lone martyr having goolies to stand up for the "innocent" masses but in this case your on the wrong side of the argument. If you get back to the core of the problem - every individual can help - if by just not following the crowd. But shouting that "what the crowd is doing is because ..." just confuses the picture.


I hear you windbreaker, and we can't sit here and think that everybody in the bunch thinks like "us" (I am after all a rational individual, just role playing on this issue).


So I'm all for safer racing, but until can eradicate it at the pinnacle of the sport, I don't believe that you will enjoy much success in the lower ranks. People speak of setting examples, and I agree, I can be an example to my peers but a more powerful instrument of purveying that message is just a few kilometers up the road from me...


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Pantani, you make out like you are the champion of the transgressors and just "being honest" when all you are is one of the sheep in the bunch who is too scared to take individual responsibility and do the right thing. I find it amazing that you advocate the right to do whatever, yet you want strict rule enforcement of all before you comply.


Somewhat contradictory I think.


(But you still da style man!!!Thumbs%20Up)


But on this - you be da "No style man"Thumbs%20Down 
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Dis waar die pro's gery het, die wanne -be pro's was te *** sleg om ook daar te ry.[/quote']


ClapClapClapMy point exactly!


YOU are responsible for riding where YOU ride.  Don't cross the blerrie white line.  Even if it means you loose the group!  Then go and jump and shout at the guys afterwards andf throw your toys.  This is one instance where we should stand up for our own safety.
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Pantani' date=' you make out like you are the champion of the transgressors and just "being honest" when all you are is one of the sheep in the bunch who is too scared to take individual responsibility and do the right thing. I find it amazing that you advocate the right to do whatever, yet you want strict rule enforcement of all before you comply.


Somewhat contradictory I think.


(But you still da style man!!!Thumbs%20Up)


But on this - you be da "No style man"Thumbs%20Down 


I am not the champion of any cause... It's called stimulating debate! I am able to see both sides of this argument and know right from wrong. To allow it to continue as a one sided affair wouldn't be realistic when we all know there are cyclists out there who couldn't give a flying fish about safety protocol. Read these posts, and and view them holistically...

Pantani2007-12-04 00:04:09

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I would have a rule in place when entering for an event. Maybe Terms and Conditions whereby a rider sign's or selects a check box stating that they accept the Terms and Conditions.

A rule stating that any rider caught crossing the white line will be fined x amount. Hit them where it hurts most! For instance a fine of R500 every weekend would certainly hurt.

The only problem is, monitoring all the riders in the different groups.

Think this would work?

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Dis waar die pro's gery het, die wanne -be pro's was te *** sleg om ook daar te ry.[/quote']


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DavidB... So 2 jaar gelede het ek 'n voorstel aan julle gestuur (en niks terug gehoor)




Maar dit was basies dat jy "RACING MARCHELLS" in die groepe het.




Die volunteers hoef dan nie langs die pad hoef te staan , maar self race in die groepe.




So gaan jy meer marchells kry. Hierdie ouens gaan natuurlik die regte "know how" kurses of seminaar moet bywoon om die reels en do's and don't leer.




maar hulle hoef nie hulle race op te gee, hulle is net besig met racing in die groepe.




Ek weet nie of jy League ouens sal kry wat dit sal wil doen, maar ek verseker jou jy sal genoeg kry in die alfabet groepe.




So, waarom kan dit nie werk?




Sorg net dat die KIT van hierdie ouens "bling" genoeg is, en jy het honderde marchells.

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