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Cape Epic Battle Plan ...

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So my thinking, if you want money from people for what you are offering, at least be transparent and open when you are being interrogated about it.


Not some marketing stront.

And that is all she wrote....as simple as that and we asked him on many occasions to do this. He didn't


The only reference we have is some angry customer that did drop the zak with him for a plan..

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May I suggest a reinforced sports bra when you do the Crater Cruise?


Is is a tough race that ?



Better work on the moobs big fella!!


You can do it! ;)

You should have seen them three months ago :whistling:

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And that is all she wrote....as simple as that and we asked him on many occasions to do this. He didn't


The only reference we have is some angry customer that did drop the zak with him for a plan..


And even there, he hasn't been too honest either :whistling:

Edited by Dangle
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My Levis before the ride.




Dangle please, enough with the lies already
































Anyone can see that these are Woolies jeans and not Levi's

Edited by Escapee..
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12 months...there is always room for a few teaser warm up events tho, everyone wins:

Competitors get to sus each other out without fear of losing the main event

Hubbers have some fun before the main event


Hell we could turn it into a fund raising event so some charity will even benifet


I have the oke blocked out and only saw his post now when you quoted him.

No swiss miss, I am not backing out.

You can't stand me so I guess you would see it as such, voeitog.

Maybe enticement can coach you and the two of you can improve on that prologue.



Maybe you should of said all of this before agreeing to to the SA XCM?

Anyway I leave to Oom E to fight his own battles.


Have you been stalking me by looking up previous race results? Thats the second time you mentioned that prolog, I'm flattered.

Even i could coach myself to improve on that result LOL, but maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read.


Man i cant believe it, the dangle been checking up on me..


Read my post #567 on top here, I'm all for a earlier race...or 2

Oops ok i forgot you blocked me, well hopefully someone will quote this.

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Dangle please, enough with the lies already
































Anyone can see that these are Woolies jeans and not Levi's


You got me, I am a white man who shops at Woolies.

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Maybe you should of said all of this before agreeing to to the SA XCM?

Anyway I leave to Oom E to fight his own battles.


Have you been stalking me by looking up previous race results? Thats the second time you mentioned that prolog, I'm flattered.

Even i could coach myself to improve on that result LOL, but maybe you shouldn't believe everything you read.


Man i cant believe it, the dangle been checking up on me..


Read my post #567 on top here, I'm all for a earlier race...or 2

Oops ok i forgot you blocked me, well hopefully someone will quote this.

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Thanks Fabes



I did not check up on you at all, it's just a standing joke around the open plan office.


You guys talking about me as well, eish really you shouldn't

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Hey, Swiss, Dangle.. :offtopic: No fights on the side :-)


Focus people!!


Things are escalating! Maybe this should be merged with the 'riding in the mud thread' and be renamed the 'barfight thread'.

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Hey, Swiss, Dangle.. :offtopic: No fights on the side :-)


Focus people!!

My sincerest apologies chaps, I am grumpy.......missing my tattooed smut :drool:

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My sincerest apologies chaps, I am grumpy.......missing my tattooed smut :drool:

Keep it coming tjom, at least I can understand what you say... Ons kort n nuwr tat en tiet fred

Edited by rouxtjie
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Many mountain bikers only finalize their entries for the Epic late in the year due to withdrawals. The BIG question always asked is "is there enough time for me to get ready for the Epic?". The answer - if you start from scratch, it will pose a challenge and a concerted effort, but if you are used to riding, with hard work you can prepare yourself for a finish.

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Many mountain bikers only finalize their entries for the Epic late in the year due to withdrawals. The BIG question always asked is "is there enough time for me to get ready for the Epic?". The answer - if you start from scratch, it will pose a challenge and a concerted effort, but if you are used to riding, with hard work you can prepare yourself for a finish.

Here is a conundrum....I get an entry 1 month before the start of the epic...my partner has been training secretly knowing that we will get this entry and wants to put me in the hurtlocker but I manage to score some spanish steak from a body building tjom...


What is the mass of the sun?

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