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Jacaranda Best Med-terrible organisation


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I have done many many races in my 18 years on my road bike and to say this Saturday's Jacaranda Best Med, was terribly organised and downright dangerous is being mild! Lets not forget this race (I did the 80km) cost R230 to enter not a small amount.


There wasn't a traffic officer in site (sorry if I missed the one or maybe two they had although there were probably none) and only marshals at the turns, there idea of safety was having tiny little signs lying next to the road where they are hardly visible to most motorists would and only in Afrikaans no less, telling people "there is a cycle race drive safely" what a joke. We had cars and trucks behind us, we had truck boxing us in and at times coming towards us if we got a few centimeters over the line, which is inevitable when you racing. To say this race was dangerous is a massive understatement!!!


On a another subject, it was over 30 degrees and there were only 3 water stops, I say "water" flippantly as the one only had warm Powerade, I missed the one it was so small and the one I did see at the top of Hekpoort was tiny, pathetic to say the least!


What did they do with the cash, lets say the average rider paid R200(at least), there were 4000 riders that's R800K, that's allot of cash and I am sure that Racetech, who as always did a brilliant job, didn't cost more than a R100K so where did all the RRR's go???????


This race should be banned by CSA, it is extremely dangerous and almost no precautions are put in place to safeguard cyclists and that's to say nothing of the water points, Cyclists that are unprepared could easily have dehydrated and got heat stroke.


CSA....Please investigate these guys they can't be allowed to hold a race with such poor regard for safety.



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Was not any different to any other road race without full road closure. Marshaling was good. If you want to race to the right of the centre line then it's your problem and not the organizers fault. Only complaint is that the finish wasn't ideal if you were sprinting for the win.

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Was not any different to any other road race without full road closure. Marshaling was good. If you want to race to the right of the centre line then it's your problem and not the organizers fault. Only complaint is that the finish wasn't ideal if you were sprinting for the win.

Hi JC .My new roadbike did not make me any faster than on the mtb .Only 1km/h quicker than 94.7 and 1km/h slower than emperors .WTF?Explain please. You nailed of course !
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simple, someone at CSA was given a bonus to take the race away from the club and hand the race over to ASG.

much like everything else in this country, bribing is the only way it seems, who cares how the event actually goes or if the country functions.

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The cheap skate organiser used the local church members as marshals.

Just before Vrekpoort myself and another cyclist could not keep up to our group and a marshal walked onto the road just as the group passed him, without thinking that there could be other cyclists behind the group. Idiot, Idiot, Idiot.

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It's east chaps..... Just boycott the race next year. Oh yes, and spread the word about this years race. Then there will be no race next year.


We can all ride up Vrekpoort Hill, any day of the week or year.

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simple, someone at CSA was given a bonus to take the race away from the club and hand the race over to ASG.

much like everything else in this country, bribing is the only way it seems, who cares how the event actually goes or if the country functions.


Can you show us some proof of this?


The cheap skate organiser used the local church members as marshals.

Just before Vrekpoort myself and another cyclist could not keep up to our group and a marshal walked onto the road just as the group passed him, without thinking that there could be other cyclists behind the group. Idiot, Idiot, Idiot.


As I've said before, I don't understand how a for-profit race organised by a for-profit company uses volunteers?

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Absolute K.............K, I am not from any objecting club and frankly I don't care who runs the race, I just believe it could have been way better organised and safer, to add to my further rant after the race, there could have at least been a traffic officer or a marshal placed at the T-Junction where people turn to go back towards Joburg, it took us over 20 mins just to get over the stop street.

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On the centre line riding, I agree fully my fault, but however you cut it safety of the cyclists was a last thought, I guess you were well seeded and there may not have been lots of traffic for you but for us slower riders not so and its not the traffic I am complaining about, its just the complete lack of consideration for the cyclists, a couple a5 size signs next to the road aint gonna make anyone drive safely.

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This is so balatantly one of those protesters. Calling for a CSA investigation? whahahahahaha


Typical South African attitude, 1)cant run an event properly, 2)lose it to someone else, 3)blames everybody else for it.

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Absolute K.............K, I am not from any objecting club and frankly I don't care who runs the race, I just believe it could have been way better organised and safer, to add to my further rant after the race, there could have at least been a traffic officer or a marshal placed at the T-Junction where people turn to go back towards Joburg, it took us over 20 mins just to get over the stop street.


20 minutes to get over a stop street?


Cool story bro


Sorry dude, I didnt read this part properly

Edited by Escapee..
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Absolute K.............K, I am not from any objecting club and frankly I don't care who runs the race, I just believe it could have been way better organised and safer, to add to my further rant after the race, there could have at least been a traffic officer or a marshal placed at the T-Junction where people turn to go back towards Joburg, it took us over 20 mins just to get over the stop street.

Not sure when you left, but when i left, probably somewhere around 10:30 or so, there most definitely was a traffic officer or marshall( i forget which one) at the T Junction where you turn right to lanseria or left to Harties.

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