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Interesting how Zarco's agent/manager has now come out saying that Yamaha was offering a factory ride for Zarco but was blocked by a certain aging Italian rider.

Same ****, different year.



@Patchelicious, that the ethics I was talking about.

And you believe his manager?


Why would Rossi, who runs development teams, block him after he has already secured his contract till 2020?


Ps: This announcement was made after your statement, so you can’t use it to retrospectively confirm your statement. What did Yamaha do that made them so unethical before this?


You can’t throw a bunch of crap at a wall and then over time hope something sticks.

Edited by Patchelicious
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And you believe his manager?


Why would Rossi, who runs development teams, block him after he has already secured his contract till 2020?


Ps: This announcement was made after your statement, so you can’t use it to retrospectively confirm your statement. What did Yamaha do that made them so unethical before this?


You can’t throw a bunch of crap at a wall and then over time hope something sticks.


You will choose to believe whatever you want to belive. The fact of the matter is it is his old MO. He blocked Stoner from joining Yamaha back in 2007 which got him Lorenzo as a teammate, pushing Stoner to Ducati and a title. So in a way it was great.


He is actively known in the paddock to be blocking current riders to push his crop of VR46 riders onto Yamaha's in the future. Where ther is smoke there is fire and everyone is hearing the same gossip.


We will never agree and you know what, that is fine. Keep praising your demi-god while he runs the brand into the ground. At least some Malaysian kid can take a photo with his cardboard cut-out tomorrow...........


P.S: not retro-spectively confirming jack. He, and in turn Yamaha through their support of his tactics, have been pulling off unethical blocking of riders for years.........

Edited by Steven Knoetze (sk27)
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You will choose to believe whatever you want to belive. The fact of the matter is it is his old MO. He blocked Stoner from joining Yamaha back in 2007 which got him Lorenzo as a teammate, pushing Stoner to Ducati and a title. So in a way it was great.


He is actively known in the paddock to be blocking current riders to push his crop of VR46 riders onto Yamaha's in the future. Where ther is smoke there is fire and everyone is hearing the same gossip.


We will never agree and you know what, that is fine. Keep praising your demi-god while he runs the brand into the ground. At least some Malaysian kid can take a photo with his cardboard cut-out tomorrow...........


P.S: not retro-spectively confirming jack. He, and in turn Yamaha through their support of his tactics, have been pulling off unethical blocking of riders for years.........

If you want people to engage with you seriously, maybe drop the snark. He is not a demi god, nor do I see him as one, I will also not unconditionally support everything he does. I extend that courtesy to you, even though we don’t agree, I expect that in return.


But I am not the one making the allegations against him, you are, therefore the burden of proof lies on you. You can not simply not provide that, based on the assumption that I won’t believe it. Guess what, my mind can be changed based on facts and proof.


It seems however that you are driven by a dislike of somebody, where I am driven by a like, so fundematally I will see things from a more positive point of view than you.


Yes, your post above is restrospective, as it happened after your original claim about Yamaha’s ethics.


Regrading the blocking of Stoner, did he block Stoner or rather push his preferred riders to be his teamies? Me recommending somebody does not automatically mean I block the other. There is  big difference in the two. But like I said, you seem to be driven by negativity so it makes sense why you would see it that way. I am the same with Hamilton in F1, so I’m not judging merely showing that we all have our dislikes for somebody.


If you have proof other than “smoke” or your claims of rumours from the paddock, then please share, as I promise you I will take them to heart.

Edited by Patchelicious
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This is by no means a jibe at Rossi (cool your jets Patch), but I heard a stat over the weekend that at first I didn't believe - Rossi has won one race in the past 32 races he's entered, and only three in the past 45.


For comparison, Lorenzo has also won one in the past 32 and six in the past 45. Pedrosa has won three in the past 32 and five in the past 45.


Marquez on the other hand has won 11 in 32 and 14 in 45.

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This is by no means a jibe at Rossi (cool your jets Patch), but I heard a stat over the weekend that at first I didn't believe - Rossi has won one race in the past 32 races he's entered, and only three in the past 45.


For comparison, Lorenzo has also won one in the past 32 and six in the past 45. Pedrosa has won three in the past 32 and five in the past 45.


Marquez on the other hand has won 11 in 32 and 14 in 45.

Bud, if that’s the facts, that’s the facts. Can’t argue it.


MM’s start to win ratio is insane!

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If you have time, read this. 




It always happens. You know, when the sanctimonious prick who always complains about other racers being “dangerous”, or “irresponsible”, does something profoundly stupid and ruins a whole year. Yes, I said the whole year. Lorenzo has ruined the whole year. Because unless he breaks both his legs before July, Marc Marquez will now be the 2018 world champion. And we’re only 4 races in. Sad, huh?

I should have had this report finished yesterday, but I couldn’t because I was drunk. After watching that travesty the other night, a man has to drink. Not that I need an excuse, but The Macallan did get a good nudge. To the point where I had to delete my first draft of this report because it was incomprehensible ****. Some of you will suggest this one is too, but you can piss off. I don’t care what you think.

Anyway, back to the guff.

Jorge Lorenzo, the man who loves to portray himself as Mr Safety, made a number of dick moves at Jerez, all because he can’t see past his own tiny penis. Lets look at it from the start, shall we? Oh, you’re offended at the tiny penis joke? Why, you sensitive? Man up. Deal with your tiny penis and move on.


Good onya George, ya ********.

George was never going to win. He was always going to be a rolling road block. He knew that. And I know he knew that. You wanna know how I know he knew that? I’ll tell you. I guess that’s my job after all. Because he put a soft front Michelin on his bike, that’s how I know. And now you know too. Thank me later when you tell your mates and look like a genius.

He was the only guy in the whole field to run a soft front, on a day when it was obvious the blazing Spanish sun was going to melt even the hard Michelins and turn them to liquorice and give everyone grip issues and make them crash their brains out. And plenty of them did just that. The idiot Pommy commentators (who I can tell you work for no pay, just free sandwiches and accommodation in backpacker hostels) carried on with some bull**** about how Lorenzo planned to use the soft tyre to make a break and then try and nurse it to the end of the race.

It was all bull****, spouted by blokes who should know better. But they don’t, because they’re English. Same goes for the Kiwi one that sounds like he has brain damage.

There’s only one reason a rider puts a soft tyre on his bike on a day like that, and that is because he knows deep down he can’t win, so he decides ho will try and get himself on the telly for the first 5 laps by shooting away to a lead before his soft gooey tyres **** themselves and he slows down like he’s driving Miss Daisy. In the old days of special sticky qualifying tyres, it was always a great lark for a bloke who would never see the front of a field to turn up at a televised meeting and bolt on some super soft qualifying rubber in the hope of getting on telly by leading for 3 laps before drifting to the back of the field and eventually pulling into the pits, cracking a beer and watching the rest of the race from the garage.


Things started according to George’s plan.

That’s what George did. He couldn’t win. He was .6 slower than his teammate in the morning warm up. So he stuck in the soft rubber in the hope of leading a few laps at the track that has a corner named after him. Which is precisely the corner Marquez passed him on, that cheeky bastard. You’d swear he did it deliberately.

It must have been heartbreaking for the team. Telling them to bolt a soft front into your bike on a day like that is like saying “I know I can’t win today, so I’m gonna go out there and make a prick of myself for 20 minutes, and embarrass all of you, because I don’t like any of you and I don’t care about any of you. You are all my servants and you will work hard while I morph into a moron. Again.”

So George got a cracker start and led early, Marquez took a few laps to get on his tail, then toyed with George for a while, like a cat with a ping pong ball, before waiting for Lorenzo Corner to pass him and start pissing off into the distance. George then started slowing down. And slowing everyone else down. He’s probably also the one who slowed down Simon Carfar’s speech for all I know. He’s that good at it. He particularly slowed down Dovi, who was right up his clacker, and who had a few goes at getting by, each time losing 30m and taking only 3 corners to catch it back up again. Clearly Dovi had more pace, but passing a guy on the same bike as you can be difficult.


Some of Mr Safety’s best work. Bibendum approves.

A smart rider in George’s situation, where the leader is getting away and the guys behind you are running up your arse, will often let the faster guy through in the hope that he can drag you back up to the leader. But George doesn’t do that. If he can’t beat Marquez, then he’s going to make damn sure nobody else will either. I wandered down to the Ducati garage to check the mood. One of Dovi’s engineers was trying to hack into Lorenzo’s on board comms system to send him a “Suggest Map 8” message, but they remembered it was futile anyway as George is obviously illiterate. Have you read any of his books? I often wonder how that man remembers to breathe let alone ride a bike.

And so we get to the carnage. It happened at the gloriously named Dry Sack corner. I’d love to make jokes about where the monicker comes from, but it’s more than likely from the Spanish fortified wine of the same name, which is kinda boring.

Dovi rammed it up the inside under brakes, but ran wide, taking Lorenzo with him to the outside of the track. Lorenzo tucked back behind and under Dovi, and then he did the dumb thing. All of the dumb things. From his position out wide on the track he made a bee-line straight for the apex. Problem was Pedrosa was there. They collided, Dani was catapulted into space, then Lorenzo decided to go and crash into Dovi as well for good measure, because he clearly felt he hadn’t ****** up enough yet. All three were out of the race, and it was basically ruined. Lorenzo and Dovi waved their limbs at each other, while Dani concentrated on checking all of his were still working. Poor little bastard is the unluckiest rider on earth.

I’ve heard many people, including race director Mike Webb, explain the whole thing as a “racing incident”. All of these people are clearly buffoons. Even Crutchlow’s support Capybara, Tito, could see it was all Lorenzo’s fault. (Yes, the Capybara has a name now.)

Here’s the thing. When you’ve spent the last 5 laps getting slower, holding up your teammate, there’s a fair bet he’s not the only one on your arse. With names like Zarco, Rossi, Iannone, Crutchlow, Petrucci, Vinales, Miller, etc. all in the field, there’s a pretty good chance you’re holding some of them up as well. So you know that when you run wide you can’t just slam back to the apex because there will be someone there. Possibly a number of someones. Racers know this stuff. Even club racers know you need to have a quick look before pulling a dick move like that.

I’ve seen people claim that Dani saw the gap and “went for it”, so he was somehow taking a chance himself. Webb said it too. bull****. All Dani did was ride the normal race line. He didn’t go for anything. He wasn’t even attempting to actually make a move on anyone, because he didn’t have to, they both ran wide by themselves. All he had to do was ride normally and he would have passed both the Ducatis, so that’s precisely what he was in the process of doing. He also couldn’t see Lorenzo and Dovizioso once he’d tipped into the corner, as he was hanging off the inside of his bike and looking towards the corner exit, so getting smashed into from the outside by a retarded Ducati rider would be the last thing he expected.

I’ve also seen people claim Lorenzo would not have known Dani was there. That’s bull**** too. Given he should have expected someone to be there, and if he’d used the basic racer process of having a slight look before you slam back to the apex from out wide on the track, he would have easily seen Dani. Not only that, he would have been able to hear him. Feel him. That sixth sense that all good riders have would have let him know someone was there. Those senses would have even told him it was someone on an orange bike. These blokes are so fine tuned to this stuff that they feel a tingle in their nuts when someone is on their inside. They just know. George should have known.

In short, it was the kind of move Lorenzo complains about every week when other guys carve him up, so basically he should now shut his mouth and focus on trying to remember how to win races. There’s a good lad. Meanwhile, Ducati are hoping like hell George is going to ask for a mid-season release to move to Suzuki.


Superman used to be my favourite Superhero. Now it is this bloke. He’s that good.

And yes, I’m extra pissed at him because last week I wrote about how Dovi was going to win the title this year thanks to his consistency. Well thanks George, you just ruined by chances of scoring big with the bookies, you arsehat.

There was one other defining moment at Jerez that needs mentioning. No, it wasn’t Marquez doing that weird dance as he crossed the line, nor the way he now treats the last lap of the race like the warm down lap, waving to everyone as he rolls around to the chequered flag, such is his winning margin and care factor. He’s just showing them all how far ahead of them he really is.

It was when he came upon the scene of Luthi’s crash, where his cartwheeling bike had thrown gravel all over the entry to the next corner. Marquez came around and saw the gravel, and you could almost hear him yell in his helmet “Gravel… AWESOME!!!”, before throwing his bike on its side, giving it a fistful of throttle and power sliding through it like Jason Doyle. The man is a freak. It was the kind of situation that regularly sees many of the people who masquerade as motorcyclists and ride every third Sunday (if its sunny) up their favourite local road to sit at a cafe and make broom broom noises with other pretend-motorcyclist-idiots, crash their brains out. They see gravel on the road and panic, then crash like lemmings, before telling their friends they “had to lay it down” because there was gravel on the road. That’s the difference between Marquez and 99% of motorcyclists. He actually is a motorcyclist. The rest are pretenders.

Just like George.

Marquez now has a 12 point lead over Zarco, who isn’t a real contender anyway, and is almost a full race win ahead of Dovizioso, who in reality is the nearest rider to him who ever actually had a real chance of winning the title. But he doesn’t now, save for the two broken legs I mentioned earlier.

Meanwhile, George has 6 points in total, 3 behind Hafizh Syahrin. And I bet you don’t even know who that is.

What? You still think it was just a “racing incident”? Ok, try this. Imagine it was Marquez who has run wide, and came back to the apex and took Rossi out.

Imagine the shitstorm then…

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If you have time, read this. 




It always happens. You know, when the sanctimonious prick who always complains about other racers being “dangerous”, or “irresponsible”, does something profoundly stupid and ruins a whole year. Yes, I said the whole year. Lorenzo has ruined the whole year. Because unless he breaks both his legs before July, Marc Marquez will now be the 2018 world champion. And we’re only 4 races in. Sad, huh?

I should have had this report finished yesterday, but I couldn’t because I was drunk. After watching that travesty the other night, a man has to drink. Not that I need an excuse, but The Macallan did get a good nudge. To the point where I had to delete my first draft of this report because it was incomprehensible ****. Some of you will suggest this one is too, but you can piss off. I don’t care what you think.

Anyway, back to the guff.

Jorge Lorenzo, the man who loves to portray himself as Mr Safety, made a number of dick moves at Jerez, all because he can’t see past his own tiny penis. Lets look at it from the start, shall we? Oh, you’re offended at the tiny penis joke? Why, you sensitive? Man up. Deal with your tiny penis and move on.


Good onya George, ya ********.

George was never going to win. He was always going to be a rolling road block. He knew that. And I know he knew that. You wanna know how I know he knew that? I’ll tell you. I guess that’s my job after all. Because he put a soft front Michelin on his bike, that’s how I know. And now you know too. Thank me later when you tell your mates and look like a genius.

He was the only guy in the whole field to run a soft front, on a day when it was obvious the blazing Spanish sun was going to melt even the hard Michelins and turn them to liquorice and give everyone grip issues and make them crash their brains out. And plenty of them did just that. The idiot Pommy commentators (who I can tell you work for no pay, just free sandwiches and accommodation in backpacker hostels) carried on with some bull**** about how Lorenzo planned to use the soft tyre to make a break and then try and nurse it to the end of the race.

It was all bull****, spouted by blokes who should know better. But they don’t, because they’re English. Same goes for the Kiwi one that sounds like he has brain damage.

There’s only one reason a rider puts a soft tyre on his bike on a day like that, and that is because he knows deep down he can’t win, so he decides ho will try and get himself on the telly for the first 5 laps by shooting away to a lead before his soft gooey tyres **** themselves and he slows down like he’s driving Miss Daisy. In the old days of special sticky qualifying tyres, it was always a great lark for a bloke who would never see the front of a field to turn up at a televised meeting and bolt on some super soft qualifying rubber in the hope of getting on telly by leading for 3 laps before drifting to the back of the field and eventually pulling into the pits, cracking a beer and watching the rest of the race from the garage.


Things started according to George’s plan.

That’s what George did. He couldn’t win. He was .6 slower than his teammate in the morning warm up. So he stuck in the soft rubber in the hope of leading a few laps at the track that has a corner named after him. Which is precisely the corner Marquez passed him on, that cheeky bastard. You’d swear he did it deliberately.

It must have been heartbreaking for the team. Telling them to bolt a soft front into your bike on a day like that is like saying “I know I can’t win today, so I’m gonna go out there and make a prick of myself for 20 minutes, and embarrass all of you, because I don’t like any of you and I don’t care about any of you. You are all my servants and you will work hard while I morph into a moron. Again.”

So George got a cracker start and led early, Marquez took a few laps to get on his tail, then toyed with George for a while, like a cat with a ping pong ball, before waiting for Lorenzo Corner to pass him and start pissing off into the distance. George then started slowing down. And slowing everyone else down. He’s probably also the one who slowed down Simon Carfar’s speech for all I know. He’s that good at it. He particularly slowed down Dovi, who was right up his clacker, and who had a few goes at getting by, each time losing 30m and taking only 3 corners to catch it back up again. Clearly Dovi had more pace, but passing a guy on the same bike as you can be difficult.


Some of Mr Safety’s best work. Bibendum approves.

A smart rider in George’s situation, where the leader is getting away and the guys behind you are running up your arse, will often let the faster guy through in the hope that he can drag you back up to the leader. But George doesn’t do that. If he can’t beat Marquez, then he’s going to make damn sure nobody else will either. I wandered down to the Ducati garage to check the mood. One of Dovi’s engineers was trying to hack into Lorenzo’s on board comms system to send him a “Suggest Map 8” message, but they remembered it was futile anyway as George is obviously illiterate. Have you read any of his books? I often wonder how that man remembers to breathe let alone ride a bike.

And so we get to the carnage. It happened at the gloriously named Dry Sack corner. I’d love to make jokes about where the monicker comes from, but it’s more than likely from the Spanish fortified wine of the same name, which is kinda boring.

Dovi rammed it up the inside under brakes, but ran wide, taking Lorenzo with him to the outside of the track. Lorenzo tucked back behind and under Dovi, and then he did the dumb thing. All of the dumb things. From his position out wide on the track he made a bee-line straight for the apex. Problem was Pedrosa was there. They collided, Dani was catapulted into space, then Lorenzo decided to go and crash into Dovi as well for good measure, because he clearly felt he hadn’t ****** up enough yet. All three were out of the race, and it was basically ruined. Lorenzo and Dovi waved their limbs at each other, while Dani concentrated on checking all of his were still working. Poor little bastard is the unluckiest rider on earth.

I’ve heard many people, including race director Mike Webb, explain the whole thing as a “racing incident”. All of these people are clearly buffoons. Even Crutchlow’s support Capybara, Tito, could see it was all Lorenzo’s fault. (Yes, the Capybara has a name now.)

Here’s the thing. When you’ve spent the last 5 laps getting slower, holding up your teammate, there’s a fair bet he’s not the only one on your arse. With names like Zarco, Rossi, Iannone, Crutchlow, Petrucci, Vinales, Miller, etc. all in the field, there’s a pretty good chance you’re holding some of them up as well. So you know that when you run wide you can’t just slam back to the apex because there will be someone there. Possibly a number of someones. Racers know this stuff. Even club racers know you need to have a quick look before pulling a dick move like that.

I’ve seen people claim that Dani saw the gap and “went for it”, so he was somehow taking a chance himself. Webb said it too. bull****. All Dani did was ride the normal race line. He didn’t go for anything. He wasn’t even attempting to actually make a move on anyone, because he didn’t have to, they both ran wide by themselves. All he had to do was ride normally and he would have passed both the Ducatis, so that’s precisely what he was in the process of doing. He also couldn’t see Lorenzo and Dovizioso once he’d tipped into the corner, as he was hanging off the inside of his bike and looking towards the corner exit, so getting smashed into from the outside by a retarded Ducati rider would be the last thing he expected.

I’ve also seen people claim Lorenzo would not have known Dani was there. That’s bull**** too. Given he should have expected someone to be there, and if he’d used the basic racer process of having a slight look before you slam back to the apex from out wide on the track, he would have easily seen Dani. Not only that, he would have been able to hear him. Feel him. That sixth sense that all good riders have would have let him know someone was there. Those senses would have even told him it was someone on an orange bike. These blokes are so fine tuned to this stuff that they feel a tingle in their nuts when someone is on their inside. They just know. George should have known.

In short, it was the kind of move Lorenzo complains about every week when other guys carve him up, so basically he should now shut his mouth and focus on trying to remember how to win races. There’s a good lad. Meanwhile, Ducati are hoping like hell George is going to ask for a mid-season release to move to Suzuki.


Superman used to be my favourite Superhero. Now it is this bloke. He’s that good.

And yes, I’m extra pissed at him because last week I wrote about how Dovi was going to win the title this year thanks to his consistency. Well thanks George, you just ruined by chances of scoring big with the bookies, you arsehat.

There was one other defining moment at Jerez that needs mentioning. No, it wasn’t Marquez doing that weird dance as he crossed the line, nor the way he now treats the last lap of the race like the warm down lap, waving to everyone as he rolls around to the chequered flag, such is his winning margin and care factor. He’s just showing them all how far ahead of them he really is.

It was when he came upon the scene of Luthi’s crash, where his cartwheeling bike had thrown gravel all over the entry to the next corner. Marquez came around and saw the gravel, and you could almost hear him yell in his helmet “Gravel… AWESOME!!!”, before throwing his bike on its side, giving it a fistful of throttle and power sliding through it like Jason Doyle. The man is a freak. It was the kind of situation that regularly sees many of the people who masquerade as motorcyclists and ride every third Sunday (if its sunny) up their favourite local road to sit at a cafe and make broom broom noises with other pretend-motorcyclist-idiots, crash their brains out. They see gravel on the road and panic, then crash like lemmings, before telling their friends they “had to lay it down” because there was gravel on the road. That’s the difference between Marquez and 99% of motorcyclists. He actually is a motorcyclist. The rest are pretenders.

Just like George.

Marquez now has a 12 point lead over Zarco, who isn’t a real contender anyway, and is almost a full race win ahead of Dovizioso, who in reality is the nearest rider to him who ever actually had a real chance of winning the title. But he doesn’t now, save for the two broken legs I mentioned earlier.

Meanwhile, George has 6 points in total, 3 behind Hafizh Syahrin. And I bet you don’t even know who that is.

What? You still think it was just a “racing incident”? Ok, try this. Imagine it was Marquez who has run wide, and came back to the apex and took Rossi out.

Imagine the shitstorm then…

Love this!

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Well, he's actually taken a bit of a dip if you look at the overall stats for his MotoGP career:



Its still really good dude.


The old man is certainly pretty good himself at 30% over 300 races. I wonder how it would look for Rossi if you took it up until he moved to Ducati. Honda and first stint at Yamaha.

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Yeah, I don't think anyone denies that MM is a fantastic rider. He just needs to calm down when things get sticky, and then there's the "other" problem, which someone posted on the motogp FB page today...


This is a story compiled by @BrotoGP. If you’re on Twitter, please go follow. Very interesting. I’ll let you read on. This was over 11 tweets:


Realized that in the face of all the boos & dislike for mm93 in #motogp no outlet, AFAIK, has actually done a piece on WHY. They love to tweet that you're stupid or not a "real" fan, but never investigated the fan attitude shift


So across all platforms I ASKED people if they boo or root against him, and if so, WHY? Via message, DM, comments etc I received hundreds of replies in just 24 hours, 1000's of votes in polls. The info is MUCH more articulate/nuanced than the GP media would have you think


Problem is, they don't want to know. But I DO. So here I'll share some early thoughts based on prelim responses I got


The overwhelming number of responses begin with/mention they love his talent and he's insane to watch. A large % of people who actively root against him respect and even enjoy him. Large love/hate relationship going on


I would say, unscientificaly, overwhelming majority hate/despise how manufactured his image appears. Constant references to fake responses, too corporate, not authentic, comes across as CREATED and not real, unlike how people view VR46 for example


Speaking of VR, almost every response that said I don't boo him but I root against him, identify as Rossi fans. Mm93 is the nemesis, but they clarify they don't boo. Some are bitter at 2015 but it's the minority that reference it


Back to "manufactured" note. MANY responses make mention of Alex Marquez, & perceived nepotism that comes along with. AM73 perceived given opportunities despite results seem to MULTIPLY dislike of MM93 because it draws attention to the manufactured nature people see him as


People are actively bored by his domination. Lack of a true rival, & staying at repsol, hurt him. Many mentions equating him to patriots/Tom Brady


Closeness of rest of field makes people feel robbed of greater drama if that was for wins


The fans that DO like Marc VERY much fall into an age category. New fans mostly (it seems). Many came on in 2013. Year Marc arrived, year vr returned to Yamaha, and everyone was bros. no drama except with jorge, which was seen as an outlier


Marc's dangerous riding is mentioned in nearly every post. He is very much seen as a menace.
This is invariably linked to nepotism issues. Viewed as getting away with anything cause Spanish darling in Spanish series for Spanish sponsor


Bonus info: 

Spanish riders pretty disliked. Many references to also hating Jorge, Spanish riders in general are rooted against almost as a blanket policy

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Yeah, I don't think anyone denies that MM is a fantastic rider. He just needs to calm down when things get sticky, and then there's the "other" problem, which someone posted on the motogp FB page today...




How dare you call him "someone", its Lord Fourie to you!

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Hervé Poncharal has claimed Bradley Smith returning to his team in 2019 ‘doesn’t make sense’, and has reiterated his belief that Tech 3 has a role within KTM as a ‘junior MotoGP team’ whereby it will educate younger riders.

Upon learning of KTM’s signing of Zarco, Smith was adamant his chances of retaining a seat with the factory next year – albeit in Tech 3, its satellite squad from next year – were far from finished.
“This doesn't mean I'm out of the group, it just means that I'm out of the factory team,” the Englishman said at Jerez. “They've still got two bikes available on the grid, and they'd like to put me on one of them.”
These comments were echoed by Pit Beirer, KTM’s Motorsport Director, who stated “a really, really strong performance” from Smith in the coming races could see him find a way into the Tech 3 team next year, where he rode from 2013 to ’16.
Yet Poncharal feels this would go against what he agreed with KTM when signing to become its satellite outfit – that Tech 3’s purpose will be to nurture younger riders before a possible promotion to the factory team, “a bit like in Formula1 with Red Bull and Torro Rosso,” he said.


Uh oh.


Edit: Also, WSBK. I've always been a huge JR fan, but my gosh he makes the racing so boring. I am so disappointed that he never got a MotoGP seat at Honda, but he probably knew that it wasn't his best shot - Yamaha would have been so much better for his smooth style. The way he stalked Chaz yesterday was insane. He was so smooth, Chaz was all over the place, and once he got past, he was gone. He's on a completely different level than anyone else at the moment. And instead of Kawasaki complaining that they were losing rev's because they were successful and invested in the sport, they've worked on improving corner speed.

Edited by bertusras
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Uh oh.


Edit: Also, WSBK. I've always been a huge JR fan, but my gosh he makes the racing so boring. I am so disappointed that he never got a MotoGP seat at Honda, but he probably knew that it wasn't his best shot - Yamaha would have been so much better for his smooth style. The way he stalked Chaz yesterday was insane. He was so smooth, Chaz was all over the place, and once he got past, he was gone. He's on a completely different level thank anyone else at the moment. And instead of Kawasaki complaining that they were losing rev's because they were successful and invested in the sport, they've worked on improving corner speed.


Never rated Bradley as a racer. By the looks of it he isn't all that good as a tester either. He will end up in Moto2 at best, don't see any MotoGP rides up for grabs for him.


WRT to JR, he is a bit boring I agree. Also lots of technical articles around the Kawasaki saying it is kind of cheating within the current rules as they are able to drop cylinders at full lean through their electronics. True or untrue I do not know but the ZX10R has been miles ahead of everyone for years now!!!!

Hows that 'blade though. Claimed another victim. So thats Camier, McGuiness and Martin. Throw in Stoners 8hr prang 2 or 3 yrs ago on it, that machine is deadly!!!

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I did not watch the SBK races this weekend. Seems I missed a stonker of a race. Only managed to "steal" a few minutes inbetween other programmes, but what I saw of the 2nd race yesterday, there was a chap on a Ducati that chased the three front runners down at an incredible pace/rate, he was on their wheels within a lap. 

Not sure what happened after that, as the "Boss" reclaimed the remote....  :ph34r:

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