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What age did..


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  1. 1. At what age did you start cycling?

    • 1-10 years
    • 10-20 yrs
    • 20-30 yrs
    • 30-40 yrs
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1st bike was a pink hand me down girls bike with sloping top tube when i was 6, single speed and brakes were back peddle brakes and curved handle bars. used to get teased by the other kids so I painted it red with some paint i found, fitted some chopper style handle bars and suddenly i was the envy of them all.

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Twatter???? :ph34r:

Got an Italjet scrambler when I was 4 (1976) rode it till it died.. had one of dem 3 speed chopper thingys but never rode it much.

Started Bmxing in std 5 (early 80's, Raleigh burner, then Mongoose & eventually a GT)

Skateboarded for a good 30 years (still have a mini ramp in my back yard & my board)

Had a Schwinn 10 speed in 1990, 2 coqs inna front & 5 spoed inna back... ( used it to college & back 24km round trip)

Started Mtbing in 2010, will do it till my body can't anymore..

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first bike was a green 24' Raleigh road bike...the group I rode with had an asortment of weapons, 2 x Raleigh BMX's, a Raleigh Bomber (jeez that oke could wheely for days on end) and a big black 28' Raleigh mine dikwiel.


our races were tough and was a mix of cyclocross, BMX, time trials, CC and enduro's - the shop was always far from our turf.


Energy drink was a bounced King size Coke and wilson Cola toffees


Thats why I still ride and will never stop...it is the sport of legends!

Edited by Ed-Zulu
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Started racing BMX as a junior at 8 , been racing almost everything with pedals since .

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I was 5years old, then at 15 I raced for a few times and then at 28 I did a few races-triathlons again and at 40 I race again so my whole life I was racing

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Started racing BMX as a junior at 8 , been racing almost everything with pedals since .


Pianos and organs too?

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Pianos and organs too?



He he , you don't want to hear me play one of those things.

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Started when I was 40. 1st bike was a Giant hybrid.


14 years and 11 bikes later I am still enjoying my choice of sport.

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First when I was 10 till I was about 16, then started when I was 30 again. 2 1/2 years later, best thing I have ever done.

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Learnt to ride without fairy wheels by my fifth birthday. I have been riding a bicycle ever since although I started taking it seriously as an adult when I was 22. That is when I met Eldron and greatwhite (semi pro at the time) at Wits Tech. Years of road racing followed when it was still a minority sport. I was about 31 when I discovered MTBing 10 years ago.

Edited by slick
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I rode my Velamos bike to school from the age of about 8 or 9 and continued riding off and on to school right until Matric. Doing my National Service in Pretoria in 1989 left me bored with hours of spare time each day so I bought a Panasonic DX2000 and started training and road racing when it was very much a minority sport. I remember races being a couple of hundred people.


I've been cycling and racing bikes ever since but it's only been the past 10 years or so that I've taken it more seriously and trained more or less consistently throughout the year. I bought my first MTB in 1998 and started riding/racing that in preference to my road bike about 10 years ago.


I'll be doing this as long as I'm capable of riding a bike.

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I cycled to school for about 7 years. When I went to university I had a 320i box shape (straight six ek sê) and did not cycle at all.


In my third year my car broke down, and I borrowed a mates bike to get around. I was quite fit from all the rugby training, and soon realised how nice it is to ride a bike, when it is not to school. After doing some holiday work, I got myself one of them entry level merida hardtails (the one with the green flames TFS 100V). I rode it like I stole it. Soon after that I built up a Peugeot Rapport form parts I scavanged from very old bikes left in our Residence's bicycle hanger. This got me into road riding as well.


Did my first race when I was 21, Magalies Monster 75km. Been hooked ever since.

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First bike at 7 then my first real bike at single speed drops etc at 12

Sold that and built up a fixie at 15 which I rode until matric in 69.

After the army motor bikes took over till I got my first car at 26.

Bought an Armstrong as well which was too small for me but rode it anyway.

Bought my next bike a Le Turbo from WE at 33 then progressed to Cannondale etc etc etc

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My dad bought me my first 'real' bike when I was 9 .

A red BSA 24" for Christmas .

Those days you had to have a license. Offices were closed till after New Year . Felt lake ages .


My brother and I went with my dad to the licensing office in Jhb . This was 1967. Small red brick building near John Vorster. You can still see it from the M1.


You paid and then an old guy punched a number onto a piece of tin.This you attached to the bike .

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