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Introducing PowerCal a new kind of Power Meter

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so far we have got all working, however trsting will continue over the weekend and be done on 3 riders.

Will you compare it with the PowerTap
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Will you compare it with the PowerTap


yes we will as the PT has an accuracy level of +/- 1.5% so will be ideal to check against that.

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So how are we looking?


Bicycle Power Trading are still putting the product through testing and asking for more input from our supplier CycleOps USA on a few issues.


we will not bring the product in untill we are 100% happy with it, even it if means delaying launch dates.

Edited by PowerTap
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How is the testing progressing? I am keen to see the results.



So far testing going well, showing a 10% accuracy level on over all values

We are still having some problems with intervals and the power values shown and we are working closely with America on this.

The good news is that we have committed to a small order from the states and this is due to be shipped during this week, air freight. However we will not launch the product till we have resolved the short interval accuracy of the system with Saris USA.

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With or without a head unit?

I currently use a polar so I guess I would have to buy a new head unit?

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With or without a head unit?

I currently use a polar so I guess I would have to buy a new head unit?

R1645 for the new Joule 1.0 then a speed sensor will be around R300-R400

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Hi PowerTap.


I have been following this thread for the last few days and after looking at some of the other tests and reviews of the Powercal, I think that it would do just what I need it to for my training. I would fit into the recreational cyclist category and am not prepared to lay out the type of cash that is needed to buy a power meter. I ,like many other hubbers spend vast quantities of time on the IDT during the winter months, my turbo has a power output and I try to use it for testing to see if I have improved any. Whether or not it is entirely accurate is debateable. I generally only get out on the road on weekends and the powercal would provide me with some sort of power data to gauge my riding on the road. Again back on the trainer it would provide a nice comparison to the power the turbo is spitting out. If I could calibrate the trainer output to be something similar to that of the Powercal then when I get out onto the road I can gauge where I am. My thinking is that as long as the no's are going up whether or not they are accurate to other meters is irrelevent. And if its within a few % thats fine by me.


Could you let us know when you think it will be released in SA?



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Right guys and girls the news you have all been waiting for.


We have been doing a fair amount of tests on the PowerCal with 5+ totally different ends of cyclist.


For both my colleague and I, ex professional, we are finding the PC to be within 10-15% of the PowerTaps reading. These came from rides with a min length of 1h and max length of 3h. The longer you ride the closer the readings become, at one point I had the readings within 5%.

PC readings were found to be lower on both my colleague and I, this could be from the competitive background as both of us train on power and have optimised our pedalling efficiency. i.e. producing more power for a lower HR.


However we then offered the PC to relatively new and inexperienced riders who would train less than a handful of times per month. The Power readings were found to be 15-20% higher than that of the Power Tap. This would be due to the “lack of fitness” and training, meaning a relatively wasteful transmission of Power compared to HR. i.e. a higher HR at a given known power.


These findings are to be expected as the PowerCal is a Power Calculator and NOT a Power Measurer like the PowerTap product.

The biggest value of the PowerCal is that it now allows riders who previously have no indication of their power outputs the opportunity to understand and learn more about Training and Racing with Power and thus learning about effective pacing and training strategies. This for a price slightly above that of what a normal HR monitor costs is where the real values comes in.

Some of the immediate benefits I can think of would be as follows:

Ability to track performance and fitness changes. i.e. the PMC (Performance Management Chart) that comes with WKO+ software

Ability to develop a basic pacing strategy. i.e. not to charge off up a hill having Power spike at 500w+ and then later running out of energy

Ability to store or put values to workouts thought TSSS and IF.

Provides you with an instant Power reading, i.e. providing you an instant relationship of dose vs. training




Suggestions we have for users:


Power Smoothing, increase power smoothing to the maximum you can on the selected device i.e. on the CycleOps Joule 2.0 max power smoothing is 30sec


Power can sometimes display when freewheeling on a downhill, this would be because power is calculated off HR so should you be going down a technical decent and you get an adrenalin rush and HR spikes expect a Power spike too.


Interesting articles:





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Right guys and girls the news you have all been waiting for.


We have been doing a fair amount of tests on the PowerCal with 5+ totally different ends of cyclist.


For both my colleague and I, ex professional, we are finding the PC to be within 10-15% of the PowerTaps reading. These came from rides with a min length of 1h and max length of 3h. The longer you ride the closer the readings become, at one point I had the readings within 5%.

PC readings were found to be lower on both my colleague and I, this could be from the competitive background as both of us train on power and have optimised our pedalling efficiency. i.e. producing more power for a lower HR.


However we then offered the PC to relatively new and inexperienced riders who would train less than a handful of times per month. The Power readings were found to be 15-20% higher than that of the Power Tap. This would be due to the “lack of fitness” and training, meaning a relatively wasteful transmission of Power compared to HR. i.e. a higher HR at a given known power.


These findings are to be expected as the PowerCal is a Power Calculator and NOT a Power Measurer like the PowerTap product.

The biggest value of the PowerCal is that it now allows riders who previously have no indication of their power outputs the opportunity to understand and learn more about Training and Racing with Power and thus learning about effective pacing and training strategies. This for a price slightly above that of what a normal HR monitor costs is where the real values comes in.

Some of the immediate benefits I can think of would be as follows:

Ability to track performance and fitness changes. i.e. the PMC (Performance Management Chart) that comes with WKO+ software

Ability to develop a basic pacing strategy. i.e. not to charge off up a hill having Power spike at 500w+ and then later running out of energy

Ability to store or put values to workouts thought TSSS and IF.

Provides you with an instant Power reading, i.e. providing you an instant relationship of dose vs. training




Suggestions we have for users:


Power Smoothing, increase power smoothing to the maximum you can on the selected device i.e. on the CycleOps Joule 2.0 max power smoothing is 30sec


Power can sometimes display when freewheeling on a downhill, this would be because power is calculated off HR so should you be going down a technical decent and you get an adrenalin rush and HR spikes expect a Power spike too.


Interesting articles:





15-20 % is HUGE!!! even 10 %

i am hoping that it should get better as the user gets fitter.... i am also assuming that if the difference stays at 10 % it is at least a number you can use to train with individually ..

put my name on the list

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