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Has the ABSA CAPE EPIC lost its appeal or is it just too expensive?


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Remind me, to, on principle, never support a single event they organise.


agree. that's taking the piss in a big way.

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at the right price* i'll do it this year.


would be good training for a real challenge like this little 500km adventure race in may.


*right price is dirt cheap

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Bring back the Knysna to Cape Town route and it will sell in no time!!! The route should never have been changed!


Weren't there several comments/complaints that this old route was a road race on dirt with all the long tar and dirt road sections?

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I would love to to the Epic, but the reality is I will never have the time to train.


I think since they had made it harder, people are more scared of being undertrained and there is nothing worse than bailing half way through due to lack of training when you have spent R35000k.


I'm stressed about Sani and well thats a LOT less of a financial commitment and they allow you to continue if you don't make stage 2.


As a supporter, I LOVE the Epic. I love that its on familiar trails (those guys ride them so much faster) and that we get a few chances to see some of the top riders in the world right on our doorstep. I can't wait to watch the highlights every day.

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I have done a few, Knysna to Ctn and loops. Loops are better for serious MTB'rs. ho well. At this late stage you are in K@K period. No one, bar a few wanting to get discount deals, will take an entry now. Soooory

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In 20 years from now you will look back and wont think about the R20k it cost you but about the experience it was. I spoke to a number of riders that said that they would pay R40k for the feeling you get when crossing the finish line. So in 73 days i"ll be able to tell if that is in fact true.

Ride and you may finish. Ride and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as sensible bikers and tell Grandstand Management that they may take our R35k but they will never take our freedom!”

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Ride and you may finish. Ride and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as sensible bikers and tell Grandstand Management that they may take our R35k but they will never take our freedom!”

Brilliant!!! :clap:

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Too expensive, too hard, & what's the point of riding loops?

Iv'e seen comments where its claimed it's been made tamer to accommodate the ave cyclist.

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Iv'e seen comments where its claimed it's been made tamer to accommodate the ave cyclist.


This year's route seems like it's a killer.

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Ride and you may finish. Ride and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as sensible bikers and tell Grandstand Management that they may take our R35k but they will never take our freedom!”




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The Epic has definately lost it's sole - I did 2004, 2006 & 2007 and could see a change over the years already - in those days it was an adventure - to ride from Knysna to Cape Town off road - you achieved something - now it's a slog in my "own back yard" with the organizer trying to get as much money out of the event and to have as high a drop out as possible. In those years entries sold out in a matter of hours and were snatched up if they became available again. If you want a race with sole, value for money and a truely warm fuzzy feeling - do the Sani2c !

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Weren't there several comments/complaints that this old route was a road race on dirt with all the long tar and dirt road sections?


Maybe the first one in 2004 had too much sand roads - but it was still a blast - the years after that the route improved but I still enjoyed all the Epics I did - mainly because they were a journey from Knysna to CT and not loops arroud CT made exceptionally hard to justify KV making more money out of reduced logistics !

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Having done 3 Epics in the original format - would I want to ride again ????

Only if it returned to the Knysna to CT route - be it a coastal route or inland it doesn't matter

And then of course I would somehow justify the entry fee and the training ( did anyone mention the cost of the training and getting to the start line on top of the entry ?? )


This event has definately lost it's soul !

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