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Racing on a Sunday is a sin


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Haha, sorry, did I say bashers!


Yeah, I googled it same way we google everything. I have some literature about it but it's at home and I would need to scan it then post it. And my background is one of personal experience. I'm not talking about stuff on the news in a far away place. I'm talking about personally sitting down with someone to have a discussion. I was born and raised in the church. Still attend, but less. So I have plenty of background.


And apart from the link it was 100% my opinion, experienced by me and re-told by me.


Fair enough, it looked like a google story. I cant control what others do, so if you were offended by them "pushing a faith" do's that mean "everyone will do it"? Thats a very wide brush.!

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Interesting point by the fanatic, but is cycling work or play? I don't think the sabbath law promotes a sedated lifestyle, that's something man brought to the table. When Jesus healed a man on the sabbath he even explained that the sabbath was made for man & not the other way around (which means we should not be slaves to the "dont work mentality", but rather the law is there for our benefit.) It's as if God had weekends in mind all along :-)


The actual law is found in the 10 commandments & is a call to keep the sabbath holy:


Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."


So even when God does not want us to work, the main point is to keep it holy. So I have to ask myself if I am keeping it holy by going for a cycle and enjoying the exercise & freedom & views. For me I would say yes.

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Not true, Christians are persecuted to death in these counties that practices "peacefull" doctrines. You forgot to add North Korea.


Indeed, ....!

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It was listening to a small Irish Priest try explain the working of the Holy Trinity to a group of us 15 years old school boys on the steps of the playing fields that first caused my doubts about Christianity. Being Irish his explanations were no doubt more convoluted than they needed to be , but I left him thinking , “This cannot be right – God cannot be so complicated.”

I took another 40 years before those doubts became convictions. I now think that the Buddha got it right 2500 years ago when he refused to answer the Question - Is there a God? for two reasons. .

His first reason was that it is not possible from our own experience and rational thought and without reference to other people or their writings, to reach a definite conclusion to the question, so trying to answer the question will only result in dissatisfaction .

His second reason was that for a moral man the answer is irrelevant : A Moral man will lead his life no differently in the presence or absence of a god.


Beg my pardone. I didn't read this one.


Your problem is with religion, not belief. Understandable - particularly if you have tried to understand an Irishman explain "The Holy Trinity" as gospel.


I thought they said it can't be explained - a Mystery they say, as I recall.

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Haha, sorry, did I say bashers!


Yeah, I googled it same way we google everything. I have some literature about it but it's at home and I would need to scan it then post it. And my background is one of personal experience. I'm not talking about stuff on the news in a far away place. I'm talking about personally sitting down with someone to have a discussion. I was born and raised in the church. Still attend, but less. So I have plenty of background.


And apart from the link it was 100% my opinion, experienced by me and re-told by me.


First off @ Pain or Shine: Zeitgeist is a load of crap! Have you actually went & searched if his statements were true? You can google the zeitgeist debunked if you haven't done so.


@ The Crow: I hear you.




Thing is the whole world pushes against true christianity (as stated in the Bible what would happen at the end time-the apostasy) Homosexuals push hard to get what they want. Apparently in the USA you have to teach your child from a very early age about homesexuality. Nevermind it being sick-isn't that 'forcing' something down your throat as well? No one makes a big thing out of it otherwise christianity gets the bad label once more... Remember the Sudetenland issue? All of the sudden it was Poland that stood in the way of peace? & Hitler reluctently (is it the correct word?) took the Sudetenland for peace, but it was him in the first place that wanted to invade poland, but couldn't because of their military & the protection the area gave them. Is the term reversal of causality?


It's what's happening today with christianity- a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. If 1 christian (which is also just a human being) stumbles others point the finger.

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Note to self: Never discuss politics or religion on a forum, via email or social platform.

Fair enough, it looked like a google story. I cant control what others do, so if you were offended by them "pushing a faith" do's that mean "everyone will do it"? Thats a very wide brush.!


No it does not and I wasn't offended.


Interesting point by the fanatic, but is cycling work or play? I don't think the sabbath law promotes a sedated lifestyle, that's something man brought to the table. When Jesus healed a man on the sabbath he even explained that the sabbath was made for man & not the other way around (which means we should not be slaves to the "dont work mentality", but rather the law is there for our benefit.) It's as if God had weekends in mind all along :-)


The actual law is found in the 10 commandments & is a call to keep the sabbath holy:


Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."


So even when God does not want us to work, the main point is to keep it holy. So I have to ask myself if I am keeping it holy by going for a cycle and enjoying the exercise & freedom & views. For me I would say yes.


Would you say you are interpreting what the bible says here?




Let's ask ourselves this: in all the years that The Hub's been going how many threads have there been where Muslims, Hindi's, Krishna's, Buddhist or Jews debated, without end, their point?

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Goodness people, religion isn't about laws anymore... If you want to cycle on a Sunday, do it. Just like on any other day. As long as it doesn't negatively affect your spiritual life. I feel like I'm fed at church meetings, so I'll be there on a Sunday morning and evening. The rest of the time I do what I want because it doesn't affect my spirituality. And that is the key...

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You really need to read my post again "Grumpy Old Guy".


Okay, I did, maybe I misinterpreted the passage about "carrots" :D but other than that I think I understood it.

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Note to self: Never discuss politics or religion on a forum, via email or social platform.


No it does not and I wasn't offended.



No it can be discussed rationally, as you and others are doing, sometimes things just get lost in translation,- I understand what you meant, its your view and that's fine.

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Let's ask ourselves this: in all the years that The Hub's been going how many threads have there been where Muslims, Hindi's, Krishna's, Buddhist or Jews debated, without end, their point?


True, but there are other reasons too, I have never seen a thread ridiculing those faiths, so possibly there has been no need to defend it.? Unfortunately, I see lots of Christian bashing here.


Possibly another reason is numbers, perhaps there are not many Muslims, Jews etc here, so its never been relevant.

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@ The Crow: I hear you.




Thing is the whole world pushes against true christianity (as stated in the Bible what would happen at the end time-the apostasy) Homosexuals push hard to get what they want. Apparently in the USA you have to teach your child from a very early age about homesexuality. Nevermind it being sick-isn't that 'forcing' something down your throat as well? No one makes a big thing out of it otherwise christianity gets the bad label once more... Remember the Sudetenland issue? All of the sudden it was Poland that stood in the way of peace? & Hitler reluctently (is it the correct word?) took the Sudetenland for peace, but it was him in the first place that wanted to invade poland, but couldn't because of their military & the protection the area gave them. Is the term reversal of causality?


It's what's happening today with christianity- a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. If 1 christian (which is also just a human being) stumbles others point the finger.


NOW HEAR ME OUT and take what I say from the basis that I am a Christian. Not trying to defend myself, just want to make sure you hear what I say for what it is. Playing devils advocate. (Will I burn for this?!biggrin.gif)


Whether I agree or not or like or not homosexuality, we have to stand back and look at it from the other angle. For years and years Christianity was forced down kids throats at school. It wasn't an option you simply had to attend bible class or else. How does that differ? Does it differ because we believe it to be the truth? If so then how does that differ from what other people believe to be the truth?


It is what it is because we believe. There is no ultimate truth. And people sometimes ridicule me for saying that. We refer to miracles in the Bible and in modern age to proof it. So too does other religions. Very little of what we do differ from other faiths - the only difference is in who we believe.

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Would you say you are interpreting what the bible says here?



Yes I am, and so we should - that's what makes Christianity spiritually & intellectually fulfilling.


I understand that because of interpretation we have so many different Christian viewpoints (from fanatic to liberal) and confusion. But if God is real & the bible is his word than it stands to reason that there should be a correct interpretation.

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Most of the bible is provable, and has been proven, right from the birth of Abraham to Moses to Solomon to the new testament and the birth and death of Jesus.


They cannot argue the works of Moses, we have his tablets or whats left of them



Sorry, cant resist. Lets start with Moses....


There is absolutely no historical evidence for this greatest Jewish leader of all times. No inscriptions on stone, bone, bronze, clay tablets, papyri or any mentions in place names or in traditional legends in the area, other than in the Bible. Even though Moses is far younger than well documented Egyptian, Assyrian and Sumerian rulers who left us monuments, statues, pictures/hieroglyphs and an abundance of inscriptions.


You claim to have knowledge or proof of the remains of the tablets or is that just religious speak for its in the bible? This is lying for Jesus. Most religious peolple might believe you on face value, but a rational person will be disturbed by the lie.


Moses was a swine. His tribe supposedly slaughtered 3000 people on his orders when he came down the mountain with the tablets for worshipping the Golden calf. Written on his tablet were the words "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" Clearly God had not made much of an impression at that point.




Edited by stratus5
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True, but there are other reasons too, I have never seen a thread ridiculing those faiths, so possibly there has been no need to defend it.? Unfortunately, I see lots of Christian bashing here.


Possibly another reason is numbers, perhaps there are not many Muslims, Jews etc here, so its never been relevant.


Also true, but have a look again and you'll see most of that is from ex Christians or people who was raised in a christian home.

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Yes I am, and so we should - that's what makes Christianity spiritually & intellectually fulfilling.


I understand that because of interpretation we have so many different Christian viewpoints (from fanatic to liberal) and confusion. But if God is real & the bible is his word than it stands to reason that there should be a correct interpretation.


Cool. Was a honest question.

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I am always interested in these impressions Guy, I see you as an intelligent man, you make sense when you post something, you don't make silly arguments, so it interests me how you can not see rational thought in the teachings of the bible.



If you are religious you will most likely be of that faith that your community adheres to, So if you were born in Arabia you will be a Muslim, or from most of India a Hindu, from Spain a Catholic or Northern Ireland a protestant. If you originated in Tibet you will be a Buddhist who believes in re-incarnation, whereas a western Buddhist will not have any belief.

All of the faithful will tell you they have strong evidence to support their often conflicting beliefs.

The Bible is a collection of works written by men who were often describing events that took place generations earlier. They lived in a highly superstitious age when almost all events were ascribed to the gods. Most natural events were seen as miracles. (In our more rational age miracles don’t happen anymore)

Over the years the Bible has been much modified and edited mainly for political reasons, two such notable events were in about 70BC in Alexandria and 327AD by the a Roman dictator who removed all reference to the total destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD.

I do not have any belief in an after-life, as I know from my own experience and observation that all things are impermanent. I see change about me every minute of the day. Death is inevitable and while it may be comforting to belief that you may somehow escape the fate of every living organism on this planet, the evidence is against it. The result of this realisation is saviour every moment of this life.

We are burying in the next hour an old lady (98) of the town who is described in our paper to-day as a “ legend in her own right” Someone said to me yrsterday “How can she be buried from a church - she did not believe?” I replied that a funeral service is not for the deceased, it is for the living, and if her friends will get comfort for a church service they have the right to the comfort.

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