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Cyclists' Safety in the light of Burry and other's recent deaths - Merged Thread.

Guest Heino

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thanks Bob


who the ef is bob? anycase... are you from scummerset wets? you have tatoo that says 1FG??

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I Agree with you. And that's why I don't think I will ever buy a road bike.

I am going to sub3h the 94.7 on my MTB this year .Slicks with higher gearing and lower handlebars and I will shave my legs .Last year I went offroad 3 times to pass slower riders and managed a 3h20 time
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Actually I do have reflectors and a bell. The bell is not on the bike but I have bought it and am prepared to fit it. I ride only on dirt but due to congestion and helping alleviate the issue surrounding various trail user conflicts, I will do what is expected of me.


Change starts with me! I can do the right thing.


Anything else?

I have considered putting a bell on my bike. The reason is that when I ride on the shoulder of the road I have noticed that there are a lot of pedestrian also on the shoulder of the road and they get a fright when I come up from behind , I just thought if I ring the bell before I get close to them It may help me as a cyclist in the sence that they would either move off the track or that they will hold there line and make it safer for both of us. I must just remember to take the bell off when I go to Groenkloof as every body will think I am a moron with a bell on the bike



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who the ef is bob? anycase... are you from scummerset wets? you have tatoo that says 1FG??

no need for bad language.

and can you please decifer 1fg?

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How would you feel if a motorist nearly took you out while you were in the right? Say he was speeding and cut you off through negligence and you managed to stop him and gave him a piece of your mind.. what if he responded with, "You probably jump red lights!" or "You don't have a bell on your bike.." Where does that put you, huh? Nowhere, because your sheep attitude has made you as lawless as him and you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


The motorist will tell you that anyway.


Do you know how many cars passed me while their wheels are on the yellow line?


Accept you live in a lawless country and motorist will not change. The authorities will not police safety but rather target the easy targets.


This brings me to another point if I am riding on the right side of the road I only see the cars are close to me when they pass me, if I had to face them surely I would see them riding on the yellow line or in it long on advance.

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no need for bad language.

and can you please decifer 1fg?


ha ha ha ek dink ek het jou confused moet iemand anders wat ook hier op ons mooi dorp bly wink.png

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We all know the anxiety created by hearing a vehicle nearing you from behind at high speed. We all know of cyclists who have died as a result. Why do cyclists (especially when riding alone) not train like runners, facing the oncoming traffic? Is there a specific law against it? At least then you can see what's coming your way and attempt to avoid it...


Molifi, the the first rule (LAW) of the road states, KEEP LEFT!!

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Like I just said above at least you can see the idiots.


Maybe it is not such a good law and should be changed.

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Like I just said above at least you can see the idiots.


Maybe it is not such a good law and should be changed.


Probably one of the most moronic statements ever on the hub. The carnage that ensues will eclipse the current situation.

Edited by Tumbleweed
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No 'Burry Gap' for Joburg cyclists




As I said elsewhere, and I don't want to come across as a box.

I am all for this initiative, the problem however is that most folks don't give a hooha and if it was to become a law it would still be disobeyed as nothing ever gets policed properly and something like this would be impossible to police.

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As I said elsewhere, and I don't want to come across as a box.

I am all for this initiative, the problem however is that most folks don't give a hooha and if it was to become a law it would still be disobeyed as nothing ever gets policed properly and something like this would be impossible to police.


I hear you and I agree. What irks me the most is that as long as I have been working on newspapers - closing in on two decades now - the story about a programme for dedicated cycling lanes has been mooted. I have yet to see any action.

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I hear you and I agree. What irks me the most is that as long as I have been working on newspapers - closing in on two decades now - the story about a programme for dedicated cycling lanes has been mooted. I have yet to see any action.


it's sad really ,considering the amount of "non wealthy" population who commute to work on two wheels, S.A. more than any country should have dedicated cycle lanes.

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it's sad really ,considering the amount of "non wealthy" population who commute to work on two wheels, S.A. more than any country should have dedicated cycle lanes.


Someone told me the other day that the Fisher's Hill climb's cycle path has been discarded (haven't ridden up it in ages, so can't confirm)…not that it was any use anyway as taxis would stop on it regularly.

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I hear you and I agree. What irks me the most is that as long as I have been working on newspapers - closing in on two decades now - the story about a programme for dedicated cycling lanes has been mooted. I have yet to see any action.


In Cape Town they have at least started with the cycle lanes! clap.gifWe also have a Premier that rides her bike for fitness, sometimes commute to work by bike and showed up for the Burry ride last Friday. thumbup1.gif


Now, if we can just get the whole lot of fat parlaimentarians to cycle to work occasionaly, we'll have cycle lanes from Cape Point, past Nkandla and on to Beit Bridge in no time at all.

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