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Monetising the noise

Lucky Luke.

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PIng Admin : please can you start charging to start threads that


a. involve whinging about how much stuff costs - races, components, anything at all really - there are plenty of them.

b. attempt to initiate religious debates


Say 20 bucks per thread? More than 10 pages and posters must pay R1 per post.


Threads that start with good intent and are derailed in this direction also incur the per-post fee.


How about you put the money in a pool, you take a cut - bandwidth and server storage ain't for free - and we use the balance to put on Hub cycling events. Paid for by the generous whingers and religiously inclined within the Hub community.


I suspect you'd have a decent kitty in no time at all.

Edited by Lucky Luke.
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Or you'd lose 90% of the eyeballs on the site... And all advertising money with it


People love bitching and moaning...


Debate is good...that's why these threads exist...

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If you take out all the arguing and pointless debates then there will be nothing to read. It would be like the engineering forum that I was on the other day. Very informative, but boring as hell. Let keep fighting about 29 er vs xc vs littering vs newbies vs 27,5 vs dirtroadies vs dangle vs mods vs blah blah blah ...

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Or you'd lose 90% of the eyeballs on the site... And all advertising money with it


People love bitching and moaning...


Debate is good...that's why these threads exist...


Debate is great, and when it pays for itself it will be even greater. No more pointless whinging about expensive races for example.. whinging will, by design, solve it's own problem.

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Is this not one of those silly threads you are talking about?


People will winge cause thats the point of the whole forumn, is it not? Did I miss what a forum is all about :huh:

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The point seems to be not only to whinge, but to do so pointlessly - with no view to improving the situation - which would of course endanger future whinging opportunities.


Same deal with the Jesus threads. God help us if there be any resolution lest we no longer be able to recycle the same argumentative blathering for perpetuity.

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The point seems to be not only to whinge, but to do so pointlessly - with no view to improving the situation - which would of course endanger future whinging opportunities.


Same deal with the Jesus threads. God help us if there be any resolution lest we no longer be able to recycle the same argumentative blathering for perpetuity.

I do hear what you are saying, but a lot of people just don't know the ins and outs of a forum. Hence why you get it, hence why you get repetative threads. Maybe an outright ban of religious threads, but they do make for some great entertainment.
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And it looks as if Lucky Luke has just nominated himself as the first one to pay for a whinge.


Damn, there I was thinking I had cleverly smuggled in my whinging under the guise of constructive suggestions :unsure:

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So you want to remove the debate factor from the hub? I dont like the whingeing either but I know that opinion differences is what drives this forum. Anyone else want to watch paint dry? More exciting than the Hub without the fun factor.


You gotta learn to love this community , warts and all!! :)

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