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What was first: Chicken or Egg


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Enjoy riding both, in my experience my 26 handles better on twisty bits and 29 kicks a$$ on open bits.


Which one is faster?

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Boet it was just a question. Nothing more. I enjoy both my bikes. Genade!


And mine was just a statement. Did you know your name is similar to the XTR logo, but with different letters? What do grenades have to do with it? Peace out.

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you need to stop being so observant and just enjoy the trails we have and bikes we can use .

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You are missing the point....




Enjoy riding both, in my experience my 26 handles better on twisty bits and 29 kicks a$$ on open bits.


Usually more open bits IMO, so 29 for me please ...

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Enjoy riding both, in my experience my 26 handles better on twisty bits and 29 kicks a$$ on open bits.

And don't all red blooded men like open bits?


Or is that word only used in some english speaking countries....

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That chicken has balls :eek:
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Egg rolls over in bed, lights his smoke, rolls over to chicken and whispers in her ear " does that answer your question?"

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