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Incidents 'attacks' at the cradle


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Does anyone know if there have been recent incidents or attacks on cyclists at the Cradle.

Where can one go to try find out the facts and not hearsay or exaggerations. Thanks

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My sister and I were cycling at The Cradle Saturday morning, we were on the section of road that goes past The Cradle Restaurant, Teak Place and eventually the Lion Park, cycling in the direction of the Lion Park. We were just nearing the top of a climb when we spotted two unsavory characters - one was carrying a panga, they were looking directly at us.....fortunately for us a group of 10-15 cyclists appeared on the opposite side of the road. The two unsavory characters looked from us to the group and back again....we put our heads down and rode as fast as we could giving them a wide berth and fortunately hit a downhill and sped down the hill, half way down we phoned a friend to call the cops and warned all cyclists we saw going in that direction. Apparently the area patrol car was called, but we did not see any cops on the route. On arriving back at Something Country I was told there had been 2 bike jackings outside Toadburry Hall on Saturday morning, this was according to the manager at Something Country.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If there was an incident there, I am pretty sure it would pop up on the Hub in no time.

My sister and I were cycling at The Cradle Saturday morning, we were on the section of road that goes past The Cradle Restaurant, Teak Place and eventually the Lion Park, cycling in the direction of the Lion Park. We were just nearing the top of a climb when we spotted two unsavory characters - one was carrying a panga, they were looking directly at us.....fortunately for us a group of 10-15 cyclists appeared on the opposite side of the road. The two unsavory characters looked from us to the group and back again....we put our heads down and rode as fast as we could giving them a wide berth and fortunately hit a downhill and sped down the hill, half way down we phoned a friend to call the cops and warned all cyclists we saw going in that direction. Apparently the area patrol car was called, but we did not see any cops on the route. On arriving back at Something Country I was told there had been 2 bike jackings outside Toadburry Hall on Saturday morning, this was according to the manager at Something Country.

We were out cycling in a group of 12 people from Team Philile as on does there is always different strengths in a group out training. we had pulled over at the circle which turns left towards Toadbury Hall, then onto The Rhino Lion Park. We regrouped had refreshments and then off we went again. I landed up on my own as some cyclists tackled the hill that is steep and bends towards the right. There was a young black man with a blue t-shirt, denims and a blue bike standing on the side of the road. i didn't think anything of it. I still cycled passed him and greeted him. The next thing I felf someone grab me from behind. I managed to jump off my bike and keep it betwwe him and I and I just started to scream. There was a couple up ahead who heard me and started shouting to the people ahaead of them and they all came down to my assistance. The dude turned and ran. Luckily I was unharmed. He later +- 40 min later manged to get to 1 of our slower riders and scare the daylights out of her as well. We both got away unharmed physically but mentally that will stick with us for a long time to come. We called the police from Something Country where we park our vehicles. The cops arrived only to tell 7us there is nothing they can do as the area where we were attacked was not in the area it fell under Krugersdorp. They got in there vehicle and drove off. There are many people who go out there and park and do the loop thinking it is safe. It is not and I feel we reaaly need to warn people especially ladies that go out on the own. Please be carefull

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Why are all of you so new or inactive to the Hub? And your one post before is also about safety/danger areas?


Maybe I'm just wary but seems like a dodgy thread right here...

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Yes, in terms of post count of the querier to the answerers .....questions. If authentic, apologies for the doubt.


But cant rule out that it's scaremongering by reactionary residents, this time of the year a lot of cyclists out getting ready for 94.7 ... what was that nut case's name in a bakkie that almost rode cyclist off the road and also made violent threats? Also been tacks thrown on the roads there.

Edited by kosmonooit
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Have cycled the cradle during the week, weekends and mostly alone and have never had any issues.... I worry more about glass on the road than individuals walking there...

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I'll keep saying it until we win our freedom back!!



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We were out cycling in a group of 12 people from Team Philile as on does there is always different strengths in a group out training. we had pulled over at the circle which turns left towards Toadbury Hall, then onto The Rhino Lion Park. We regrouped had refreshments and then off we went again. I landed up on my own as some cyclists tackled the hill that is steep and bends towards the right. There was a young black man with a blue t-shirt, denims and a blue bike standing on the side of the road. i didn't think anything of it. I still cycled passed him and greeted him. The next thing I felf someone grab me from behind. I managed to jump off my bike and keep it betwwe him and I and I just started to scream. There was a couple up ahead who heard me and started shouting to the people ahaead of them and they all came down to my assistance. The dude turned and ran. Luckily I was unharmed. He later +- 40 min later manged to get to 1 of our slower riders and scare the daylights out of her as well. We both got away unharmed physically but mentally that will stick with us for a long time to come. We called the police from Something Country where we park our vehicles. The cops arrived only to tell 7us there is nothing they can do as the area where we were attacked was not in the area it fell under Krugersdorp. They got in there vehicle and drove off. There are many people who go out there and park and do the loop thinking it is safe. It is not and I feel we reaaly need to warn people especially ladies that go out on the own. Please be carefull


What happened to the blue bike, did he leave it behind.

Edited by scotty
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The cops say it is not their area, that is so typical.


I would love to see if you beat the socks off one of these buggers if the cops would still come with well it's not our area. I somehow don't think so.

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What happened to the blue bike, did he leave it behind.

And, why wait until you are finished cycling to call the cops? Why weren't the cops called at the scene? I think everyone carries their cellphone.

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I ride on my own on sundays and the one day this bloke on blue retro bike cycled all along with me and gutt wise i got quite suspicious. Stayed behind him and the slower i went the slower he went, until i sprinted off and he could not keep up.


So I wont discount these stories but somehow see this as some bloke with "issues" rather than a hardcore criminal, he needs a few shots of pepperspray and snot klaps then he will move on somewhere else.

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I ride on my own on sundays and the one day this bloke on blue retro bike cycled all along with me and gutt wise i got quite suspicious. Stayed behind him and the slower i went the slower he went, until i sprinted off and he could not keep up.


So I wont discount these stories but somehow see this as some bloke with "issues" rather than a hardcore criminal, he needs a few shots of pepperspray and snot klaps then he will move on somewhere else.


I know of this incident , and it is true , the second rider is a cousin of one of my colleagues . The lady in question was accosted from behind , he tried to push her off, when she turned around she saw he was holding his P----s in his other hand , she kicked him off his bike , and rode off screaming at the top of her lungs , he tried to run after her, but other riders turned around to assist and he got away.


Seems this dude targets women . So a warning posted on the hub - use it or lose it

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